A/N I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING! OK so did anyone else other than me notice the look in Stefan's eyes after he catches Elena, it's true love and care which means he had to have turned his feelings back on! I wanted more to happen between Elena and Stefan at that moment but things got in the way so I'm re-writing it with the way I would have liked to see it happen. I do not own the opening scene. It's taken from season 3 episode 6. So all you Stelena fans enjoy:

Stefan sighed as he walked up the bleachers. Klaus had compelled him to keep an eye on her. He couldn't do that if she passed out drunk somewhere. It was time to get her home. She was laying flat on her back as she looked up at the sky.

"I used to know every constellation, how did I forget them all?"

"You're drunk. You need to go home."

Ever since he shut off his feelings she's been more annoying than ever but at the same time there was a very small part of him that still cared for her. But because of Klaus's stupid compulsion he wasn't allowed to feel anymore.

Elena stood up and stumbled forward. "Fine, just let me fine my car."

"You're joking right?"

"Uh-oh it's the fun police." Elena whined.

Stefan fought the urge to remind her about the drunk driver who killed her parents.

"I thought ripper Stefan was supposed to be the life of the party?"

Stefan ignored her last comment. "Ok, I'm taking you home, come on."

He turned to walk away but saw her making a different movement so he turned back around to see her climbing over the railing of the bleachers.

"What are you five? Get down."

"Why?" she giggled. "Are you afraid I'm going to…whoa!" she slipped but caught herself just in time.

Stefan flinched as something inside of him twitched. Elena's drunk giggle threw him from his thoughts.

"Whoa, that was close. Klaus would not be happy with you."

Stefan just smirked and covered his mouth with his hands and said "You're hilarious."

She let go of the bar completely. "Look, Stefan, no hands."

She fell back but quickly grabbed on again. Again something twitched inside Stefan only it was stronger.

She giggled drunkenly and let go of the bar. She screamed as she fell and something snapped inside Stefan. She rushed toward Elena catching her safely in his arms. He started at her as they both panted. That's when he realized what the twitch was, it was his humanity. The small fear of Elena getting hurt was enough to automatically flip the switch back on. He could feel again.

"I knew you'd catch me." Elena whispered looking into his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, Elena…"


"It's on."


"Elena, it's on, it's back."

"What? What's on what are you talking about?"

Stefan's eyes filled with happy tears. Being able to feel again was the best thing in the world, being able to love Elena again was the number 1 best thing ever.

"Stefan, are…are you crying? Wait that means…. OH MY GOSH!" she squealed and threw her arms around his neck hugging him tightly as she cried tears of joy into his neck. He chuckled and hugged her back crying tears of joy into her hair. Elena looked up just in time to see Ric coming, she shook her head and waved his off. "He's back…" she mouth to him.

Ric nodded and walked off but still close enough to shoot in case it was a trap.

Stefan pulled away and they stared into each others eyes. They leaned in and kissed passionately. They pulled away and Stefan took a few deep breaths.

"Sorry." She whispered softly.

"Don't you dare be sorry. You have just given me the most amazing gift. I will never be able to repay you Elena thank you."

"I told you I wasn't going to give up although…if I had known that all it took for you to come back was me attempt to do something crazy and stupid I would have jumped off a bridge a long time ago." She teased.

He chuckled but shook his head. "Not funny! Just so you know, you're a terrible drunk."

"What do you mean?"

"Elena, I could tell you were faking it."

"I was not!"

Stefan laughed. "Right, so right now you're sober again?"

"Ok fine! Most of it was fake BUT I do feel a little dizzy and light headed."

Stefan smiled softly and kissed her forehead. "Go home and get some rest."

"What about you?"

Stefan sighed. "Elena, until Klaus is dead, we need him to keep thinking I'm the ripper with no humanity. In order for that to happen no one can know that I'm back. Not even Damon can know this. I have to pretend to be the ripper without feelings. You have to continue to try and believe that I'll come back. Only you and I will know the real truth. Promise to keep this a secret?"

"I promise Stefan."

"Thank you, and I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Calling you Klaus's human blood bag. It was rude and mean and I just…I can't believe I said that to you."

"That wasn't you Stefan. It was Ripper Stefan, there is a difference."

Stefan smiled. "You have such a forgiving heart."

She smiled and they shared another kiss. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. I'm so happy you're back."

"Elena, it isn't going to be like last time. I have human blood in my system, a lot of human blood. A few days in the cellar won't fix that."

"I know, but maybe you can learn to control, like Caroline does. Just use the blood bags."

"I want that but I'll need help."

"I'll do whatever I can just name it."

Elena nodded. "Look, we better go, I don't know how long Damon can keep Rebecca distracted."

"Let Ric shoot me, it will be more realistic."

Elena nodded and the nodded toward Ric.

"I love you and I'm sorry." She whispered.

"I love you too. It's ok. Don't be sorry."

Two vervain darts in the back and Stefan fell to the ground. Elena felt awful but her plan had worked that was all that mattered.

"Let's get him out of here." Elena said.

Ric lifted Stefan and they walked to the car.

Elena got into the front seat while Ric put Stefan in the trunk. He saw an empty gasoline can on the floor but didn't think much of it. Suddenly the car started to burn. He ran over to Elena's side as she struggled to open the door. She could already feel the heat.

"Open the door!" he yelled.

"I can't it won't open!" she cried out frantically.

She struggled trying to get out as the fire continued to burn. Smoke filled the car choking her lungs. She coughed and turned to the back seat. "Stefan…" she muttered out already starting to feel weak. She coughed once more. "Stefan!" she said louder.

Stefan stirred and opened his eyes. His eyes widened. A weight dropped next to him. He rolled onto his other side, it was Elena. He grabbed her with what strength he had and rolled back over. He kicked the trunk door breaking it and Handing Elena off to Ric.

"Stefan! Stefan!" she cried out weakly. Then passed out.

Ric groaned at set her down away from the car. He rushed back and grabbed Stefan pulling him from the car. They got fair enough away and the car exploded. Stefan threw himself on top of Elena shielding her from any flying object.

Once it was safe Stefan removed himself and looked at Elena. She had a small burn on her face.

"Elena, Elena, Baby, wake up." He cooed gently stoking her hair. "Come on baby, don't you dare die on me now."

Elena shot up with a gasp panting and coughing. "The car….fire…car…fire…" She struggled to move away still not registering being safe.

"Shhh, shhh you're safe shhh." Stefan soothed gently. "You're safe baby. Listen to the sound of my voice you're safe."

Elena suddenly took in her surrounding and relaxed. Still coughing. Stefan gently patted her back.

"Easy, you're ok. It's over."

"Stefan." She muttered weakly.

"I'm here, it's ok. Just rest."

Elena's coughing stopped and she had finally calmed down. Suddenly Damon and Rebecca came running over.

"What happen to the human blood bag. You're supposed to be taking care of her!" Rebecca yelled.

"I just saved her from a fire. Relax, it's no easy job watching her. She's so stubborn, it's annoying." Stefan said fighting the urge to yell at Rebecca for calling a human blood bag.

"Well, this party is boring. Tyler isn't here so I'm leaving. Are you coming?"

"Of course, Try not to get yourself killed this time." Stefan said to Elena.

"Sorry, to be such a burden." She shot back. "But it's no picnic for me either."

He hated this and he knew she hated it to but it had to be done. Stefan got up and followed Rebecca. Damon ran over to her. "Are you all right?" he asked.

"I'm fine." She answered.

Her eyes followed Stefan as he started walking away. He turned to see her once last time and mouth "I love you."

She smiled and checked to make sure Damon wasn't looking, which he wasn't, and she mouthed back "I love you too."

It didn't matter if no one else knew the truth, she knew. Her Stefan was back and that's all that mattered. They would keep up this act as long as they had to until Klaus was finally dead. Elena couldn't help but smile as she remembered something Lexi had told her a long time ago.

"Love really can conquer all."

That was never more true than at this moment. It was Stefan's love for her that brought him back and she knew that no matter what they'd get through it because at the end of the day Love over powers all.

A/N ok so what did you think? Yes, this is only a one shot but once I finish "A True Family" story I will start another multi chapter story similar to this one. Stelena fans, what did you think? Am I only one who wishes this would have really happened? Leave me your thoughts in a review. Thanks for reading :)