Hey, fellow dudes and dudettes! This SHOULD be a cross-over between Batman/Justice League/Teen Titans, but I couldn't do three and I couldn't figure out the right categories and ARGHHHH! So…yeah. Now it's here.

This is my first story, so don't kill me if it gets a little crazy or confusing! Just drop me a note Critiques are appreciated!

Also, this chapter is shorter than normal chapters- most chapters will be a lot longer Yaaaaaaaay…*groan*

Yuppers. I probably won't be able to update this at all during November due to it being NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH (aka NaNoWriMo) and I'm going to write a different novel the whole month, so…I can't write anything else, really XP


Disclaimer (funny how I forgot this the first 3 times I tried to upload this XP): I don't own Teen Titans. Or Batman. Or the Justice League. Or The Joining. (although that's be cool XP)

Spiderwebs hang from every square inch of the spaceship. A musty stench wafts through the corridor, and mold grows along the walls. Old Earth technology is scattered across the floor- a broken cell phone, a chipped satellite, as well as an old, dusty yellow belt with an R along the front. It holds different weapons, including a chipped Bat-a-rang, old smokebombs, and…a Bat communicator.

All of a sudden, the communicator vibrates and a bat flashes on the front of the screen. A robot-like creature raced over to the communicator, holding it in it's' hands. Its' eyes begin to glow rapidly, and the communicator's flashing begins to darken.

Finally, the communicator dies out, and the robot seems to smile. "The signal has been traced!" the robot cries. "It traces to Jump City, California, on Planet Earth!"

"Earth?" a voice from the darkness whispers. "Good…that should be him. Send the troops."

The robot nods and sends a message, one by one, to each of the millions of robots awaiting command.

Go to Jump City. Find him and bring him to our leader. When the message has been received, find the Batman and kill him.

Yup. The rest of the chapters will probably be better than this, I just wrote this really quickly so more people would be able to find it and read it. There also wasn't much to work with, if you know what I mean *wink wink*

So, I'll try and get another chapter out this week! Yaaaaay! Laters :P
