I'm so sorry it took so long for this chapter, it's been a progression since finals week, but then it went missing and I tore my house apart looking for it and it ended up being in my purse! XD A quick reminder before you read on… Men have kegal muscles, but they are just "in different spot" cough cough so to speak. I had a health teacher that made everyone flex their as well as the guys; I found it to be creepy at first yet rather hilarious watching the guys do it! Strange teacher… Anyways, continuing on!

Erik POV

Erik groaned against the windowpane. He didn't know what Logan had planned, but it wasn't good from the looks of it. He knew a predator when he saw one… even if he liked hunting the big game, such as Erik.

Logan nodded to a guard as he went past the regular entrance to the highway patrol precinct.


Erik knew exactly what Logan planned now; he was absolutely certain.

He had the feeling that walking for the next few days would be difficult. Let alone talking.

Logan slammed on the brakes and got out. Erik knew what was going to happen once the door was opened. Like déjà vu the door opened and he was thrust to his knees in the dirt road. He quickly surveyed his surroundings and saw just brick walls in a tight walled off section of the alleyway.

He growled as his chin was forced upward to meet Logan's brown hazelnut eyes. Erik glared at him in seething anger. He wouldn't be a fucking bitch; nobody's, but Charles. He heard a recognizable zipping noise. He could feel the hot flesh pressed to his lips. He knew what was expected of him.

"Suck it." Logan ordered. Erik refused to meet his eyes as he begrudgingly parted his lips. He wanted to bite it off, but Lord knows what damage and devastation that would've caused now that he thought of him and Charles' relationship. He only took in half his length, knowing his own limit. He also knew that Logan would push them, hard. He gagged as Logan thrust completely in. Erik jerked his head back, bringing up saliva over his chin.

He'd had enough and dipped his head low to avoid Logan's heavy handed slap. Erik underestimated Logan and he grabbed a fistful of Erik's hair along with the beanie.

Erik growled as Logan flipped him against the back edge of the vehicle. He was suddenly glad he sat on Charles moments ago. His fucking angel saved him from the pain he was about to endure, whether he knew it or not. Erik knew this would be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but at least he didn't have a crowd… He knew it wouldn't hurt as much as it had with Charles since it had been a while for him to turn over for another man.

Erik anticipated the length that pushed inside him. He wanted to rip off this man's dick so fucking bad he couldn't stand it.

CharlesCharlesCharles…. He thought over and over again. No, there was no way he could pretend that Charles would ever do something like this… But Erik kept his face in his mind just so he could keep himself from decapitating Officer Logan; for sanity's sake….

Erik grunted as Logan pushed back in, causing his arm to slam down on the back of the car. Erik bared his teeth and went for it.

Every single tooth plunged into Logan's arm; hard as Erik could bite; taunting him, proving to Logan that Erik could penetrate just as deep.

Logan pulled back and shoved Erik's head against the car.

He laughed…

Logan clearly hadn't expected that behavior and Erik didn't intend on letting Logan enjoy this; he wanted it over as soon as possible. That meant that Erik would have to actually try and get himself off…

Shouldn't be so difficult, Shaw had fucked him enough that Erik figured out what he liked and what he didn't. He started to arch his back and rock against Logan, which caused the other officer to gasp.

Bitch… Erik thought. You might be fucking me, but I own you…

Erik would have Logan at his mercy.

He flexed his kegal muscles. He squeezed hard around Logan, eliciting a moan from him. Erik bit back a hidden smile of ownership.

Shaw had taught him well…

Logan's thrusts became erratic and jerky, that proved that Erik's methods were working. He grunted as Logan slammed into him into the final seconds of his climax. Erik knew that he himself was hard with the effort. He wouldn't have called what just happened rape if his own cock was hanging in the air.

Surprisingly Erik thought it felt slightly good, but everything else paled in comparison to the way Charles fucked him… loved him. Erik didn't care for much else, but he had no choice in the matter. He knew that Logan was a crooked cop, but he couldn't do much worse to Erik besides beat him.

He knew that part was next. He also knew that was some initiations into gangs, but his own had been different and he'd given himself to Shaw as a reward for joining their gang.

Erik took each hit in stride; blood poured from his chin and lip. He shrugged it off and feigned to be in more pain than he actually was so Logan would back down in mercy. A few swift kicks and it was over.

Fucking idiot… Erik thought.

Once he was thrown into the backseat of the car he was later checked back in to his own precinct, plus a few cuts and bruises and a possibility of injured pride, but Great White stood tall and dangerous as he had a new mug-shot taken.

He smiled…

He knew that if anyone heard about what had happened to him and his later response at the ending result, people would have deemed him insane.

Once Erik had been put back into his cell, he lied down on the bed and curled into a fetal position.

He refused to cry… after the age of eighteen.

He gritted his teeth and bit down on his hand as the now familiar pain in his side flared up again.

He heard footsteps and looked up, the last thing he could remember was the sharp scent of chloroform.

Charles POV

He knew that Logan was a big fucking mistake as soon as he'd tackled Erik. Only Charles could do that. It bothered him to see Erik slammed to the ground. His backside hurt as the sandy ground had chafed it. He was worried about him. He wished he'd never gone to that stupid party and gotten drunk.

Charles then revved up the engine and pulled out of the lot. He'd have to make it to visiting hours today if it killed him. He would have to look up and see which precinct Logan was from. He spend through lanes of traffic and made it back just in time for his next shift.

Raven waited in his office.

"What happened?" She turned around in the chair and frowned up at him.

"They took Erik…" He stammered.

"Is he okay, did you guys get caught?" Her eyes widened.

"No, but I told him I loved him." Charles admitted.

"Well, did he say it back?" She asked.

"We ran out of time…" He stopped short as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Oh sweetie, no don't cry. It's okay." She embraced him in a heartfelt hug.

"I'll be fine." Charles sniffed.

"I have to go see him today… Could you take my shift?" He asked in earnest.

"Certainly officer Xavier." She chuckled with a smile.

He took off his coat and hat and placed them on his desk.

"Hurry, you've got fifteen minutes left." She mentored him.

He ran through the front doors and got into his service vehicle.

Traffic blurred past him. He violated six traffic laws along the way.

Erik POV

He heard familiar voices ad picked apart Shaw's from the rest. He realized he wasn't in danger, but he felt a sudden shredding pain in his side where his healing knife wound resonated.

"Fuck!" He growled as he swung for the first thing in his path. Azazel caught his fist while Shaw smoothed back his hair from his forehead.

"He's helping you, just relax." Shaw whispered to him. Erik stopped short and tremors racked his body. One sharper sting of pain and it was over.

Erik's vision slowly came to. He tried blinking, but that didn't make anything come into focus. It felt like he was inside a bubble, while everyone else sounded so far away.

A light clap on his cheek forced him to open his eyes.

He groaned as Alex and Sean helped him sit upright. He leaned heavily towards the wall, but then looked down. His clothes were completely gone.

He wanted to scream… He could see a massive bandage on his hip.

"I'm so glad we got you back before you could do any further damage to yourself." Bobby said.

"The fuck happened?" Erik snarled.

"You had the early stages of gangrene." Bobby said. Erik looked up at him in horror.

"You had to go to the nurse's station… We had to chloroform you… there was no other option and we knew you wouldn't go." Shaw smiled at him.

Erik crossed his arms and frowned, much like a child would.

"They didn't have any of the proper tools, but they told us what was wrong with you." Bobby added.

"Under the table of course." Shaw placed his beanie over his head.

Erik leaned into Shaw's touch and slowly started to drift off again.

"No!" Sean slapped him.

Everyone started wide-eyed at Sean, even Erik.

"You have to stay awake; you missed breakfast, and dinner last night. People might think you're dead if you miss another meal." Sean pleaded.

"Fine…" Erik snorted and rose from the bed.

"What are you a nurse or something?" He nodded towards Bobby.

"Actually a paramedic…" Bobby smiled shyly.

"What the fuck brought you here?" Erik laughed.

"John… he uhh blew up the vehicle." Bobby seemed embarrassed.

"Who's John?" Erik shoved his foot through a pant leg.

"He was my boyfriend, but I don't know if we are at the same place. I had nothing to do with it, but the judge… You know what he thinks of delinquents that just barely turn eighteen and blow up a car. I watched, but I'm his partner in crime I suppose." Bobby finished.

'Huh… So you didn't even do anything huh?" Erik smiled ad laughed once his pants were tied.

"Yeah…" Bobby put his hands in his pockets.

"What are you in for?" He asked.

Erik stared up at him intently.

"Robbery." Was all he said.

"Why?" Bobby asked.

"Money… and that's where this conversation ends." Erik walked through the cell past them all and stood in line for the frisk before lunch.

Everyone stared dumbly.

They knew when Great White drew the line and when to stop asking questions or risk a punch to the face.

Bobby was the first to catch up to him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry." He apologized.

" It's fine… just don't ask me the fucking question again." Erik snapped.

He knew he shouldn't have been mean with the kid, but he didn't want anyone to know his reasons, they were personal. Bobby gave him a cheerful smile while Erik smiled back for the kid's benefit.

He didn't know the extent of the wound, but he could feel raw muscle against the gauze.

The sheer thought of losing the leg just dawned on him. He would probably have to get antibiotics so he wouldn't get septicemia. The blade that had cut him wasn't clean… obviously.

He stretched slightly as felt the plastic in his mouth and everywhere else as they let him through the line.

Food never smelled this good to Erik. He had no idea how long it had been since he'd eaten, but it was the appetite of a fucking shark. He didn't even know what the hell it was that was placed onto his tray, but intended on eating everything, maybe even his neighbor's.

As soon as Erik sat down at the designated table, he ate quickly. The food was shoveled in his mouth by the sporkful.

"Fucking delicious." He grinned as he brought another bite to his lips.

He realized just then, that everyone one was staring at him.

"What?" He said through a mouthful of food.

"That's the casserole… It's all the food we had this week thrown together." Sean said.

"You're point?" Erik snorted as he cleaned his plate and devoured the apple.

"Here…" Erik smiled as he dumped hot sauce on Sean's tray.

"If it tastes bad, put on hot sauce." Erik smiled.

"Yeah… eww." Sean responded.

Erik took his tray and shoveled over half of his serving in his mouth.

"Jesus Great White… you're appetite sure matches you're name are you certain that's not how you got your name?" Alex joked.

Erik stared him down.

"Yeah… and that's how he got his name." Shaw laughed.

"My wife is visiting tomorrow." Shaw whispered to Erik.

"Oh?" He raised a brow.

"Conge-gated visit?" Erik laughed.

Shaw was in rather high spirits. Erik was too, he had a night of reading ahead of him.

Charles POV

Getting through security was a breeze when they knew a familiar face. He saw Erik at the same stool like last time. He also noticed a rare beauty: Blonde, pale and clad in white.

Charles remembered her as Erik's attorney. He peered over, trying not to be too noticeable.

She was talking to a rather designated looking man.

"That's Shaw…" Erik told him through the phone.

"He murdered someone didn't he?" Charles asked, wide-eyed.

"It wasn't intentional." Erik got defensive.

Charles looked up at Erik and saw he had a black eye.

"Did Logan do that?" Charles asked.

"Yeah… Just a scratch." He snorted a laugh for Charles' benefit.

"Honestly… Are you okay?" He asked sincerely.

"Yes, thanks to your dick sweetie." Erik cocked a brow and settled his chin on a battered hand.

"Oh my…" Charles started to blush deeply.

"Yes Charles… It didn't hurt one bit." Erik leaned close to the thin sheet of glass that separated the two.

"I love you Erik…" He stuck his hand beneath the glass frame.

Erik snatched up and kissed it. Charles blushed and smiled.

"You two need to cut it out or you'll get caught for sexual misconduct." They both looked up at the blonde attorney's face.

Erik just gave her a cold expression and started sucking on one of Charles' fingers to taunt her.

He looked over at Charles' freaked out expression and his red face. Erik grinned and pressed the phone to his lips.

Charles stared dumbfounded and pressed the receiver to his ear.

"I wanna fuck you so bad." Erik breathed into the phone line. He watched as Charles' face changed a mirage of colors.

"I umm… hope you enjoy the books I brought… They've been mine for a few years." Charles stammered.

"Yes, I can smell you on them." Erik pressed his face into Charles' palm.

Charles just whimpered and sighed longingly.

"I will see you sooner than you think." Erik kissed his hand as the guards had all the inmates get up while the visiting hours ended.

Erik blew him a kiss as he left.

Once they were back in their cells, Erik flew through the pages of both cheesy romance novels. In both instances, the feminine characters reminded him of Charles. He lifted the book and saw a raging erection, caused not by the content of the books, but rather the scent of the books.

"Fuck…" Erik snarled and started digging through his possessions. He didn't say much at dinner, but that was to be expected after his wounds were patched up.

Afterwards, Erik remained awake while all his inmates slept. Shaw looked over at him and started towards him. Erik's breath caught in his throat as Shaw leaned him against the bed. He could feel Shaw's hand on the back of his neck and he was kissing him.

Shaw knew… he fucking knew what was going to happen.

Erik's hands clasped Shaw's face as he returned the kiss with a greater effort, tongue and all. Erik's breath hitched as Shaw's knee put pressure between his thighs.

"I love you Erik, just don't get yourself killed." Shaw whispered in his ear. With that statement, Shaw pulled down Erik's sweatpants and pressed a finger inside him. Erik gasped, he wasn't expecting a sudden coldness down there.

"That will help you from what Logan did." He added.

Erik was close to tears once Shaw kissed him again. It didn't surprise him once he felt heat trail down his cheeks, but much to his surprise, it wasn't his own tears.

"Sebastian…" He whispered through clenched teeth.

"Please, there won't be another time." Erik pleaded. It did take Shaw long to take in Erik. That cooling balm was now being coated up his shaft as he shuddered against his mentor. Shaw then leaned him against the thin mattress and sat down on top of him.

Erik let out a sharp gasp as Shaw's legs wrapped around his waist.

"I'm sorry…" Erik pleaded, but Shaw knew what Erik planned and he didn't want to leave them acquaintances like last time. Erik's hands ran over Shaw's back as he moved forcefully, bringing both men to a quick climax; neither one cared for finesse at the moment. Erik clenched Shaw's hair and pulled him close in a desperate kiss. Erik groaned as Shaw knelt over him and lifted his legs over his shoulders. As soon as he entered him, Shaw easily found his prostate; it was his fucking forte.

Erik whimpered with each thrust and gasped when Shaw hit that unbearable spot that made Erik swoon against the pillow. Erik's teeth gritted and then parted as his second climax claimed him.

"Fuck!" Erik gasped as he felt Shaw release inside him. Erik could feel silent tears running down his face that were both Shaw's and his own.

"I know… its okay, you have my blessing." Shaw whispered in his ear. Erik trembled as his arms clasped around Shaw's back.

"I love you too." Erik stammered as Shaw pulled him back up.

"Go; get the fuck out of here." Shaw smiled and slapped Erik on the arse. Erik's eyes widened as he told him so. He gathered up what little clothing he had and Blut und Ehre, along with the two novels Charles had given him.

"Don't forget her either…" Shaw smiled.

"Never." He told Shaw.

Erik nodded solemnly, knowing that this would be the last time he'd see him.

"Entrance is in the third stall of the showers, like last time." Shaw tipped him.

Erik kissed him goodbye, "Take care of Bobby for me, make sure he doesn't turn out like me." Erik said.

And with that, Erik disappeared.

Charles POV

The last thing Charles remembered was the sorrowful look in Erik's eyes. He was back at work, pulling the final shift that only brought in a few delinquents: A smalltime pot dealer, the guy he suckered, and a girl that he'd found off a highway selling candy, which was exactly what Charles thought. She may have only been sixteen or seventeen.

She reminded Charles of a little angel, turns out; that was her name. He asked Raven to take her, since he only had two minutes left and that would have left in all alone at night in the office.

She of course, agreed. The other officers complained that they couldn't get anything from the girl, but Raven and her ended up talking for thirty whole minutes. He tossed his hat on the desk and rubbed his temples.

"See ya tomorrow Charles." A few acquaintances shouted past his office; he simply waved a hand in response.

He left his coat on the chair and pulled his black tie down a few inches and headed out the door. He just wanted a single night, not to be single.

Why did he have to fall in love with a convict? He asked himself as he shredded the tires along the pavement.

His next door neighbor, the elderly lady that wore the same nightgown since God knows when, stared at him shaking her head as he entered his flat. Charles smiled and waved at her in a friendly gesture, but this lady must've thought

Never find himself a nice lady…

Charles shrugged it off as he went inside.

He made it back to his flat just in time for the lame game-shows to start. His vest was placed over a coat rack, while his belt was over a chair. He leaned in towards the fridge and pulled out a microwave dinner.

He never made it to the microwave…

A hand clapped over his mouth and his screams were muted.

Charles was an officer of the law; this fucker had another thing coming.

He slammed down his heel and faced his attacker.

"Erik?" Charles stared in awe.

Erik slammed him against the wall and kissed him ferociously. Charles was smiling and crying at the same time as Erik lifted him and took him to the couch. Pillows were violently knocked away by Erik's hand. Charles was thrown to the cushions and Erik was on him. Charles was surprised to find his own cock straight as a rod once Erik tore his black trouser pants open.

He blushed.

Charles whimpered as Erik's mouth wasted no time, preparing him.

"Oh Erik ERIK!" Charles screamed. He could say anything he wanted. Do anything he wanted, but nothing mattered as Erik's knees pushed up the rug in front of the couch. Charles' hair was matted to his forehead and tossed his head back as Erik's mouth went lower.

Teeth and tongue made Charles beg for more. He could feel his legs quaking beneath Erik's touch. Charles could feel Erik's cock bob up against his thigh and he whimpered and leaned against it, causing Erik to gasp and bite gently on Charles' cock.

Charles moaned and yanked lightly on Erik's hair. Erik knew he wanted it so he thrust him into the couch. Charles cooed in delight as Erik lined himself up.

"No!" Erik stopped short and got up.

"WHAT?" Charles shouted and panted at the same time.

Erik POV

Erik said nothing as he rifled through one of Charles' drawers, probably knowing that he didn't have any lubricant since he was a virgin the first time he'd met Charles.

Lotion would do. He shook the bottle until half went spilling over Charles' stomach. He grinned madly as Charles gasped at the sudden sensation. Erik coated his hands with it and pushed the nozzle of the bottle inside Charles.

"Oh God Erik, what have you done to me?" He moaned as Erik squeezed the bottle.

"Ahhh!" Charles gasped louder. Erik's finger went in and out of Charles with speeds that left the man beneath him tongue-tied.

"Yes Charles, fuck my hands." Erik commanded and forced both hands upward, causing Charles to buck against them.

"I'm so close… Ahh Erik!" Charles gasped. Erik could see white pearl drops coming down his shaft. Erik lifted him in seconds and planted himself inside.

Charles came hard.

"ERIK!" Charles moaned, "ERIK ERIK ERIK!" He cried out. Erik was pounding him into the couch backboard, clenching it with both fists.

Erik growled as he came inside Charles.

"Oh… mmm…" Charles murmured against Erik's chest.

Erik laughed as Charles already started to drift off against him. Erik could feel the strong pulse banded around his cock as he gently pulled out in one swift well-lubricated movement.

Erik picked up Charles and carried him off to bed. His arms wrapped around Charles' little frame and slept soundly.

Thanks for reading guys; there definitely will be consequences both Erik and Logan's actions! XD Reviews are marshmallows in my hot chocolate! :D

If any of you are curious about a playlist for this story here's an idea of what I listen to when I write this…

Abertura: American Horror Story

Lady Gaga: Judas, Teeth, Bad Romance, Born This Way, Edge of Glory

Muse: Blackout, Uprising, Apocalypse Please

Mumford and Sons: The Cave, Little Lion Man

Maroon Five: Moves Like Jagger

Adele: Rolling In the Deep, Rumor Has It, Someone Like You, Set Fire To The Rain, Hiding My Heart Away

The Lonely Island: Like a Boss

Angelzoom: Turn the Sky

Kleerup ft. Lykke Li

Benny B.: Satisfaction

Amy Winehouse: You know that I'm No God

Culture Club: Less Than Perfect (Hee… where the title came from)

ACDC: You Shook Me All Night Long, TNT, Highway to Hell, Dirty Deeds

Emii: Just Like Ma ma ma magic…

Now, most of these songs have a Cherik companion save for ACDC, Culture Club, Winehouse and a few others, but a great portion of them have an Erik/Charles vid to go with them. Honestly if you haven't seen the Cherik vid with Adam Lambert's song "Fever" You haven't seen anything! XD

Oh and these songs are very vulgar, but "Supertight" actually has a Cherik vid to go with it…

J and Q: Pound me in the buttox,

Jackie Q ft. Aldous Snow: Supertight

J and Q: Ring 'Round

Yeah those last three songs totally remind me of my jailbait Erik!