This story has been eating at me for weeks and I just HAD to write it and take a small hiatus from my other stories. Erik is a repeat offender and Charles is the chosen cop that has to take him in. Will forbidden love find them? :D

Erik POV

Erik growled as he was slammed against the hood of the police cruiser. The air whooshed from his lungs in one quick grunt. Officer Xavier had finally caught up to him, following Lensherr's robberies. They were quick and efficient. Lensherr managed to follow through with his felonies without harming anyone, but that hadn't stopped Charles. No, this was Lensherr's third offense and he was quite familiar with the justice system and knew he'd be doing some serious time after this newest arrest.

Charles POV

Charles hadn't meant to be so firm, but he didn't want to risk losing this criminal, not after the offender had slowly gained recognition through the police ranks and then rose to Charles' Wanted list. Once the officer saw a trail of blood that leaked down over the white hood of his cruiser, he gasped. But he fought of any feelings of sympathy and tightened his grip on the handcuffs he removed from his holster. He refused to feel bad for this evil-doer. He didn't like hurting people, but his father commended him for enlisting into the police force. He knew he could help people there, even though it was the offense side of helping people.

Somehow once he'd accidentally let him mind wander for such a split second, which was enough for the hardened criminal. Erik's elbow was suddenly in Charles' face and he was knocked back, but Charles didn't give up and he caught Erik's arm. The felon then pulled himself away, straining with the effort and slid right out of his grey sweatshirt and Charles frantically snatched the collar of his black tank top.

"Hold it right there!" Officer Xavier shouted with fury, knowing full well that Erik wouldn't comply.

Erik POV

Erik briefly choked against the collar of his dark shirt as the fancy cop brought him to his knees on the pavement.

"Fuck…" Erik gasped and his teeth embedded into the cotton. He was a mere half inch from getting the officer's gloved fingers. Once he heard the rip he jerked free. He tore the shirt in half and slammed his whole body into Charles' own, pinning him against the car. Erik smiled widely as the decorated officer let out a grunt and then gasped as Erik's other hand felt him up. The felon's hands grabbed everywhere, leaving Charles breathless, terrified, but more than anything, furious. Erik could see it in his eyes; he knew after tonight… he looked down at his name tag…. Charles Xavier would never stop hunting him.

"Wo ist dein Gewehr?" Erik snarled as he tore open his coat, looking for his gun. Charles just refused to meet his eyes as his black police hat with a checkered brim, fell from his head and onto the hood of the car. Charles let a yelp slip as Erik's hands dug deep into his pockets, front and back alike.

"Keine Waffe?" Erik snorted, "Welche Art von Polizist bist du?" Erik then unbuckled his holster, but still kept his thigh between Charles' legs. Erik just kept on smiling and pushed it up a tad higher, causing the officer to blush rather deeply. He dug through the contents of his holster and removed the second pair of cuffs, pepper spray, and his radio device. Erik dropped it to the ground and crushed it with his steel-toed boot. Charles' eyes widened as he held up the pepper spray.

"I wouldn't dare, your eyes are far too beautiful." And Erik sprayed it away into the air, giving off a puff of reddish ash-like smoke.

Charles POV

He wanted to scream, he felt utterly humiliated at the hands of the fucking criminal. Why didn't he call for backup? This was stupid, and he let his ego go to his head. He held hope since the not-so-smart Lensherr had smashed his radio, surely that would've brought his colleagues attention, but he may have underestimated Lensherr. Charles could feel his own face heat up as he felt Erik's hands across his arse and front, he didn't question Lensherr's motives, and he just wanted him away. The physical closeness of the other man was deafening. Both of his hands were bound with that stupid tank top he'd grabbed by the convict's left hand.

"Oh God!" Charles breathed hard and squirmed as he felt something harden between his legs, it wasn't him.

Erik POV

Before he could do anything else, he'd managed to get a hard on against the cop with pretty blue eyes and knew it. He couldn't stop himself; his tongue ran over the pale exposed white of Xavier's neck.

"Scmeckt wunderbar." Erik mused. His Mother language tended to take over and claim him, much like his desire. He knew something in him broke the first time he'd gone to jail. Before dinner, he had been bought and paid for without knowing it. That evening during shower time he'd been sodomized by three different inmates. The next two years he'd beaten and fought his way to the top, gaining some respect; he caused a series of riots that he'd intentionally set up all three men to die. Shaw had helped him kill each one without being traced. Now he hadn't been touched by anyone since, though he had been given propositions by the younger ones that found him attractive and he never turned them down and gave himself a reputation that led others to beg to be beneath him. He hadn't taken a woman since his destroyed marriage, and realized he had preferred men, cops… Once Charles' leg came up and clipped the side of his narrow cheek, he'd caught it. Taking full advantage of the cop with tousled brunette hair, he hiked that leg up over his bare shoulder and felt his unmistakable length get teased by the luscious muscle beneath the black fabric.

Charles said nothing as his baton came up like a silent savior and cracked against Lensherr's skull.

Before Erik could do anything else, his eyes rolled up as his world turned black and he slumped against the officer.

Charles POV

His blue eyes widened as his assaulter fell against him. He groaned as he started to slide down and Lensherr fell on top of him. He let out an exasperated sigh as he turned the felon over. He could now see his features and like most convicts, he had tattoos and many of them. The biggest one though, was a Shield of David. Charles found it a little funny that a man of a certain faith would do such a thing. He cocked his head slightly to the side as he looked at him a bit closer. The picture they had of him back at the office looked gaunt, but the real Erik E. Lensherr was completely different. His hair had a choppy finish with bangs that smoothed in one wave to the side and his shoulders were broad and inked with various hieroglyphic symbols that had piqued his interest. He had various Celtic symbols and crosses across his chest as well. Lensherr's face was angular at all sides: A prominent nose, angular jaw line, eyebrows that were almost perfectly straight. He could have been the perfection that Roman sculptors would have wanted. Charles didn't miss the dark hair that turned an almost shade of burgundy in the sunlight. He also saw that his lip was busted when he banged him against the car. He shook his head as he lifted Lensherr up from the waist and cuffed him. Charles may have been smaller than him, but he was tough and shoved him in the back of the cruiser.

Erik POV

The next few moments played through Erik's mind like watery images he couldn't grasp. He briefly remembered intense arousal and he could feel his pants become tented. He groaned as his head lolled back against the soft cushion headrest, then he suddenly knew where he was. His head leaned heavily against the window as he gasped for breath.

"wo nimmst du mich dieses Mal?" Erik asked, leaning heavily against the framed backseat, trying to get closer to the officer.

Charles just shook his head and his frown deepened as he stepped a little harder on the drive.

"wo nimmst du mich dieses Mal?" Erik said once more.

"Where are you taking me?" He said a little louder, this time in English so the officer could understand him.

"Jail... where else would I take you?" Charles' heavy English accent took Erik slightly by surprise, though they were in England so it shouldn't have, but it had.

"Keep it in your pants, would you?" Charles added. Erik's eyes widened slightly as he felt himself get harder, against his will… almost. He chuckled and spoke through the chain-like wall between them.

"Glad I got a pretty one this time." He made sure to breathe that last word out heavily, causing the officer's skin to become moist.

Charles POV

He tried not to notice everything about his newest criminal he'd caught, but it proved pointless. This man was determined to push him to the edge. Soon he would be back at the station with his partner, Raven. She would definitely want to know everything that went down with his latest conquers. One more was left on his list and he would make Detective soon enough, but he still would need more training and experience to do more high profile cases, thankfully Erik Lensherr was just that. He pretended that his nerves weren't on edge, his hands that were shaking so hard had made him clench the wheel ever tighter, and the gooseflesh that pricked over his skin beneath the gloves.

Once he saw the familiar façade of the building come into view he slammed on the brakes. Erik's temple hit the crosswire window with a loud thud and a sharp growl as he pulled his head back. Charles opened the door and wretched Erik to his feet and slammed his head against the trunk of the vehicle.

Payback for practically molesting me… Charles angrily thought. There was even a head wound when he pulled him back and started walking him into the station. He noticed his busted lip and then wondered if he had been too rough on him…. Nah.

Raven was the first to greet him once he strode through the double doors and she helped detain his newest prisoner. Erik was then booked in a holding cell, awaiting his trial.

"Too bad, he's a cutie." Raven smirked as Charles gave her a befuddled look and pulled her away from his paperwork and into her office.

"He almost raped me." Charles looked exasperated and ran a shaky hand through his hair.

"What?" Raven's golden brown eyes widened.

"What did he do, did he pull your pants down or something?" She quickly grew louder.

"Pipe down, and no it wasn't like that, he didn't do that kind of thing." Charles' eyes were vividly blue and he was trying to calm down as he told her the story.

"He started fondling me and… taking my things, and… and…" Charles couldn't think of anything else to say.

"So he didn't try to… you know?" Raven's eyes got bigger.

"I don't know, but he was pressing against me and I felt his thing." Charles continued.

"Thing?" Raven questioned, "You mean his penis?" She started smiled and tried to hide her laughter.

"God stop, it's not funny darling." Charles shushed her as he removed his gloves that know reeked of sweaty convict.

"I wish my calls were catching hot guys like him." She laughed. "Why didn't you radio me?"

"He…uh… smashed it, I'll need a replacement." Charles admitted.

"I think he's German, that's what it sounded like." He added.

"Really?" Raven's eyes widened, "Oh and he's a foreigner?"

Charles rolled his eyes as he brushed off his dirty hat and tried fixing the dirty smudges on the brim.

"I'd let him fuck me against the car." Raven said with a sly grin, "Look at those muscles!"

"Raven!" Charles stifled a cry of protest and astonishment at his best friend's inane behavior.

"What he's cute, I would have spent a little more time 'catching' him." She laughed and let her hair out of its tight bun.

"Are you ready for a break soon?" Raven asked.

"Yes, I need to get out of here, it feels so cramped." Charles answered, "I have to get his name in the books and a quick interview and I'll meet you at the front ok?"

"Sure, see ya soon." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and headed out of her office.

Charles quickly went down the white corridor and peered in at Lensherr.

"You are hard to catch you know that?" Charles said.

"I'm aware… Did you get your money's worth?" He joked.

"You do realize this is your third offense right Lensherr?" Charles almost shouted at him in anger.

"Ja." He said. Charles thought about it and realized he had said yes; however, not in English which ticked Charles off a bit.

"Don't you have any remorse?" He asked, stunned.

"Nicht…" He paused, "No Charles… I don't."

The officer's eyes widened and he watched as Erik's hand reached through the bars and caressed his cheek. He pulled back in shock and touched his cheek, feeling the ghost of Erik's hand.

"S…Stop it." Charles didn't come off as convincing. Erik's half naked body smoothed out across the bars as he shamelessly lowered his hands past his waistband.

"Oh you're…Oh Lord." Charles blushed and turned his face away.

"So schuchtern Charles…" His breath hitched and Charles could make out the shape of a fist in his sweatpants.

"Shy…" He moaned as his hands moved faster. Charles bit the inside of his cheek; he knew he would have to check him for any weapons… Now he was doing that?

Charles sucked in a breath and unlocked the cell, causing Erik to fall back, but his legs were so long he'd caught his balance before he fell.

"So you're… interested?" Erik's German accent thickened at the last word. Charles said nothing as he pushed Erik against the wall and felt around his waistband for any weapons. He felt something smooth and pointed down the side of his waistband; no, not the waistband of his pants, but the waistband of his knickers.

Shit! Charles tried not to say it out loud. His hands, now realizing that they were bare and he had taken off his white gloves, felt the sheer heat of Erik's body. He held his breath as his hands went low and pulled down his sweatpants. It was definitely a knife and Charles felt stupid that he hadn't done this before he had him in custody… Oh right, he was fondling you, and then you became helpless. Charles chased away the annoying thoughts and felt where it was secured and pulled it out from his thigh. He placed it in the back of his holster and continued looking. He'd found nothing else, but Erik's weight suddenly shifted and Charles could feel Erik's hot cock against his hand. Erik let out a hushed groan as Charles felt his pulse against his hand. The officer immediately withdrew his hand and pulled his pants back up and almost ran out of the cell block.

"Shit, fuck, oh my God, what the bloody hell, dammitfuckingshit!" He shouted at himself once he made it back to his office. He realized he was holding the knife tightly in one hand. He dropped it instantly, the heat of it from Erik's body; it clattered to the floor and he grabbed the corners of his desk.

"Fuck!" He hadn't sworn so much in his life, but this Erik started giving him too much trouble. He knew he had to switch and give him to someone else that could handle that kind of pressure.

He let go of the desk and picked up the knife, it was engraved.

Blut und Ehre… What did that mean? He shook out of his coat and unbuttoned the first two buttons of his uniform and went to the bathroom down the hall. Charles splashed water on his face and he tried to appear normal for the public, like hell he would let Lensherr break him.

He floored it past the holding cells and shot out the front door and went on his way to meet Raven, unsure of whether or not to tell Raven about what just happened or not.

Erik POV

He was so hard right now, it started hurting. He lusted for that cop; in fact it was almost too easy to rile him up. Erik's hands went in slow long strokes as his mind taunted him. Flashes of that cop with amazing eyes blinded him. Had he imagined those soft hands?


Erik let out a low groan and grabbed the hilt and firmly squeezed. Images of Officer Xavier bent over the front desk and the appalled look of the woman at the front desk would wear as she watched Erik fuck him against the desk. His back was turned and he hadn't heard anyone approach.

"Mr. Lensherr?" A feminine voice broke his concentration. Erik forced his hands away and banged his head on the wall… hard.

"Ja?" He answered in German, hoping to piss her off. He bit his hand and willed his erection away, enough that it wouldn't tend his pants anymore.

"What is it?" He turned around and met a woman wearing all white… Her hair was almost the same shade, but blonde. Erik stalked towards the bars and raised a brow at her.

"You have no attorney, is that correct?" She asked.

"Your point?" Erik's eyes narrowed.

"I'm Ms. Frost, the state has assigned me as yours." She answered.

"You're mine?" He laughed, causing her to roll her eyes.

"This is your third strike, is it not?" She asked.

"Yes… I'm aware." Erik leaned casually against the wall.

"Why do you do it?" Emma asked, "You haven't even been out for a year, why?"

"I have my reasons, unless you want to tell me about your dirty deeds I suggest you don't bother asking me about mine." Erik said.

"Fine… But know you have an appointment first thing in the morning. Do you think you'll fair tonight in the big cage?" She asked with a rather mocking tone.

"That cage is my family." Erik crossed his arms.

"Fine, sorry… But that's where you'll be until morning then." Emma smiled weakly.

"I can't do anything for you until then." She added. Erik gave her a swift nod as she left without a goodbye.

The moment seemed ruined now… But he still couldn't get the blue-eyed cop from his mind. If he started now, he wouldn't be able to stop. He certainly didn't want to walk into the prison yard with a stiff cock, which was like saying, 'come fuck me.'

Erik didn't think so… Instead he waited for him to come back and transfer him to the closest prison, the one he'd previously been in of course. He gotten a poor excuse of a lunch and he plainly didn't give a shit and ate it in less than a minute, he would need his strength.

Charles POV

He bit his fingernails as he waited for Raven to emerge from the bathroom. He had no idea where to start.

"Hey Charles." She smiled as she made it to the table.

"Raven… I'm so glad to see you… Umm he did it again." Charles could feel his cheeks burn as he started his tale of… whatever it was supposed to be.

"What?" She exclaimed, "and I missed it?" She huffed.

"I had to frisk him, but he started touching himself and… Oh God I don't know what to do and I felt his… thing on my hand and I felt something and I wasn't supposed to Raven!" He cupped his mouth shut.

"Calm down boy, start from the beginning…" She paused, "Ok so he was master bating in front of you?" Her own cheeks started turning a hint of pink, though in comparison to Charles' almost red cheeks.

"Then you had to frisk him, he made you cop a feel and you heard him groan?" Her eyes sparkled with interest.

"It's not right Raven, and I'm not gay." Charles sounded exasperated.

"Really?" She looked at him, "You always seemed the type to me, no offense."

"None taken…" He said glumly. He frowned as he looked at the menu. All his could think about were those tatted neck and linebacker shoulders… the short crop of his hair that always looked strangely perfect, and his hot… long…thick…

"Wiener?" Charles said aloud, "Sounds good right now." He bit his lip, Did he really say that out loud?

"Oh yeah… I want one too." She smiled a little too wide.

They ordered together and Charles insisted that he'd pay. They ate partially in silence and Charles certainly didn't think about anything raunchy as he brought the obscenely large bratwurst to his mouth.

Raven watched him in earnest, enjoying the way his lips wrapped around the wiener. He had paid her no mind as he ate his lunch. She eyed him and kept smiling and she then started to eat hers.

"Chips?" She handed her fries to him, while he started to half them. They finished and talked about what they had planned for the weekend.

"So I have the beach party I was wanted to do, and hoping you'd come." She smiled and hoped he'd say yes.

"Why not, I have no other plans to do, so yes… but please don't set me up on any more dates, work is hard enough right?" Charles answered.

"Ok, and I won't do that again… but do try and make friends would you?" Raven asked.

"Yes I will… Agreed." He laughed with her and she got a call on her radio.

"Hey I got to go, I'll see you later ok?" Raven announced as she folded her napkin and left.

Charles paid for the ticket and got outside into his squad car. He waited until he could hear his own radio crackle to life. He tuned it until he got his partner's frequency.

"Raven, you there?" He asked.

"Yep, loud and clear, I just have a domestic dispute or something going on."

"Do you need some back up?" Charles asked.

"Yeah, just in case." She added.

Charles stomped on the gas and swung violently across the intersection. He was known throughout the precinct as the most dangerous driver and everyone refused to get into the same squad car as he, and Raven was granted her own vehicle. He smiled as he flashed on his cruiser lights and sirens. Now the road was clear, he stepped so hard he could feel the carpet on his heel as he propelled the car forward.

Erik POV

He could hear the radios all around the building; he hadn't even been brought into the interrogation room and gotten a record of the event of his robbery.

He frowned at the plain wall and he missed the action. He had been so close to tempting his favored cop. Kissing… almost, but a gasp and the feel of his soft hand was just enough to sate him for the evening. He hadn't heard him come in until he felt his hot breath on his neck.

"Xavier?" He said in a mused voice. He heard a small huff of displeasure and knew it to be true.

"Back so soon, did you me miss so much?" He turned slightly. Charles turned him around and slapped him across the face. Erik's eyes widened and then he smiled as Charles cuffed him and clicked them far tighter than he should have, causing Erik to wince.

"So rough now… aren't you?" Erik taunted him; he even went as far as to press his backside into Charles' front. Without think, Charles slapped him again, but missed and got him on the arse instead. Erik jumped and Charles didn't miss the gasp that rose from his prisoner.

"Sorry!" Charles said before he could stop himself, he had no idea that Erik was grinning from ear to ear. Charles walked him to the front desk, where Erik had thought about fucking him over earlier that day. The lady at the front was big and looked like the sheer perfection of a bitch.

Perfect… Erik thought about what her reaction would be.

Charles leaned over the desk and caught him smirking, but once he met Charles' eyes the smile quickly died. Charles brushed it off and walked him through the now dark parking lot and set him in the backseat.

"Since you aren't new to the system, I'll be driving you." He kept a calm face almost through the entire drive.

Once they were at the center Erik could already hear shouts he'd recognized. Charles' posture stiffened and Erik could tell he was uncomfortable.

"Everything's going to be alright." He assured him. Charles wondered why he was trying to make him feel better; he wasn't the one about to be thrown in jail.

Erik was let into the yard as Charles started the paperwork. Erik saw that the night had quickly enveloped most of everything, but he knew where he was supposed to go. He went over to the southern side of the yard and met Shaw. His gaze trailed up and down his frame.

"They didn't give you a shirt?" He laughed.

"Nicht…" Erik smiled back. Shaw smiled wider.

"I've missed you…Dear Erik." He held out his hand and Erik took it and stood behind him. He patrolled his portion of the yard for any new arrivals that would try to knife any of the older returning inmates, and try to gain a reputation.

"My cell… tonight, and don't be late." Shaw ordered. Erik felt a jolt of pleasure at the thought. He felt the anticipation build. He wasn't sure if would be thinking about Shaw or not, more than likely he'd be thinking of Charles… Fucking Charles Xavier… He tensed as he realized he wouldn't be able to make it to his cell… He had to go to a placement center afterwards.

"Fuck…" He tore off a nail between his teeth.

"I won't be able to, showers instead?" He raised a brow. Shaw smiled at him and nodded.

Erik walked the length of the yard and went to the fence and watched Charles get into his cruiser. He stared at him like a wolf. He couldn't help himself; he waited until he was certainly looking and blew him a kiss.

Shall I continue this? I'm not sure if I should or not, review and let me know if you guys want more ok.