A/N: I'm so sorry I took a long time to update this chapter and wanted to post this chapter weeks ago but I had to go to my niece's first birthday and batisum. Oh and to channylover71 if you want you can watch the episode it should be able to help you understand what happened in the previous chapters. So any way sorry for the delay and enjoy. :D

Heavey Cries Chapter 6: The Fight Part 1

The Niglock entered the forest through a gap in a tree. ''Now let's see what's causing the water to act funny.'' Over a few trees he saw the pink ranger being hugged by what he's gussing is the yellow one.

''Aww those too look so happy... I don't like it!'' The niglock shot two blue beams at them but missed when Mia and Emily ducked.

''It was you two that stopped the tears I started!'' The niglock yelled clearly angery as he stompped around.

''Niglock!'' Mia said as she and Emily got up.

Back with the guys the gap senser was going off causing the offshoots to cry. Jayden slowly walked to the door trying to bear with the weight of the offshoot.

''Let's go.'' Jayden strugled to say as Mike and Kevin slowly followed him.

''We won't let you make the children cry anymore.'' Mia and Emily got alittle closer to the niglock with their Samuraizers in hand.

"Samuraizer! Go Go Samurai!" Mia and Emily said at the same time as they morphed into their ranger suits.

''My offshoots would be wasted on you two so instead your dying here.'' The niglock took out his axe and charged at them. They started out well and was able to knock the niglock down but, the niglock shot them with powerful blue beams knocking them down. Mia and Emily quickly got back up but, Mia started to struggled to stand up straight.

''Mia, are you ok.'' Emily rushed to Mia's side and stood in front of her. ''Earth Slicer.'' Emily said as she attached her disk to her spin sword changing it to her personal weapon. Emily through her Earth Slicer at the niglock but, the niglock hitted it with his axe causing her attack to backfire at her.

''Emily! I guess we can't do this alone after all.'' Mia went to check on Emily not caring if her side hurted at that point.

''Mia-'' Emily was interupted when they heard loud crying from the other side of the forest.

''Emily! Mia! Were coming.'' Jayden struggled to say as he Kevin and Mike tried to walk as fast as they could. When they got close enough they took out their samuraizers and attempted to write their symbols but, the offshoot's weight got too heavy for them causing them to collapse.

''It's no use?'' Mia wispeared as the niglock started laughing thinking he won.

''Your finshed Rangers.'' The niglock shot Mia and Emily with a blue fire ball knocking the already weaken rangers down again. Mia and Emily struggled to get up as the niglock said ''Now I can make the children cry as much as I want!''

''I...won't allow that.'' Emily slowly got up followed by Mia. ''We will...'' Mia started using her spin sword as a cane to help her keep balance. ''...protect the children!'' Mia and Emily got into a fighing stance using all the engery they had left.

''What can the two of you do?'' The niglock shot another blue fire ball at them as Mia and Emily dogded the attack.

''Emily! We need to combine our symbol power. It's the only way we can make a power greater than the two of us.'' Mia said hoping that her plan would actually work.

''Combine our symbol power...okay.'' Emily repiled as they got out their samuraizers.

''Mine's wind.'' Mia told Emily as she traced the symbol for wind. ''Mine is mountain.'' Emily traced the symbol for mountain following what Mia was doing. When their symbols combined it created a bright light and seconds later it transformed into...

Sorry about the short chapter but I felt bad that I haven't posted anything in awhile and this was just my way of saying that I'm not dead. Anyway till next time and Happy Thanksgiving (eventhough it was yesterday) plus today's black friday!