Alright, Mark Twain is probably turning in his grave right now as I ruin his story but here goes nothing.

Prince Phineas had the life of pure perfection. A life where you don't have to do anything, you can just get people to do it for you. However if you asked him, he'd trade it in a heartbeat. Same for a different Phineas, a peasant and always will be. He always wondered how someone could be so lucky to be born into a family where all of your needs are fulfilled with one word. Say it and it's done. That's what he wanted. But when they get the chance, will everything be wanted they dreamed it would be?

"Also could you pick up some food for tonight?" Phineas' mother shouted as her son left the house.

"Sure mom."

He left the house into the commons area where you could see the castle in the distance it was so large.

"That must be the life." He said in awe. Even if he saw it every day he never got used to it. What life must've been like there. It had to be great living without a single care in the world. What could possibly be wrong with it there?

"What must be the life?" A girl asked walking up to him.

"Hi Gretchen. You know living in the castle, being royalty."

"Really, I don't think so."

He looked confused at his friend. "You don't?"

"No, I mean I bet it would be fun for a while," she started walking around as the chatter of the commons area started to overpower her voice. "But sooner or later it would just get boring, all those rules and junk. Always having to dress up-"

"Gourmet meals made for you," Phineas said interrupting her. "Money for free-spending."

"See that's the thing, when would you ever have time to spend it when you're so busy all the time?"

"Agree to disagree," Phineas said walking over to a food booth. "I think life over there is perfect."

"Well if you ever get the chance to figure out what it's like it will prove my point to be correct."

"Wish me luck with that happening," he grabbed the basket of food and paid the small amount of money he had. He then preceded to hand his friend the food. "Could you drop this off at my house, I found this place that has a great view of the castle."

"Uh sure, where is this place?"

"Very long story, I'm sure you don't want to hear about it. Point is, there is this place right outside the castle, as long as you don't get caught because the guards are kind of, you know right there."

He started to run off but his friend grabbed his arm and pulled him back in. "What? Do you know how much trouble you could get in for doing that?"

"I know, but it's worth it, I won't get caught trust me. And don't tell my mom she'll worry, it will be a whole big thing." He ran off toward this new spot he found while Gretchen sighed.

"He's going to get himself killed."

Phineas moved around the area swerving into different places trying to get there. His memory was picture perfect. Up the stairs across the bridge, through the alley and climb a wall and a small hole should be there. While he climbed up the wall he started running excited to find this place. Next thing he knew he was in the flower beds.

"Overshot the landing." He said angry with himself.

"I know," He heard someone say above him. "A simple question though, why didn't you just come in through the front?"

He looked up and saw the most beautiful sight he ever laid eyes on. A girl with long raven black hair with luxurious white clothes stood above him. Phineas mind searched for words, but all he can find was, "Huh?"

"Also why are you wearing those clothes, if anyone sees you like that you'll surely be in huge trouble. People will mistake you for a peasant."

He got up and dusted himself off. "Because I am one."

She looked at him wide eyed wondering what the heck was this guy talking about.

"Have you kind of, lost your mind?"

"I'm not sure."

"Um okay," she said looking uncomfortable. "Bye Prince Phineas. And remember you have to try on some things later for the dinner when you're not busy, you know going insane."

What did she just say? He had no idea why in the world she would call him Prince Phineas, but if this was some kind of long lost heir to the throne thing he surely wasn't going to complain.

Meanwhile in the castle, the real prince was about to gouge his eyes out. There were so many things you had to learn to be a prince. I mean what were they training you for, to be the possible king of England or to be the smartest man on Earth. He never asked to be born into the royal family; it was out of his control. Besides it wasn't like he was going to be king anytime soon. His dad was healthy, and Ferb would get the throne before him being the older sibling. So why in the world was he forced to study how to be king?

"X equals-"

"Excuse me, would you mind if I step outside for a second? Maybe continue this later?"

"Prince Phineas, though I would love to let you go, you have to get this done by tonight."

"Well can I just step out for a few minutes?"

The man looked at his board and simply put his chalk down. "Of course, maybe a break for the both of you will be good."

Ferb looked up and his hand slowly stopped writing. He followed his brother outside the classroom.

"Why did you want a break?" Ferb asked.

"Just needed one."

His brother nodded and went back to his silence.

"You know what I never understood, why can't I get a break? You obviously like this stuff, I don't why are we both forced to do this."

Ferb kept to his silence.

"I know it's the rules, but still," they both walked toward the window. "I just want-"

They looked down and saw Isabella talking to someone in the flower beds. It was hard to see from the distance, but the prince swore he saw a triangle head. Apparently Ferb noticed very well as his eyes widened and he looked from the window to his brother and slowly backed away.

"Ferb, I'm not a ghost, it's probably just a look alike." He thought for a second. A smile slowly crept on his face. "Promise me you won't tell anyone."

"What are you planning?"

"Just promise."

He pretended to lock his mouth. Phineas excitedly started to run across the castle trying to find Isabella. Finally he bumped into her not looking where he was going. After they regained their senses Isabella almost lost them again.

"How did you that?"

"Was I just outside?" He said not letting his plans be known to Isabella.

"Yeah, you were dressed in rags and-"

"That's because it was a trick! I was trying to play a trick on Ferb. Sorry you ran into it."

"But how did you get up here so quickly?"

Oh, he never thought about that question.

Think of something quick, think of something quick!

"I'm just fast that way."

Well that was something, and that was quick. I really need to rephrase that next time to something like, think of something smart and believable, quick.

"Um, okay. Well I'm going to go take a rest; I think I may be losing it a little."

"Good idea, that's a good idea."

He ran toward one of his guards and gave him specific instructions. Find the peasant that looks like him.

Commons Area

Gretchen could see the guards in ruby red approaching. She knew it had to have something to do with Phineas.

Oh boy.

She ran toward her friend's house and vigorously knocked on the door.

"Hi Gretchen," He said opening up the door. "I tried to find you, you'll never believe what happened-"

"There are guards coming probably looking for you."

"Why, I didn't do anything wrong."

"I don't know. Like I said, probably."

A look of worry spread across his face. "Okay, I'll see what they want."

"What? My suggestion would've been hide! That's like saying, 'oh look there is a fire, why don't I walk into it'.

"Look, I know I didn't do anything, what's the worse that can happen?

He started walking into the vision of the guards. At first they ignored him, he was off the hook. Finally a guard pointed him out and motioned him over.


"The prince would like to see you."


"Just come with us, I'm sure he'll tell you."

"Would you mind if I told my friend I'm not in trouble?"

"Yes." He pulled him up on the horse and started back to the castle. Gretchen looked on worried. Phineas gave her thumbs up that calmed her nerves a little.


The prince looked the peasant over. Amazing. They could have been twins! All the facial features were the exact same. This plan would work perfect!

"What would you say if I had a proposition that can benefit both of us?"


"You give me your clothes, you stay here. I take yours, and we just do a little switcheroo huh?"

Phineas looked it over. This was his chance to be prince. But now that the opportunity was handed to him he was kind of nervous. The inside of the castle was so large in comparison to his place. He didn't think he was ready.

"I don't know about that."

"It's simple, you just sit, smile and nod and enjoy the good life of a prince. I enjoy the free life of a peasant! It's a win-win!

"But why would you want to give up being a prince?"

He had to be careful here. One wrong word and his chance would be gone. He had to put it in a way where this guy can still want to do it, and keep it believable.

"Well, sometimes I just need a break. It's hard work doing it for a long time, but you get it good. You only have to do it for a day or so, then we can switch. And can we hurry up with this? I, meaning you, have something to get back to in like five minutes."

"Okay fine, I'll do it, but we need to set some rules."

"Seems fair."

"Okay, we have to tell my mom, she'll get really scared and worried if she figures out I'm not me. I'll go back home and let her know and be back in a flash."

"Okay what else?"

He thought for a few seconds. "That's it I guess."

"Good. Alright, Ferb will find out about this after you say one word. He'll keep it secret, however Isabella, try to keep it from her for as long as you can."

"Is that the-"

"Yes, that's the one you met outside."

"Oh," Phineas said.

"Is there a problem with that?"

"Well I'm a prince now, what do I say to her?"

"You shouldn't have to say anything, we rarely talk anyway. Just don't fall in love with her okay." He said laughing.

"I'll try my hardest." The peasant said with a serious face.

"Oh, I was joking."

His cheeks burned with embarrassment. "So was I?"

"You like her?"

"You don't?"

"Not really."

The peasant looked at the prince shocked. "Wow. That's so-"

"You know what we have to do this later. Do we have a deal?"

The two shook hands.


Sorry the ending was rushed. I was trying to get it done and it turned out this way. Anyway, I hope you liked it. If you did review and let me know if you want me to continue it. Bye! :)

Not reviewing is punishable by law.