Hey, welcome to my first proper fanfic, please enjoy and review.

Each chapter will focus on a certain character with the chapter being, Rachel.

May 24th 2011 4:00PM

"You guys want to see what twelfth place looks like?" Will excitedly said whilst he trusted the twelfth place nationals trophy above his head.

All of New Directions cheered before Rachel took center room.

"Well despite our close loss at nationals-"

"Which was your fault" Butted in Mercedes,

"Yes, but anyway I think now would be the perfect time to perform a song that I've been working on since we got back from-"

"Will you ever stop talking, just please?" Santana said before turning back to Brittany.

"Rachel what song do you plan on singing?" Asked Will still clutching the trophy,

"Well it's a classic, originally performed-"

"Mweep Mweep Mweep Mweep Mweep" The lock-down alarm ringed throughout the school followed by a crackling message from principle Figgins on the schools intercom,

"Students and staff you are not to be alarmed two men with firearms have been sighted inside the school, now if all-"The sound of the east Indian's voice was cut short.

The choir room was chaotic; Brittany had managed to knock Artie out of his chair. Will was pushing to piano towards the door whilst Rachel was insisting he let her sing, and Sam somehow managed to lock himself in Mr. Schuester's office.

"Everybody, keep quiet and keep down low. Everything is going to be fine." Will whisper as he flicked the light switch, showering the room in a black blanket.

They all sat down quietly in the room with the only source of light being the light in the hall coming through the glass window in the door, a figure flashed pass it was the easily recognizable fro of Jacob Ben Israel.

The sudden noise of a gunshot came from the hallway and the silence in the choir room was quickly filled the click of Rachel's shoes as she headed towards the piano and climbed on it to door to take a look.

"He's, oh my god, Jacob is dead!"

Rachel's mind instantly stopped thinking about this situation being great for her emotions in her near future Broadway career, and started to think about Jacob he may have been a creep but never would she of wanted him dead.

She flashed back to reality and could see Noah, Mike and Finn charging towards the door, was it to find the killer or to leave to noisy sobs of Tina after hearing that someone had been shot? Most likely both.

"Where are you two going? If you haven't noticed Jacob just died!" Rachel said in her loudest whisper.

"If you haven't noticed Jew-fro is dead. Finn, Mike and I are going to get the guy and let him taste my fist." Puck said rising his fist to make a statement.

"Finn you can't, it's too dangerous." Rachel stood in front of the door her fingers crossed that Finn would stay.

"No, I have too, I love you." Finn kissed Rachel on the forehead.

Rachel stepped aside allowing Noah and Finn (Mike stayed behind for Tina) to push the piano away from the door and go into the hallway leaving her there silently starting to cry.

May 24th 2011 8:00PM

Each member of New Directions (minus Finn and Puck) lay down on the floor trying to get to sleep.

Sam (who did manage to get out of the office) was laying near Mercedes but not to close so nobody thought they were dating, Brittany snuggled up to Santana telling her that she was worried about Lord Tubbington (even though he was at home) and if the men with the arms on fire got him. Lauren was tapping away at her iPhone trying to pass the time. Tina was making out with Mike to thank him for not going with Puck and Finn. Kurt was in a deep whispering conversation with Quinn about her new haircut, next to them was Artie slumped against his chair in a deep sleep. Rachel sat on her own just starting to cry again wondering if Finn, her Finn was dead.

Rachel was facing Tina and Mike watching them make out, she originally was jealous not because of whom it was but because of the fact that Tina got Mike to stay but she couldn't get Finn. Soon afterwords however she felt sadness the shear fact that maybe her Finny may not come back alive. Through her sobs she somehow managed to drift in a deep sleep.

May 25th 2011 6:30AM

"Rachel, Rachel." Said the calm voice of Will as he gave Rachel a gentle shake,

"What, why aren't I in my bed?" she said as she lifted her body form her uncomfortable position of the floor.

"The school is in lock-down, remember." Will replied as he pulled Rachel to her feet.

"Where is Finn?" Rachel questioned, not wanting to her the answer she didn't want.

"He hasn't, he's not back yet." Will said before walking off to wake you Tina and Mike, still in each others arms.

Rachel suddenly snapped she felt furious what if Finn was dead and everyone was still here acting like nothing happened. Rachel was a boil ready to burst, when Sam came over offering her some peanuts he found in his pocket she hit them out of his hand and stormed off.

She walked to the door and pulled it open looking back to see if anyone cared if she left. "Rachel the people with arm fires are out there!" shrieked Brittany before cuddling up to Santana in case any popped into the room.

She turned back to the door and took at step out.

"Oh my God." Rachel screamed as her heel pressed onto Jacob's hand his face was covered in blood and look so deranged that if it weren't for his hair you would have no idea who it was.

Rachel slammed the door and took a step back; before turning around and heading to a chair to let everything that had happened in the last few hours truly sink in.

Rachel Berry knew that she needed to get out of here.

Thanks for reading any reviews aloud!

The next chapter will focus on : William :)