A.N: And thus begins my second story. YAY! Remember to read my first story; The Mobius Code: Revelation.

Without further adue, I present to you...

The Mobius Code

Red Dawn

Chapter 1

Thus Closes the Biography

Eggman's Base


22:35 Mobius Time

It was empty and hollow inside the corridors of Eggman's base. The only lighting was provided by the eerie glow of emergency power lights. Through a door off to the side, the chubby scientist could be seen welding together pieces of metal. The sparks flared about as the final stages of the design were finished. As he pulled his mask off and glanced at his creation, he grinned ear to ear. On the table lay Neo Metal Shadow, his latest and greatest creation. It had taken time, but he finally managed to build a fully operational Shadow android, possibly holding more potential than the real Shadow. Especially since it had contained a single chaos emerald. The gleaming red gem gave off an incandescent sort of light, supplying more heat than light. The emerald was fake, of course, but he had recently learned how to recycle chaos energy, basically forming a new chaos emerald. It didn't have all the amazing benefits of a real chaos emerald however, running only on negative energy. This didn't bother him in the slightest bit, seeing as he planned to make two more bots, similar to it.

"Alas, it is finally finished!" The maniacal master mind announced, his booming voice traveling through the complex, reaching the ears of one bat. Soul's ears perked up to the shout and grinned slightly. The lounge was quite comfortable. It held only a single large sofa, and a television to boot. To Soul though, T.V. lacked the manipulability of a book. You could pretty much recreate the scenery in a book with the right amount of imagination.

He pulled out a book from underneath the seat and gazed over the front cover.

It read: The Greatest Experiment. A Documentary of Miles Prower's Life.

He flipped the book over to see his birth… and death year. 3442-3482. He smirked at the date, as he always had. It pleased him to no end that this fox died. He had analyzed this several times in his travels. Uncle Mephiles had brought it to him in the days when he wandered free across the plane of time. Apparently, in some future that hadn't happened yet, the fox was killed by Eggman's forces for being part of the resistance.

He opened the book to a date that had been later than the current date. 3480. Eggman had apparently taken over in this year. To his surprise, the words on the page had begun vanishing. They faded from the page as if wiped by an invisible sponge. No sooner than that, the pages began flipping themselves erratically. He dropped the biography on the floor as the flipping ceased. On it read: March-14-3456. More words faded onto the page, but they were illegible.

"As Uncle would say… 'The future just ain't what it used to be.'" Soul said to himself.

The future was rewriting itself.

Starting with today.


Tails Underground Workshop


1:17 Mobius Time

"Watch your head!" Tails shouted as they dodged yet another rocket. Whoever this person was, they had quite the arsenal up their sleeve. Where she got them, he had no idea. Perhaps a form of limited chaos control, like with Amy's Pico-Pico hammers.

'Wait, why am I analyzing this?" He thought to himself in question. 'Why am I analyzing why I'm analyzing this situation? There are more important things to do!'

He flicked his hand down again and the tube of the rocket launcher was sliced off. In the midst of the confusion, Shadow teleported In front of her and struck an astonishing blow to her abdomen. Her body recoiled from the immense strength and landed in a pile of scrap. When she leaped out of the trash, she hadn't a scratch on her body.

"Is that the best you can do?" She questioned the hedgehog as she rushed him. They resumed hand to hand combat, a battle which the black fox won, hands down. The battle was starting to go downhill. She had already somehow managed to catch Sonic off guard, putting him into a state of unconsciousness. Amy had been downed along with him, as well as Shadow now.

Durin used his pyro-kinesis and launched a projectile of fire in her direction. One which she easily dodged, before assaulting him. She struck a properly placed blow to the neck and Durin fell to the floor.

"You people are laughable!" She stated. She was then launched backward by an invisible force. She looked up to see her attacker, to discover an orange vixen. Her hands pulsed green as she returned to the group.

'Troublesome idiots." She mused. She returned to her standing position and pulled out an L96A1 sniper from seemingly nowhere. Only she knew the exact coordinates of her store house. Sadly, here objective was to neutralize, not kill. She removed the current clip and stocked it with ballistic needles, coated in her very own sleeper agent. She fired a single needle at the orange fox. The needle entered her body and she slumped to the floor moments later. Upon seeing her ally fall, Ana retaliated with a barrage of her own needles, each coated with her own special poison. They gleamed with a purple tint as the black fox dodged everyone perfectly.

She popped the bolt and a small shell was discarded, leaving space for another needle round to slip into its place. The bolt was closed and she placed a needle into Sam. Even his normally ecstatic charisma vanished when met with the needle, and he fell to the floor as well. She popped the bolt again and inserted another needle, which was soon fired at Knuckles with perfect accuracy.

Bodies were slumped everywhere. Even Sonic had his speed snuffed away by the intoxicating hypes. All that remained were Ana, Shane, Shadow, Cosmo and Tails. The black fox approached them, psychotically chuckling to herself. Tails stood defiantly, his arms extended to protect his loved one.

"Who are you?" He demanded a hint of groaning in his voice. He couldn't unlock any gates. Not in his condition to say the least. The black vixen gave a deathly stare, one that shot shivers up their spines.

"I am Karen." She stated. "That's all you need to know."

Karen charged them, her hands now duel wielding MAC11 SMGs, also containing her specialized needles. As her index finger came about to pull the trigger, a violent explosion occurred in the middle of the conflict. They were all blown away by the force of the shockwave.

In the epicenter of the explosion, knelt a white hedgehog. Her small ears barely poked through her black hair that flared out at the top. She wore a skimpy shirt, only held by a collar and belt. It exposed her yellow underbelly, but was decent enough to cover her… You know. Her small hedgehog tail protruded from her black pants, which somewhat draped over her yellow sneakers. On her hands, she wore black fingerless gloves, accompanied by to gold rings on her left wrist.

She peered over her shoulder, glancing over Shane with her dark blue eyes. "It's been a long time, Optimus." Shane only answered with a puzzled expression.

The hedgehog's gaze shifted over to Karen and she smirked. "Ah… I remember you." She murmured as she stood from her kneeling position. "I have a score to settle."

She shifted her left hand to her scabbard, preparing to draw a sword. Upon touch however, the sword changed instantly to a handgun, a Desert Eagle with a small green crystal on the grip. She imbued herself in a light, which quickly dispersed, showing her now dark blue fur color. Also sprouted from her back were wings that appeared to be of some sort of dragon.

The recently transformed hedgehog fired of several high caliber rounds into Karen. The rounds meshed into her body, but made no damage. Seeing the ineffectiveness of her strategy, she mad another transformation, this time her fur was a shining yellow. She sprouted angelic wings from her back and her weapon became a long sword, encrusted upon the hilt was a white crystal now.

She condensed light energy into her hand and lobbed it at the opposing fox. The light grenade created a blinding flash that affected all except her. She rushed Karen and sliced through her body. The gleaming sword created a large gash in her body and the stricken howled a cry of pain. Tails and the other conscious animals gazed at the figure and her amazing skill in a battle situation, making quick work out of an enemy that gave the combined power of fifteen others a run for their money.

"Troublesome fool. I'll be back!" Karen announced before her body melted away, forming a purple substance before vanishing through the cracks. The mysterious hedgehog reverted back to her grey form, sheathing her sword.

"I'm Alexa if that's what you're wondering." She said, answering the unasked question. "Look at the situation you've gotten yourself into Optimus."

Shane stared at the hedgehog known as Alexa and asked, "Why do you keep calling me that?"

"Don't you remember?" She asked, before contorting her smile into a small circle. "Oh yeah, you don't know me yet… I think I'll just call you Shane."

"What the heck is everyone talking about?" Tails shouted, waving his arms frantically overhead. "Shane, do you know this girl?"

He gave a moment's thought and searched his vast bank of memories. "Nope." He replied firmly.

Alexa smiled a little before speaking again. "That's because we haven't met yet."

"Of course we haven't met yet! Why would I be asking if I already knew you?"

"I mean we haven't met yet, because I came back in time, Shane." She replied calmly. "Now come on, we have wounded to treat."

With a curt nod, Shane retreated to the others lying around. They set them up against the wall, awaiting their awakening. In his sleep, Gary managed mutter, "I don't fit into your box." The first to wake up however, was Sonic.


"You're in the workshop." Tails answered quickly. Shadow looked around and pointed at Alexa.


He was cut off by Alexa, who answered almost immediately. "I'm Alexa. Let's just say I'm here to help."

He sat up and turned his head about, as if looking for something. He shot up onto his feet and growled, "Where is she?"

"She's gone." Tails replied, "Alexa repelled her."

The others began waking up, and in moments, the whole lot had woken from their hastily forced slumber. Cosmo ran around, applying her healing hand where ever it was needed. Most of the wounds had been treated, and rest was now in order for the next day.

After debriefing the formerly unconscious and asleep of the remainder of the battle, the crowd dispersed, going to their respective homes. On their way home, Amy and Sonic discussed the fight.

"I can't believe how strong Tails is getting!" she exclaimed, "I remember not even one week ago, he tried to…" Her voiced faded in remembrance of that horrible event. They really did almost lose him that day.

"It's okay Amy. That's water under the bridge." The heroic hedgehog replied. Although, the hero of today was this new Alexa girl. "Besides, in the past week we've inducted fourteen forces to be reckoned with. First, it was those twelve that appeared out of nowhere. Then Tails, and now we have this transforming girl."

Amy brought her finger to her lip and began nibbling on it out of nervousness. "Sonic, what if Tails gets too strong for his own good." Sonic's eyes widened for a moment, thinking just for a minute that Tails might betray them or something.

"I doubt that Amy, I don't think Tails would do anything to hurt us." He stated confidently. He then reverted back to a thoughtful state of mind. 'What if…'


Angel Island Alter


8:16 Mobius Time

The birds fluttered about this morning, in their attempt to find food. The wind blew against the trees, causing a gentle sway in their fragile branches and leaves. One might have thought all was well with everything. One thoughtful echidna was not well this morning however. He thought over the previous night, and how he was saved by a hedgehog he didn't know, a fox at least six years younger than him, a snake with an on edge temper, a black hedgehog who called himself the ultimate life form (That name was rightfully Tails' by now), and an ice wielding fox. Even Cosmo had helped in the after math by using her new healing abilities.

"I feel ashamed." Knuckles thought aloud, his voice dripped with disappointment. Beside him was a pink echidna. Her head was leaned against his shoulder and her eyes were closed calmly. She was, however, not asleep.

"About what, Knuckles?" She asked quietly. It wasn't like him to feel down about himself.

"Last night, we had to fend off an enemy in Tails' workshop." He explained, "I couldn't even lay a finger on her. We were at the end of our rope, and some hedgehog came out of nowhere. She expunged the enemy, and I was unconscious."

Julie-Su's eyes lowered and she soon found herself staring at the floor. "Maybe you need to train more." She suggested, attempting to lighten the mood. Apparently, it worked.

"You're right Jules." He said while in the process of standing. As he looked out in the direction of the sun, he vowed mentally to become stronger. Not just for the Master Emerald, but for Julie-Su as well.


Tails House/Workshop


10:01 Mobius Time

In the Tails' peaceful house, breakfast had been recently finished, and everyone went about to do their business. Tails approached Cosmo, question in mind and food in stomach.

"Hey Cosmo, what else can you do?" He asked.

Cosmo had a befuddled look on her face before the intention clicked. "Oh, you mean my powers. Really, all I can do is heal. It seems to be my expertise." She answered modestly. They continued the conversation unto other miscellaneous topics in the eventuality. Outside, the new girl was being broke in.

Before they could speak, Alexa put up her hand in retort. "I already know who all of you are." She stated firmly, making her intention clear. "All you need to know about me is that I have the same resolve as you."

Introductions went no further, for there was simply no need for them. "We need to start doing reconnaissance and gathering data on Eggman's whereabouts." Shane proclaimed, displaying a large, accurate map of Mobius.

"This map includes all of planet Mobius." Gary said, pointing at the map. He encompassed their general area with his finger. "We know that Eggman is somewhere in this area, based on the future. Our objective is to find any clues as to where his base is. DISMISSED!"

With that, they fled off in fanning directions. As they searched, Shadow appeared at Tails' doorstep. After a series of knocks and the usual meet and greet, he began his topic. "Tails, we need to start training everyone to fight better."

Tails had understood immediately. They would have failed hadn't it been for Alexa, so Shadows proposition was entirely valid. "Sure. But, where will we do it?"

After a moment of thought, Shadow came to a conclusion. "Angel Island will probably be in best interest. Cosmo should come to. Her healing abilities will be of great use."

"Good. You spread the word and I'll bring Cosmo."

The short conversation came to a close when Shadow nodded and pulled out his green chaos emerald, shouting, "Chaos Control!"

Cosmo came in minutes later, and asked who it had been.

"It was just Shadow. We're going to start holding training sessions for the others since we almost got obliterated be that Karen person." He stated, "He wants you to come in case there are any injuries, okay?"

"Of course!" Cosmo exclaimed, indicating her peppy mood.

Given a moment's thought, Tails came upon a decision. "We can't use the X-Tornado; it would draw to much attention. Plus, I'm faster." Having said that, he and Cosmo walked out the door, and locked it.

"You ready Cosmo?" Tails asked. After receiving a dithery nod, he scooped her up bridal style and began spinning his three tails. Though a little edgy at first, he adjusted to three tailed flight and careened toward Angel Island at Mach 2.

Cosmo held on for dear life. She never felt so exhilarated in her life. 'This must be what it feels like to attain such an amazing speed.' She thought. The ground seemed to mesh into a blend of color as they sped through the air.

"This isn't even my top speed." Tails cockily stated, grinning in the fashion that Sonic normally does. Seconds later, Tails reversed the spinning direction of his tails, decreasing the speed 'till it was a steady hover. Below them was the training grounds; Angel Island.

As they landed, they noticed Shadow flashing in, leaving Sonic, and blipping out again. "Hey Tails!" He shouted as they walked towards him. "Are you here to train to?"

"Yeah, but I'm helping train to." Tails replied.

Sonic smirked at the thought of Tails helping them train. 'You certainly have changed Shadow.' He thought as Shadow flickered in, Amy in tow. Several minutes later, he had gathered Knuckles, Julie-Su, Rouge, and even Cream.

"Alright, does everyone know why we're here?" Shadow asked. He received several firm nods as an answer.

Tails moved around next to Shadow and spoke in his ear. After some back and forth whispering, Tails spoke. "We will be training for fighting. We will train strength, endurance, speed and form. We can go down to an individual level later." He announced. He set the sparing groups up so it was Sonic and Knuckles were a group, Amy, Julie-Su and Rouge were another group, and Tails and Shadow acted as demonstrators. "You will spar until you can spar no more." Shadow bellowed. "Afterwards we will assess your faults and work to improve them."

As Shadow began, and monitored the sparing, Tails moved off to the side to speak with Cosmo and Cream. "Cosmo, I want you to teach Cream everything you know about medical technicalities." He said. He knew how Cream disliked violence, so being a medic was the next best thing. With a curt nod the two girls moved off in their own direction.

Tails returned to Shadow so he could begin sparing as well. They grinned at each other as they got into their fighting stances. Without a moment's notice, they rushed one another and exchanged blows and blocks so quickly, it looked like they'd been doing it for years. Reality is, when you move over the speed of sound, you tend see things going a lot slower than they actually are. Finally, Shadow landed a crushing round house kick that would have put Chuck Norris to shame. Tails was launched to the side, but managed to barely flip into a standing position by pushing himself off the ground with his arms in mid-launch.

They stopped in battle to see Amy pulling her hammer on Rouge. With the swiftness of the wind, Shadow and Tails rushed in. Shadow held back Amy's hammer, and Tails stopped Julie-Su and Rouge mid-punch.

"Remember Amy, this is sparing, not weapon practice. You can't use your hammer." Shadow reminded her. A very pissed looking Amy reluctantly agreed, and her Pico-Pico hammer disappeared.

Before Tails went back to practicing, he spoke with Amy. "Tell you what…" He said in a whisper, "If you tell me how you make your hammer appear like that, or if it does it on its own, later I can make you an even more powerful hammer. But later, okay?"

Amy's joyful squealing was enough of a yes for him, so he went back over Shadow to continue the sparing session. Sonic and Knuckles stopped for a while to see them spar. They seemed to be neck and neck.

"Can you believe he can keep up with Shadow?" Knuckles wondered. Sonic stared and marveled at Tails' incredible ability.

"Yeah, and he's not even allowed to use his powers. One day, he might become better than all of us combined." He stated. Tails was still young and inexperienced, but he seemed to be catching onto Shadows fighting style. He was already showing it by blocking most of Shadows blows and quickly implementing a counter attack.

Knuckles wore a concerned look when he remembered what he had been told long ago. 'Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.' How would Tails act now that he understood this power? Though not having an answer for that question, He assumed the saying was created because most Mobians went corrupt with power. Sonic had overcome that, but Tails was a war device. He was created for the sole purpose of destruction.

Having seen Knuckles concerned look, Sonic reacted quickly. "Don't worry Knuckles, Tails will be fine. Let's not dwell on that thought. We'll cross that bridge when, and if, we come to it."

That said, they continued sparing.


The Great Forest


16:57 Mobius Time

She'd been searching for hours and hadn't found anything. Of course she happened to pick the most obsolete place, thinking something would be there, but it turns out that she was wrong. Sapphire propped herself up against a tree and rested her worn out feet. Flying wouldn't find her anything if the base were underground, so she stuck with good old ground transportation.

As luck would have it, she picked up a soft noise off in the distance. She quickly hid herself in a tree. Closer analysis, however, indicated that it was a mere squirrel. Annoyed by another false alarm, she flew off, fed up with the exercise. Had she stayed a bit longer, she would have heard the shout of frustration Eggman gave due to yet another failed mission. Inside the underground base, he yelled at the black fox, inquiring how she failed such a simple mission.

Her only reply was, "I was outnumbered. Next time, I'll be more careful."