Okay now that's out of the way we can talk for a second! This story is co written with my pre reader siobhan. I love working with her! We both love the twisted dark stories, so we came up with this baby! Besides the warning, this story will have some humors parts, lemons, tons of drama, and twists you didn't see coming. this story is betaed by the most amazing beta in the world! toocute24 is the best and i love her! I hope you all enjoy!

We own nothing but the plot proudly!

"I'm so sorry," James said as I clung to him, not wanting to let go. "I didn't mean to hurt you like this." He gently ran his fingers down my neck.

"I know," I whispered. "I don't want to go." I muffled my sobs by burying my face in his shirt. My fists were clinging to him like he was my last hope. He was rubbing his hands up and down my back, trying his hardest to comfort me, but nothing would help. The pain I was feeling was tearing me up inside, and nothing could get rid of it; not now at least.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear.

"I love you, too. I don't think I will find anyone that can take of me like you can," I told him honestly, trying to stop crying. James gave me everything I needed in a relationship. How was I ever going to live without him by my side?

"You will, baby." He cupped my face, tilting it up so I would look at him. "I want to be with you, but you and I both know we can't handle the long distance thing; we need so much more and are far too clingy."

I closed my eyes briefly and felt another tear run down my face. He was right; there was no way that we could make our relationship work when we were going to be states apart. One of us, if not both, would end up cheating in the end, and I knew neither one of us wanted that guilt on our conscience.

Taking my sigh as one of acceptance, James continued. "When you turn eighteen, and if we aren't with any one else, I will come get you," he said lovingly, brushing his lips against mine gently.

His hands were still on my face, his eyes penetrating into my soul; he meant every word.

"I hate my mother," I said as more tears came.

"I know, me too," he said before wrapping his arms around me again. "I want to hear from you from time to time. I need to know that you are okay."

He took a deep breath, and I felt him press his lips to the top of my head. "You will be okay, and as much as I hate to admit it, you aren't going to be lonely for long. Those boys are going to be kicking in your father's door to get with you."

I chuckled brokenly through my tears. I never thought I was anything special, but James always did. He made me feel so loved, so beautiful. He helped me find myself, and for that I would always love him. He would always have a piece of my heart.

"I'm going to miss you," I said just before his mouth covered mine.

His tongue met mine and they danced together as I breathed him in one last time. I loved kissing him and I never wanted to stop. All too soon though, he slowly broke away. He gently kissed the corner of my bottom lip where it was swollen and bruised. He then moved his lips to leave a trail of little kisses along the bruises on my cheek, the hand print around my neck, and his final destination: the hickey on my collarbone.

"I'll miss you too, so much. Get to Forks safely, and call me to let me know when you arrive," he said giving me one last, lingering kiss.

When we broke apart, he wiped my tears away for what would probably be the last time. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said as I reluctantly took a step back.

I gave him one last look as tears filled my eyes once more. I turned away and hurried off his porch into the night, leaving behind the one person that I ever loved. When I reached the driver side door of my mother's car, I turned around to see James wiping tears from his face. Separation was going to be hard for both of us. We had been together for two years; the best two years of my life. I knew I needed to calm myself down before I got back home or my mother would know that I really didn't go say goodbye to my friend Jane. Although, it would surprise me if she didn't already know. I couldn't bring myself to care if she knew or not though; my heart was breaking in half and it was all because of her.

I drove slowly back to my mother's house, letting my tears run until there was nothing left. By the time I pulled into the driveway my tears had dried, but my eyes were red and puffy. Rolling my eyes at the pathetic sap looking back at me from the mirror, I opened the glove compartment and took out a pack of smokes. My hands shook slightly, but I still managed to get a cigarette out and lit. As the smoke entered my lungs I immediately felt a little calmer. I was grateful that my mother, Renee, had the same nasty habit, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to hide the way I was feeling. She would know for a fact that I went to see James: the reason she was sending me away in the first place.

I hated Renee for doing this to me; she had no right, and I knew that I would not be speaking to her for a while. I was being exiled to Forks, Washington to live with my dad, Charlie, who just happened to be the Chief Police there in that ho-dunk town. The only good part about this plan was that Charlie was a workaholic, so he wouldn't be home much. A part of me hoped that I could find a guy like James while I was in Forks; I didn't like to be alone. Another part of me, however, just wasn't ready to move on.

James was everything I needed in a man. He was drop dead gorgeous, an asshole, cocky, and yet insecure at the same time and I fed off of his insecurities. How many men out there were like that though? Better question: how many were like that in fucking Forks? I would have to wager...none. I dropped my head back onto the headrest, letting the smoke infiltrate my lungs. James had a short fuse, and held everything inside until he blew up. That was what attracted me to him the most. I loved to fight; it was like my foreplay. I needed to fight, I craved it, but who could give it to me like James could?

I was twisted in every way, shape, and form when it came to being in a relationship. I liked everything that society deemed wrong. I liked to be called names, belittled, and hit. Some people called it abuse, I called it nirvana; it was my idea of perfection. My mother...well, she didn't understand. She said that I had a mental problem and sent me to a therapist, who disagreed and said I didn't. Needless to say, my mother was disappointed.

I can't really explain why I like to be in an 'abusive' relationship. What I love about it is the love that's there. The commitment; the loyalty. With James, I was the only person that he wanted; there was no one else. When I was in a relationship, I trusted with all my heart. I was devoted to my partner, obsessed even. I was an attention whore. I needed my man to always be there when I called, and if he didn't answer, I would call and call until he would pick up. He needed to hold me, touch me, kiss me constantly when we were together. James gave me everything that I needed, and I just couldn't believe that I would ever find that with anyone else.

Snuffing out my cigarette, I finally climbed out of the car. I was ready to face my mother one last time before she shipped me away. It didn't really surprise me that my bag was sitting by the door when I walked in. I refused to pack, so it looked like she had done that for me. Feeling more angry tears burn my eyes, I quickly made my way to my room, cursing my mother with every step; she was ruining my life. I wanted to marry James and live the rest of my life with him.

She just didn't understand what I needed, and she would never talk with me about it. All she would say was that I wasn't right in the head, and that I didn't know what love was. She had no room to talk in my opinion. James may have hit me and called me every name in the book, but he never cheated on me. Phil, my step father, well, let's just say that cheating was his specialty. I caught him with his hand up another woman's skirt. I took a picture of it, but my mother still didn't believe that it was him in the picture. That was the day I lost respect for her. All Phil would have to do is buy my mother something pretty, or tell her how beautiful she was, and everything was okay. I didn't get it; I could never be with some one that cheated. I mean, I would accuse James of sleeping around, but that was just to start a fight. That, and he always made sure afterward that I knew that I was the only one that he loved.

Sleep that night didn't come easily, and when I did finally manage to drift off, it felt like Renee was waking me up only minutes after I closed my eyes.

The drive to the airport was tense, to say the least. I had nothing to say to Renee, and Phil looked more than happy that I was leaving. I hated them both. My plane was scheduled to take off at four in the afternoon, and I would be in Forks at some god awful time in the morning. The drive from Seattle to Forks was longer than the flight itself. Four hours in the car with Charlie…yeah.

As we made our way to the gate where my plane was boarding, my mom stopped me with a hand on my arm. "Bella, I love you," she said trying to hug me. "I'm only doing this, because I care. I don't want anything bad to happen to you," she said with tears in her eyes.

I kept my arms limp at my sides, refusing to touch her more than necessary. "Whatever," I said as I started to walk away from her. Have I mentioned how much I hate my mother?

My flight was better than I expected. It was quiet, and I was able to catch up on some reading. Reading always relaxed me. As if things couldn't get any better, my flight landed right on time, which was just icing on the cake.

When I got off the plane I immediately headed to baggage claim to get the one measly bag I brought with me. Once that was collected, I began to look around for Charlie, finally spotting him amongst the crowd. I made my way over to him, stopping as soon as I was in front of him. I didn't get a 'hi' or 'how are you?' or 'I missed you' though, which if I was being perfectly honest, I was sort of expecting. Instead I got, "Bella, you look horrible!"

"Thanks dad, missed you too," I said as I rolled my eyes at him, pulling my bag onto my shoulder.

"I'm sorry," he said, his eyes wide in shock. "I just thought your mother was exaggerating." He reached his hand out slowly, touching my cheek gently. "This boy hit you for two years?"

"Dad, just stop," I said pulling away from his fingers, not wanting to talk to him about it.

"He should be in jail, Bella!" He said sharply, his brown eyes flashing in anger.

"No, he shouldn't," I said as I walked away from him carrying my bag.

We didn't say anything to one another for the duration of the trip home. I knew he wanted to play the cop and ask me a million questions, but he didn't, and I was thankful. The sideways glances and sighs, however, were grating on my last nerve. I must of fallen asleep sometime later though, because the next thing I knew we were in Forks.

"You know where your room is, so if you want to head up there I'll bring your bag up in a few," Charlie said as I headed up the stairs.

The house looked and smelled the same, like Charlie, and it was almost comforting. My room was the same as well. Purple bed spread, curtains, and throw rug. I wasn't a huge fan of change and with Charlie, nothing changed; I liked that.

I had just sat down on the bed when there was a light knock on the door. "Come in," I said.

"Here ya go kid," my Dad said, dropping my bag on the floor. "Do you need anything else?" He asked with a yawn.

"No, I think I'm okay," I told him with a small smile.

"I'm glad you're here," he said giving me a hug. "Oh, and you're all enrolled with school, so if you want you can start tomorrow or you can wait 'til Monday to go," he said as a feeling of dread washed over me.

"No, I'll go tomorrow. What else do I have to do?" I said with a shrug.

He let out a small laugh and then said good night, shaking his head slightly as if he couldn't believe I would want to go to school on my first day in Forks. The truth was that I had to go to school and make at least one friend; I couldn't sit around all weekend with nothing to do.

Deciding to unpack in the morning, I lay back on the bed, shocked at how easy I was able to go to sleep. When the morning came I was more awake than I thought possible. I had never been the 'new kid', so I was nervous. After my shower, I dressed in a pair of skin tight jeans that hugged my ass perfectly. James loved these jeans. At the thought of James I realized that I never sent him a text to let him know I made it safely. I quickly picked up my phone and sent him a message.

Hey, sorry I fell asleep as soon as I got in. I'm getting ready for school now, but I'll text you later. I love you and miss you.

After pressing 'Send', I finished getting ready for school, slipping on a snap button red shirt. I knew I looked good and I knew that I had a killer body. James never let me put myself down. 'If you were ugly I wouldn't date you', he would tell me.

I put on a little bit of eye make up and some powder foundation. It wasn't that I was afraid to show off my bruises. I actually liked the attention I got from them, but they were already starting to fade, and I didn't like to yellow color that was left on my skin. Yellow wasn't my color. James had to have hit me pretty hard for him to have left such bruises on me. It probably helped that I didn't bruises easily either. Thinking about James made my heart thump painfully against my chest. I was missing him like crazy.

Finishing up the final touches on my hair, I made my way downstairs to see that it was empty. I guess Charlie had already left for work. There was twenty dollars and a set of car keys on the kitchen table for me though, along with a little letter from Charlie. It said that his buddy was letting me borrow his son's car until I could get one of my own. I made a mental note to ask Charlie about it the next time that I saw him. I ate some toast for breakfast and then headed out the door, pulling out my smokes and lighting one as I got into the old as dirt, red Grand Prix. I made another note to stop by the store and get some Febreze air freshener for the car. I didn't need Charlie breathing down my neck about me smoking.

As I turned the corner, the school came into view. I saw that the student parking lot was full, and there were kids all over the place. I was working on my second cigarette as I scanned the lot before parking in an empty space near the back. I was really surprised to see how many hot guys there were scattered around the lot as well. I had a sudden hope that I might be able to find someone who could take care of me. It was just a matter of whether or not they could do it in the way that I needed.

I snubbed out my smoke, sprayed some body spray over my shirt, and popped some gum in my mouth before I stepped out of the car to headed across the parking lot. I was almost to the front steps when some loud yelling pulled my attention to the right, where I saw the hottest guy ever. He was tall, and he had that natural muscular build to him. His face was perfect and he had the most beautiful jaw ever. His lips were pouty and, in my mind, very kissable, and I had this overwhelming feeling that I had to be with him; that he was my one.

Our eyes connected in that instant, causing me to blush at being caught staring at him. He continued to stare at me, yet I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. A bell ringing startled me out of my staring contest with Mr. Hotness, causing me to look away quickly. It reminding me that we were in public, and it wasn't the place to jump him. I needed to find the office. I looked at the door of the school, and back to what I hoped would be my soon-to-be boyfriend. I saw that he was still looking at me. He was standing with two other couples, and they all looked between him and me. Out of habit I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and winced in pain as my teeth grazed against the swollen bruise there. My hand flew to my lip to make sure that I didn't reopen it, which thankfully I hadn't. I watched his eyes narrow as he looked closely at me, taking in my appearance. His eyes roamed my body until they stopped on my neck. That was the one bruise that was still the most noticeable, and I hadn't even attempted to cover it up this morning. His stare was enough to shake me out of my thoughts as I turned and quickly walked away.

I normally liked when people looked at me and my marks, but with him...I didn't want him to look. They weren't his marks, but I wanted them to be. I wanted him like nothing else I have ever wanted, and I couldn't understand it. I have never wanted to be with another man in the last two years and now, here I was wanting someone else. I didn't even know his name!

After getting my class schedule, I started my day. World history was first and that was boring as shit. The best part of that class was that I met a girl named Alice Cullen, who asked if I wanted to sit with her group at lunch. At first I was going to say no, but she was one of the couples that were standing with my almost boyfriend earlier. I figured that by sitting with her I might get another chance to see that beautiful man from before . Alice and I didn't have much time to talk, but I did catch her staring at my neck frequently throughout the class. That didn't make me self conscious or anything; I welcomed the staring. I wanted her to ask.

My second class was English, and it was interesting to say the least. I met this cunt named Jessica, who was practically begging me to punch her in the face with her staring and making snide comments about my marks. Rosalie Cullen, who was also with my man this morning, introduced herself as Alice's sister. She too, was pretty cool and I thought that maybe we could be friends. Jessica thought that bringing up James' marks would piss me off, and when it didn't, she kept on talking. Her comments were mostly that my mother's husband beat me up. I wouldn't give Phil that kind of credit.

"Do you really want to know why I was sent here?" I asked Jessica as she stared at me like the bitch she was. "I got into a fight and I almost killed a girl that looked like you; should I give you details?" I asked, watching as her face paled.

Rose snickered and I winked at her.

"We are going to be good friends," she said to me as we left our class. "You should sit with us at lunch."

"Alice already extended the offer," I said laughing.

"I should have known," she said laughing as well. "I have never seen Edward look at any of the girls in this school," she said as I nodded my head.

I wanted to play it cool. She didn't need to know how much she was fueling my emotions. I was dying to ask her everything she knew about him; I needed to know him.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked, looking at the floor.

"Bad, definitely bad. Stay away from him," she told me, trying to be a friend.

From that moment on I knew I couldn't stay away; he was meant for me.

My next class was Biology, which turned out to be the best class ever. Edward was in my class and we were lab partners. Today just couldn't get any better. After the teacher gave me everything I needed for the class, I went and sat next to my man. His eyes were trained on me, and I couldn't look away from his piercing green eyes that were drawing me in. When I sat next to him I could smell his cologne and it made my mouth water. I wanted to bite his neck and lick his jaw; I needed him.

"Hi, I'm Bella," I said giving him a sweet smile.

He stared at me for a moment before cocking an eyebrow."And?" He asked with a voice that could hypnotize someone.

His voice made me want to do anything for him, but it was his tone that sealed it for me. It was that of an ass-hole, like he thought he was better than everyone else.

I think I just fell in love, I thought to myself.

There you have it! As of now I am going to say that there will be an update every Saturday! Siobhan and I thank you so much for reading and reviewing if you do!

You can find me on facebook, twitter, and blogspot! I have links on my profile.

See you next week!