Quick Recap: Ciel gives Roxas some space. Axel and Roxas are sad. Xion is planning something sinister. Sebastian is making curry. I wonder why. Not really. I know why. The question is did you know why previous chapter.

A/N: Hey guys, it's been a while. Figured for my bday I should post some xovers.

So I recently got some reviews concerning this fic, and I thought I should continue it and Supernatural. Anyway, sorry for not replying to reviews, life is really crappy to me right now and even this was hard to do. I'll get to them as soon as I can.

Special hugs to Paxloria, Soul Vrazy, duel wilder 15, NatAngel Dark Wings, Guest, duel weilder 15 (thanks for reviewing twice!) PhantomGirl17, TheFreakyKitty14, Gus Kinney The Prodigal Son, badassassin25, SisterofScarletDevil, Normal-is-boring-96, Xehanorto, JakDaxPeaceMaker, I' (I'm sorry! Here's an update, I hope I don't disappoint you! You get an extra hug) and JaxDaxPeaceMaker again for reviewing! You guys rock!

Also. I'm going to ignore everything that happened in 3D. All the information that was revealed about the Nobodies will not be referenced in the fic. Great game though.

We good to go? Great!

Here we go…

Chapter Ten: Balancing

"Shoulders straight, lean back." Sebastian wacked the back of Roxas's head with a ruler. The blond winced, stumbling for a moment to keep balance, and looked over to Sebastian, who held no sympathy for him.

"This shouldn't be hard, Lord Roxas." Sebastian sighed. He smacked the ruler into his gloved hand. "From the beginning."

Roxas wanted to collapse to the floor. "Never mind the books I have to balance," he said. He tilted his head down, the books making a loud thump as they hit the carpet. "How am I supposed to dance without a partner?"

"Just let me know when you give up," Ciel called from across the room.

"With practice, Lord Roxas." Sebastian grinned as he picked up the books, stacked them, and placed them back on Roxas' head. "Now from the top."

"Screw this." Roxas shook his head, knocking the books back down. "This… this… this is impossible." He rubbed the back of his head and turned back to Ciel. "Alright. I give up."

He didn't even need to see Ciel grin wickedly before bringing his cup tea to his lips, taking a quiet sip. "Are you sure?" he asked, placing the cup on its plate.

Roxas nodded as he continued to massage his head. "Yeah, I'm sure."

"Very well." Ciel stood from the sofa. "Sebastian, go ahead and fetch it," he ordered with a wave of his hand.

Sebastian bowed. "Yes, my lord." Roxas groaned, not looking forward to what Sebastian was going to get from his room. But then again, anything was better than balancing five huge books on his head while ballroom dancing without a partner to stabilize him.

"Take all the time you need," Roxas yelled as Sebastian disappeared. He moved two of the heavy tomes with his foot and collapsed on the soft floor. Ciel quickly grabbed a plate, placed a raspberry scone from the large selection of breakfast pasties, and walked over to the blond, who was breathing heavily from exhaustion.

"What even is this about?" Roxas asked as Ciel pushed a book with his foot aside towards the shelf. Roxas picked himself up from the ground slowly, taking a moment to adjust. Without looking at him, Ciel held out the plate and Roxas took it gratefully. He gobbled it down quickly, starving after not having eaten for a few hours.

"Thanks," he said, holding out his hand underneath his chin to catch the crumbs before they fell onto the carpet.

Ciel looked away, and Roxas knew he was truly exhausted when he thought he saw a faint blush on the Earl's cheeks. "Don't talk with your mouth full," he scolded, turning back to face his faux-frère.

Roxas coughed, wiping his hands of crumbs. Ciel frowned as Roxas made a mad dash to the breakfast buffet, quickly pouring himself a cup of chai tea. The tea, having cooled considerably since it was brewed, soothed Roxas' throat. With the threat of choking gone, Roxas decided to take a seat and grab some sandwiches.

Ciel bit his lip as Roxas ate much slower this time. "You shouldn't have stuffed it all in one go," he scolded, keeping a close eye on the door. "But I shouldn't have forgotten the tea…" he trailed off and frowned. "How odd."

Roxas shook his head. "It's fine; your hands were full," he said, picking out another raspberry scone.

"Yeah…" Ciel said slowly. "Yes, my hands were full…"

Which they both knew wasn't true because one of Ciel's hands was on his hip. Ciel watched Roxas happily munched on his long overdue breakfast, mind refusing to think.

"I believe this would be suitable to your taste, young master?

Ciel suppressed the jump as Sebastian appeared behind him. "M-my taste? What are you implying, Sebastian?"

Sebastian bowed with a smirk. "My apologize. Our taste."

Roxas, distracted with his food, missed the stares his way from both master and servant – one lustful, the other embarrassed.

Sebastian said nothing more, allowing for Ciel to direct where their conversation will go. Ciel turned to face his butler, tsking in annoyance with his devilish grin of his. The conversation was dropped. His eye moved to the item in Sebastian's arms, grinning himself at the twinkling diamonds.

"Roxas," Ciel called. "Sebastian is back."

About to take another bite, Roxas dropped half of his scone back on his plate. He visibly blanched at the sight of the butler with it.

Ciel snickered, amused at the blond's torment. "You agreed to it. Come along then; I shall be waiting for your swift return."

Begrudgingly, Roxas picked himself up and dragged himself to the pair. Sebastian bowed. "I will be happy to assist you, Lord Roxas." He placed his hand on the blond's shoulder. Roxas shivered.

Ciel was not amused at he watched them walk away.


Roxas was already blushing when Sebastian helped him dress.

"Why did you have to pick this one?" Roxas asked as Sebastian wrapped the fabric around his waist.

"Contrary to your belief of your wardrobe," Sebastian replied as he smoothed out the satin. "This is the only one you have."

Roxas stared at himself in the mirror. "I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one."

Sebastian paused. "Probably both."

Roxas nodded. "Probably both."


"One, two, three." Sebastian began to play the violin.

Ciel held out his hand. "May I?" he said, grinning evilly.

Roxas couldn't keep eye contact. "Um... I…"

"Don't forget, you asked for this," Ciel reminded, spinning his wrist before holding it out for Roxas to take.

Roxas sighed, still blushing, as he took Ciel's hand and moved closer to the Earl. In order to compensate for the difference in height, Roxas was barefoot while Ciel was in heels. Not that anyone could see, the blond's feet hidden underneath his gown.

Wearing a crystal tiara on his head, Roxas swayed in a long, lacy, silky snow-white dress that almost touched to the floor. The light reflected the various diamonds that were stitched into the fabric, and he was accessorized with white fingerless gloves and a black choker around his neck.

Ciel continued to grin as he led the dance, effortlessly moving his feet to the melody of Sebastian's playing.

Roxas twirled easily, following Ciel's lead with a much better understanding than leading himself. As much as he hated to admit it, it was easier because he wasn't a leader, but a follower. Always a follower, yet to be a leader. His samurai did not count.

Regardless of his public status, Roxas knew that he was just another servant to the Ciel, fallen in line to his power.

Roxas bent his knees to spin under Ciel's raised hand. "How long is this going to be anyway?"

"I'll say when. This is just too amusing."


Ciel chuckled. Roxas was surprised on how light and cheerful it sounded, in contrast to the boy in front of him.

Distracted, - "Woah!" - Roxas took a misstep and tripped, bringing Ciel tumbling down with him. Sebastian immediately stopped playing to free his master from the tangled limbs and fabric.

Roxas was burning, and Ciel was as red as a tomato. "S-stop laughing, Sebastian!"

Sebastian smirked. "I'll say when. This is just too amusing."

Ciel pouted. "That's an order."

Sebastian frowned. "You're no fun, young master."

Ciel pushed himself up without Sebastian's help, using Roxas's head as leverage. He dusted himself off. "I don't care for your opinions, Sebastian." He spotted the small envelope in his butler's hand. "Anyway, I think it's time we get going. Roxas, do you care to come with us?"

"Only if I get to change first." Roxas picked himself up. "Where're we going?"

Ciel snatched the envelope in Sebastian's hand and waved it in front of Roxas's face as a response. "Into town. It's time for you to live up to your expectations."

Roxas nodded, determined. "Of course." He looked down at his silky white outfit.

"Just… just let me change first."


A/N: Here's some fluff after the previous chapter. Plot picks up next chapter, whenever that is.

Thanks for reading!