Hey guys and gals! I know we're really late with the updating, and we hope you guys can forgive us! There are only two more chapters of this story left! They are long chapters though….so...ya! On with the chapter then!

DISCLAIMER: We own nothing!

Max's POV

I woke up to the sound of screaming and the smell of chocolate chip pancakes burning. BURNING! Sweet cheese, that isn't good!

I jumped off the couch and sprinted to the kitchen. The sight of the kitchen was terrible! Iggy had flour all over his face, was drenched in…water I hope, and was panted like a dog. WTH?

Gazzy was laughing so much that tears were streaming down his face. Ella, Angel, and Nudge were covered with eggs. Fang and Dylan were covered in flour, again water I hope, and little chocolate chips.

"What the frick happened here?!" I yelled. Fang looked at Nudge with a "what do I say?" face.

Nudge actually made it sound short, "Fang and Dylan wanted to wake you up, and us girls said no. this started a food fight. Iggy was cooking chocolate chip pancakes when Gazzy put a spicy pepper in his testing pancake. Where he got the pepper, I have no idea. Iggy then took a bowl of water and dumped it in his mouth, but missed his mouth…badly."

"Oh, ok then!" I said, but then realized something. "Wait! Dylan and Fang tried to wake me up?" I asked gritting my teeth. Everyone nodded slowly. "You two interrupt my sleep again, and I will interrupt your breathing. Got it?" I stated. They nodded quickly, and Dylan hid behind Fang. They both looked scared. Serves them right!

-After 3 hours of clean up-
They all want to go to the beach, and I'm the only one who doesn't. Poo. Turns out the girls already packed everything for me. This CAN NOT be good!

They packed me a flippin bikini! To think I thought that they thought the makeover was enough! Does that make sense?

They packed me a black bikini with a skull on the butt that had vines coming out of it. The bikini top was plain black.

When I walked over to the blanket where the rest of the flock was, a guy wolf whistled. Grody. "You pig." I muttered.

Fang growled and Dylan glared (pathetically might I add) at the guy AND Fang! Why would he glare at Fang? Does Fang still like me like that? Does Dylan like me like that? I wouldn't date either one of them! Well, maybe Fang. What? Why am I even thinking that? That would never happen. Right? I'd need to forgive him first. I will forgive him. I'll do it today.

I just walked away from the blanket and walked toward the ocean.

Apparently I went out a little far into the ocean because I got pulled far out into the ocean from the tide.

Guess who saved me. If you guessed Superman, you're sadly wrong. Fang saved me. How did he even know I was pulled into the ocean, I didn't even notice!

He dragged me to shore and started slapping my back as I coughed up water. The sun suddenly disappeared and I was now shivering like a wet dog.

Fang noticed and draped an arm around me. Now would be a good time to tell him I forgave him. "Fang, I forgive you." I told him quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

"You do? No crazy grudge? Why?" he asked, shocked. "Sometimes you forgive someone because you still want them apart of your life." I answered.

He beamed down at me. Yes, he beamed, and happily said, "Thank you Max!

Everyone rushed up to us, but stopped short when they saw Fang's arm around me. "Umm Fang, remove your arm from Max now." Iggy demanded.

"It's ok Ig, I forgave him." I said while smiling slightly. "WHY?" everyone shouted in unison. Creepy. I replied, "I missed my best friend. He proved he cared about me when he saved me, even though he could have gotten stuck out there too."

Iggy sighed and nodded while saying. "Ok bro, you hurt Max you go through us though! Got it buddy!" Fang nodded quickly.

All of a sudden Dylan spoke up, "Guys, listen I'm really sorry." "What did you do?" I asked. "Well I might have been sent to spy on you guys and make sure Fang and Max didn't become friends again by a certain redhead that rhymes with migid! She was mad after Fang broke up with her!" he replied quickly.

"Go home." I demanded. "What?" he asked, "How am I supposed to get home?!" "Walk!" I replied in a duh! voice.

As soon as Dylan left I turned to Fang and asked, "You broke up with Brigid?" "Ya…" he replied awkwardly.

Another surprise came my way. All reports are in! Life is officially unfair! A boy I never wanted to see again came into my view. "Hey Max!" he said in a fake cheerful voice.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I yelled at him. "You know skipping school to visit the wonderful Cali! Why are you here?" he replied nonchalantly.

"I live in Cali! I moved here! Remember, genius!?" I said annoyed. "Oh ya! Thank goodness I don't need to see your face everyday anymore!" he said.

"So he's from Rhode Island I presume?" Iggy asked. "STAY OUT OF IT IGGY!" I yelled. "WELL!" he yelled back. "Still got that temper Maxie." The pain in my butt said. "Don' . ." I growled.

"Who wazzed in your cereal this morning?" he asked. "I had pancakes!" I stated proudly.

"Oh I'm sorry!"

"You should be! Why are you actually here!?"

"Why, not happy to see me?"

"Does it look like I'm happy to see you?"

"Awww, you're cute when you're mad!"

"Keep it up and I'm about to get real adorable!"

"Awww just like old times! You and I…. adorable together!"


Fang held me back, but still growled. "Who are you dude?" Fang asked. "Max's boyfriend." He replied. "EX-boyfriend!" I growled, emphasizing ex.

Fang's Pov

Ex-boyfriend? Why the hell is he here? "What happened between you two?" I asked. "Well I loved him, but in his eyes It was just a game that he won." She replied while glaring at the guy. He hurt Max! My Max!

"Dude, just leave her alone!" I yelled. "Why?" Max's ex asked. "You got a thing for her?" "That is none of your business." I growled. "You didn't deny it!" he said in a sing-songy voice. Just then, Ig and Gazzy threw a bunch of muddy sand at Max's ex-boyfriend. Nice shot! I mentally cheered them on.

After the guy finally left, all the flock members all looked at each other with knowing looks, and started backing away from me and Max. "Why are you leaving us?" I called after them. "We're not leaving! We're advancing in another direction!" Ig called back.

Soon after that Max and I were alone. Minus everyone else at the beach of course. I looked at her and said, "We should start going, ya?" She nodded and we started walking towards the car.

There was an uncomfortable silence, so I spoke up, "Wanna play a question game? So we can re-bond?" "Sure! You start first." She responded with a smile.

"Ok. Umm…what's your favorite color? Mine's black."

"I think everyone knows that. Hmmm…definatly red and silver! What's your favorite comedy movie? Mine in White Chicks!"

"Mine too! What's your favorite rapper? Mine is probably Drake or Eminem."

"EMINEM IS SOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN DRAKE!" she yelled at me. "I'm sorry, haha" I said while holding up my hands.

"You're forgivin. What's your favorite song quote? Mine is "Life is no Nintendo game" by Eminem"

"I like that one too, but I really like "And there's a million of us just like me, who cuss like me, who just don't give a f*** like me, who dress like me, walk, talk, and act like, and just might be the next big thing, but not quite like me" by Eminem. What's your favorite song by Eminem? Mine is The Way I Am."

"Nice I like that one too! My favorite is Not Afraid. Ok, no more Eminem questions….for now. What's your rating for me on looks from 1-10?" she asked me with a hint of a smirk in her voice.

"Ohh, ummm….4" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Excuse me, Fangtardo!" she yelled and punched my arm.

"I'm just kidding Max! Oww! You're a 9 and a half! Now stop punching me! Now what is your rating for me? Hmm?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe a 2, or 3 if I'm feeling generous." She said while smirking. I gave her a pointed look.

"Fine, a 9 and a half. Is that fair?" she asked.

"I guess." I said with a smile. "We're finally at the car! That was a long walk!" Max exclaimed.

I looked at the car to find the flock looking through the car windows at Max and me. We sighed and climbed into the car to be dropped off at our separate houses.

The whole car ride all I could think was how I was falling in love with Max all over again.


When I climbed into bed that night a thought kept running through my head. I might be falling in love with Fang.

There it is! Thanks for reading! I hoped you like it! THIS IS IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ! Ok, so we wanted to know if any of you would conider adopting our story? We have no time to update, and we have lost all inspiration for this story :(

REVIEW PLEASE! TELL US IF YOU WANT THE STORY! PM US IF YOU DO! We're sorry to the people who actully liked this story...

-Flubber Butt Buddies FOREVA