AUTHOR'S NOTE: For a more enhanced experience (particularly with this Chapter) I HIGHLY recommend that you look up the following songs on either MP3 Skull OR YouTube, & open them in a new tab so that you can listen to them while reading the story.

Songs Used: "Evolution (Dave Aude Remix)" BY: KoRn.

"If (Don't Ever Blame Yourself)" BY: The Last Days Of April.

"Running After My Fate" BY: Jean Pierre Taieb.

DISCLAIMER:I do NOT own the characters, respective rights belong to MTV's Teen Wolf. I write for NON-profit, entertainment purposes ONLY.

Chapter 13 - "Running After My Fate"


Derek and Scott had managed to make their way above ground, and back through the woods toward the Hale house.

"Hold on... hold on," Derek said, out of breath as he stopped a ways behind Scott. The two men glanced around at their surroundings. "Something doesn't feel right, " Derek said.

Scott's head whipped back and forth as he scanned the woods, his heart racing. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know, it's- it's kinda' like it was-" Derek began in a breathy voice.

"No! No, don't say too easy! People say, "too easy" and bad things happen," Scott protested. Derek fidgeted. "What'd you think finding you was easy?" Scott said exasperated. "Getting away from Allison's dad- none of this has been easy!"

Derek sighed and nodded, looking tired. "Fine, you're right."

Scott exhaled dramatically, "Thank you," he breathed.

WHOOSH! An arrow came out of nowhere and struck Derek right in the chest, causing him to fall backwards and to the ground. Scott whirled around and to his horror, he spotted Allison crouched at a distance with her bow aimed right at them. And standing beside her was her aunt, Kate.

"Now the leg," Kate said and by command, Allison released a second arrow. Scott watched as it went straight through Derek's leg. "Flash bulb," Kate said as Allison loaded a different type of arrow.

"Scott your eyes!" Derek yelled at the completely dumbstruck Scott.

"Now," Kate said and Allison let loose another arrow that whizzed past Scott's face, hit the tree behind him and went off in a great blinding flash.

With a hiss, Scott threw himself to the ground beside Derek who began to break the arrow shafts before removing them one at a time. He cried out in pain as he did so and Scott was temporarily stunned stupid. He was on all fours as he looked up through the blur, all that remained of his vision, and spotted Allison still with Kate; the bow aimed right at him.

Finally, Derek got to his feet, grabbed Scott by his jacket and began to drag him away toward the Hale house. "Ugh, let's go!" he groaned.

"Natural talent," Kate said to Allison before standing up from her crouched position and following the boys. Allison hesitated briefly before grabbing her bow and tagging along.

Derek staggered closer and closer to the house, still clutching onto Scott until he lost his balance and fell to the ground. But not before thrusting Scott forward. "Scott, go!" he yelled.

Scott crawled along the ground, still recovering from blindness. He paused in the yard and rolled onto his back, squinting. He could see the image of Allison approaching with her aunt several paces behind.

"Allison, I can explain," Scott said.

"Stop lying... For once, stop lying," Allison said as she walked right up to him. He tried to scoot back on his elbows.

"I was gonna' tell the truth at the formal. I was gonna' tell you everything," Scott said, his vision finally returning fully. "...everything that I said. Everything that I did-"

"-was to protect me?" Allison finished the sentence for him.

"Yes," Scott replied. There was a pause.

"I don't believe you," she said, looking deeply hurt. The mirrored pain was reflected in Scott's face, as well.

"Ugh, thank God, now shoot him before I have to shoot myself," Kate said as she came strolling up to them.

"You- you said we were just gonna' catch them?" Allison said, looking to her aunt with furrowed brows.

"We did that. Now we're gonna' kill them," Kate replied. BLAM! Suddenly she had shot Derek who had been laying on the ground. "See? Not that hard," Kate added as she threw up her hands while continuing to close in on a terrified Scott. "Oh no," Kate said as she looked at Allison and clucked her tongue. "I know that look. That's the, "you're gonna' have to do it yourself" look," she said while stepping between Allison and Scott.

Kate looked Allison in the eyes, clucked her tongue again and then turned her gun on Scott. "Kate. Kate, wait. What're you doing?" Allison asked as she tried to put her hand on Kate's shoulder, but Kate shoved her to the ground. Scott watched in horror as Allison's aunt stood there with the gun held in his face. She was working up the courage to kill him.

"I love those brown eyes," Kate said with a smile.

"Ready?" Peter whispered to me from within the Hale house. I nodded, knowing what my role was to play in all of this. Peter wanted me to stay hidden until the time was right.

"Kate!" Mr. Argent yelled out, suddenly getting everyone's attention. He came to a halt outside, a gun of his own in his hand. "I know what you did," he said and his sister's eyes darted to the Hale house momentarily. "Put the gun down," he told her.

Scott's head darted back and forth between Kate and Mr. Argent. "I did what I was told to do," Kate said in a quiet voice.

"No one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that house. Ones who were human," Mr. Argent said, and my breathing faltered for the briefest of moments. Did he say children..? Just how many of Peter's family members died in that fire..? "Look what you're doing now. You're holding a gun at a sixteen-year-old boy. You have no proof he spilled human blood. We go by the code," he said. Kate looked from Scott to her brother. "Nous Chassons ceux qui nous chassent," Mr Argent spoke in French; a reminder.

"We hunt those who hunt us," Allison breathed, deciphering the French motto and having an epiphany of her own. Kate's finger began to tighten around the trigger of the gun.

Suddenly Mr. Argent raised his gun and aimed it at Kate. "Put the gun down," he ordered. She stared at him defiantly, but didn't do as she was told. BLAM! The tree behind her was struck with a bullet. "before I put you down," he added. Kate lowered her gun with an incredulous look on her face. From inside, Peter nudged the front door of the Hale house so that it creaked open. "Allison get back," Mr. Argent ordered of his daughter. Kate trained her gun on the door as Scott and Allison both got to their feet and all of them were now facing the house.

"What is it?" Allison asked, sounding worried. The front door had creaked open all the way now, and all they could see was a black void into the house. Suddenly I felt an odd sensation and my eyes began to glow gold. In the same instance, Scott's eyes began to glow gold in response to Peter's unseen beckon, as well.

"It's thee Alpha," Scott said as he crouched down into fight mode. WHOOSH! Peter came running out of the front door at a break neck speed and past everyone, into the woods within a blink of an eye. He moved so fast that he was nothing but a blur, running circles around them all before anyone could even turn in the right direction. He was toying with them.

My MP3 Player shuffled and a song titled, "Evolution" popped on with a fast paced, almost nerve-wracking beat as I remained crouched in the shadows of the house like I had been told to do. WHOOSH! Peter clipped Mr. Argent, knocking the gun from his hand and causing him to fall to the ground.

SMACK! Allison cried out as she was knocked over next, sending her crossbow sliding into the pile of leaves in the middle of the yard. It started to rain and Kate was the only one with a weapon left standing as she tried to track Peter's movements.

She had turned towards the woods, but Peter, running on all fours directly behind her, knocked Scott to the ground next. She spun around toward Scott, but Peter was gone again. "Come on!" she bellowed angrily as she continued to search frantically for him. "Come on!" she yelled again.

There was the sound of something behind her, but when she looked, nothing was there. She turned back toward the house again- THWAP! Peter was suddenly upon her. He caught her by her wrist and forced the gun away from him as she fought desperately to shoot him.

BLAM! The gun went off as he continued to force her hand further up and away. BLAM! It went off again as he bent her hand and she grunted in pain. CRACK! With a quick chop to her elbow, he'd broken the bone, causing her to scream out in agony. Peter then took her by her throat and tossed her twenty feet through the air.

THUD. Kate landed hard on the porch of the Hale house. She cried out in pain as Peter walked up onto the porch, bent down, grabbed her by her throat again and drug her into the darkness of the Hale house.

"No!" Allison pleaded as she scampered to her feet after them. She ran into the house and came to a halt when she saw Peter standing with Kate in the middle of the living room.

"She is beautiful, Kate," Peter said, referring to Allison. "She looks like you. But probably not as damaged," he added, tightening his grip on Kate's throat, who breathed shakily... wheezing. "So I'm going to give you a chance to save her... Apologize," he said, his voice calm, but laced with so much emotion it was palpable.

Allison whimpered and Peter sneered. "Say you're sorry for decimating my family. For leaving me burned and broken for six-years," he said. "Say it," Peter breathed, his harsh expression turning to that of true agony. "and I'll let her go." His nails dug into Kate's throat a little, the sound of her choking could be heard.

'I'm digging with my fingertips
I'm gripping at the ground I stand upon
I'm searching for fragile bones
Allison cocked her head to the side in a sympathetic manner.

"I-I'm sorry," Kate breathed, her gaze locked on Allison. Peter closed his eyes and Allison knew what was coming. Her breathing became ragged as Peter opened his eyes back up and an unexplainable expression crossed his face.

'-I'm never gonna' be refined
Keep trying, but I won't assimilate
Should we have come far in time?
(Watch the bough break)-'
Peter slid his hand across Kate's throat in one swift motion, blood splattering the windows. He let her body fall to the floor as Allison ran forward.

'-And I'm sorry, I don't believe
By the evidence that I see
That there's any hope left for me
(Left for me, left for me, left for me)-'
Flashes of the Hale house burning went through Peter's mind. Flashes of his family burning alive while he could do nothing but watch.

'-And I'm sorry, I don't believe
By the evidence that I see
That there's any hope left for me-'
By the time Kate's lifeless body hit the floor, he knew it had been the right thing to do. Allison had came to a halt in front of her aunt's dead body, her mouth agape as she gasped in horror.

'-It's evolution
It's evolution-'
Peter sighed a heavy sigh of relief, almost sounding like it had been pleasureful in some manner.

"I don't know about you, Allison, but that apology," he began while looking down at Kate's corpse. Tears trickled down Allison's face as she looked up at him. "didn't sound very sincere," he said with his head cocked to the side.

'-It's evolution
It's evolution-'
Peter then took a few steps toward Allison, causing her to take a few steps back.

'-And I, I do not dare deny
The basic beast inside
It's right here, it's controlling my mind-'
The sound of growing could be heard and suddenly Scott was at Allison's side, crouched down and half transformed. Peter stopped and slowly turned his head to look at Scott as if saying, "really?". I had to fight the urge to jump in.

'-And why... do I deserve to die?
I'm dominated by
This animal that's locked up inside-'
There was movement on the other side of Allison; it was Derek, also half transformed as he slowly prowled closer. Peter turned his head to get a good look at Derek. If they wanted a challenge, then a challenge it would be.

"Run," Scott said to Allison, who instantly obeyed and turned to run outside.

Scott made a face before deciding to charge Peter and Derek let loose a roar before he charged from the other side. With one swift movement, Peter caught both Derek and Scott in each hand and used their own momentum against them by throwing them off to the side.

Derek landed with his back against the fireplace, but amazingly, he recovered quickly, getting to his feet and swinging at his ducked and caught Derek in the chest, lifting him straight up off the floor and slamming his back up against the ceiling before letting him fall to the floorboards.

He then kicked Derek in the chest, sending him rolling along the floor. Scott finally managed to get to his feet and jumped on Peter's back. I couldn't help it, I was on my feet and ready to help.

"Stay back," Peter said, and I knew he was talking to me.

Outside, Allison could hear the racket of all the fighting that was breaking loose inside the Hale house, but she was more worried about her father who lay unconscious on the ground.

"Dad, dad," she tried desperately to wake him up while crouched at his side.

'-Close up to get a real good view
I'm betting that the species will survive
Hold tight, I'm getting inside you
Peter used Scott's own inertia against him and flipped the boy right over his shoulder, and onto the floor in one swift movement. I smiled to myself at how impressive his fighting skills were. And he hadn't even phased yet. Not partially. Not at all.

'-And when we're gonna' find these bones
They're gonna' want to keep them in a jar
The number one virus caused by
Peter backhanded Derek right in the face, causing him to fall backward. Peter then slashed at him, making sure to keep his nephew down

'-And I'm sorry, I don't believe
By the evidence that I see
That there's any hope left for me
(Left for me, left for me, left for me)-'
He grabbed Derek by the back of his coat and angrily tossed him at Scott who was on the floor still trying to recover. THUD! Derek landed on top of Scott, and for the first time, Peter was beginning to lose control.

'-And I'm sorry, I don't believe
By the evidence that I see
That there's any hope left for me-'
Peter's face contorted, temporarily transforming into a werewolf for the briefest of instance, but I could see him fight back the animalistic urge to rip everything and everyone to shreds.

'-It's evolution
It's evolution-'
Derek saw that his uncle was losing it, and so he got to his feet before running on all fours; he leaped onto the furniture in the room, from the table to the piano and right at Peter who braced for the impact.

'-It's evolution
It's evolution-'
He caught Derek by his middle and tossed him into the hutch face first- CRASH! It was decimated immediately in a shroud of dust. Derek lay there wincing in pain as Peter turned around to face Scott, who roared angrily, fangs barred before running straight at Peter.

'-And I, I do not dare deny
The basic beast inside
It's right here, it's controlling my mind-'
Peter caught Scott and wrestled with him, delivering a solid knee to Scott's gut. Thwump. Again, he kneed Scott in the gut- thwump. Peter toppled the kid over and backed him up all at the same time.

'-And why... do I deserve to die?
I'm dominated by
This animal that's locked up inside-'
Peter then tossed Scott against the wall and swung at him, but Scott ducked and Peter's fist hit the wall instead. THUD! Scott was quick enough to get behind him and shove him face first into the wall before then beginning to kick Peter in the kidneys. He started to lose control again; his face transforming, muzzle growing... Jagged teeth barred, eyes glowing red, and ears pointed.

Peter spun around- SMACK! He struck Scott in the face causing the boy to cry regained control, his face going back to normal as he grabbed Scott by the throat with an utter look of rage. SMACK! Scott punched Peter in the face and again, he started to transform. He whipped his head back to look at Scott, his face returning to normal once more as he continued to choke the boy. I was standing there, feeling useless as ever.

"Kira, stay," Peter said through gritted teeth.

Scott was still choking and half transformed with his fangs barred. SMACK! Scott punched Peter in the face a third time; the only thing he could do while getting the life choked out of him.

Peter continued to fight back the transformation, his wolf side coming out more and more each time before he could rein it back. Out of anger, Peter tossed Scott so hard that he flew up and bashed into the archway of the living room and stairwell before landing on the floor with a solid thud.

A sick sound escaped Peter's mouth as he began to teeter over the edge of control. He hunched over, his body shuttering violently as he started to do a full-blown transformation. This was it. I braced myself as he snarled and jerked his entire body to the side. The sound of bones and ligaments snapping and reshaping could be heard.

'-Take a look around (Take a look around)
Nothing much haaas changed
Take a look around (Take a look around)
Nothing much haaas changed-'
The song went into a somewhat nerve-wracking segment of repetition. Scott was just waking up from having been knocked senseless, and at first had no clue that Peter was losing it until he looked up and saw. Suddenly the wincing expression on his face shifted to that of, "oh shit" as Peter continued to snarl and transform right before his eyes. He stood next to Kate's dead body with his back to Scott who lay in the threshold of the living room.

-Take a look around, take a look around
Take a look around (Round, round, round)

Take a look around, take a look around
Take a look around (Round, round, round)-'
I could hear the pain as things continued to break and reform in Peter's body. Suddenly his biceps and shoulders began to rapidly fill out his black trench coat. So much that it stretched the fabric until it could not contain him any longer.

'-And I, I do not dare deny
The basic beast inside
It's right here, it's controlling my mind-'
The sound of stitching tearing to shreds as the jacket fell from Peter's body, along with the rest of the clothes he had been wearing.

'-And why... do I deserve to die?
I'm dominated by
This animal that's locked up inside-'
Deep, distorted canine growl-whimpers escaped his mouth as the last of his human side was overrun. His own reflection could be seen in a dusty oval mirror that rested against a crate on the floor beside him. And in this moment, he truly was a monster.

'-Why? (Why? Why? Why?)-' The Alpha fell forward onto all fours, roaring and snarling viciously, his red eyes glowing and his fangs barred. He was ready for battle. Scott had been frozen out of fear, watching in horror, and completely unable to move.


Stiles raced across the bumpy terrain towards the Hale house in Jackson's Porsche, with him in the passenger side."Hey, hey, hey! This isn't exactly and all terrain vehicle!" Jackson complained.

"Yeah, did you pay for it?" Stiles asked.

Jackson sighed heavily and made a face. "No," he brooded.

"Then shut up," Stiles replied as he yanked the wheel to the side, taking a sudden sharp turn. Jackson stared at him incredulously.

SMASH! I watched as the Alpha grabbed Scott and tossed him through one of the front windows where he landed in the yard after rolling to a halt. Allison was still crouched by her dad, watching in fright at what was taking place. Scott, breathing heavily, grunted as he tried to get up.

SMASH! The Alpha launched himself through one of the other windows causing glass and wooden splinters to fly everywhere. The beast landed on the ground with a heavy thud and roared loudly, his red eyes glowing and his hot breath steaming in the air. It was time for me to show myself.

The Alpha lunged for Scott, grabbing him by the front of his hoodie and lifting him up off the ground. I carefully, but deliberately crept outside from the depths of the dark doorway. The Alpha roared angrily at Scott who merely responded with a grunt of pain, however, his eyes shifted to the movement behind the Alpha as I approached.

Scott didn't look surprised when he saw that it was me, but I could see that he knew there was something different about me. I felt a small pang of guilt, but quickly shook it off. The Alpha, still holding Scott up and off the ground, pulled him close so that they were face-to-face before letting loose a dominating roar.

All of the sudden Scott did a kick flip off the Alpha's chest, breaking free of his grip and causing him to stagger backwards on his two hind legs. Scott landed in a crouched position, but the Alpha fell all the way back onto the ground near where I stood on the porch. Enraged, he looked at Scott and quickly got to his hind legs again.

BEEEEP! Suddenly a car's headlights were blinding us from the left, and Jackson and Stiles jumped out of the vehicle. "Peter!" I called out as Stiles launched a beacon full of liquids right at the Alpha. CLINK! Thankfully, he had managed to catch the glass bottle in his massive hand before it could explode, but my heart was racing. The Alpha let loose another terrifying roar.

"Kira," Stiles complained at me having alerted Peter of what he was trying to do.

Scott glanced at Allison's bow laying in the leaves. "Allison!" he called out before tossing the bow to her. She caught it and quickly began to ready an arrow. I ran down from the porch to try and stop her as the Alpha roared again and turned in her direction. He went to throw the beacon full of liquid at her, but she had already fired the arrow.

"NO!" I bellowed as I came to an abrupt halt and spun around to face the Alpha. But it was too late. SMASH! The glass bottle erupted directly over the Alpha's head, igniting his entire arm instantly. This time the self-igniting molotov cocktail had worked. The Alpha growled in pain and flailed his arm in a vain attempt at putting the fire out. "Peter stop!" I tried to say, but he wasn't listening.

Allison watched in fear as she lowered her bow and I ran up to the Alpha, trying desperately to put out the flames with my bare hands to no avail. Painful sounds escaped his mouth and my heart ached as I continued to try and sequester the fire. I could feel my hands being burned, but I didn't care. The fire began to grow rapidly out of control and Scott was crouched down, ready to pounce if necessary.

Jackson looked down at his hands and realized that he was still essentially holding the second half of Stiles' plan. "Wait-! What about Kira?" Stiles tried, but Jackson had already launched the other beacon of flammable fluids through the air.

"GET BACK!" the Alpha shouted in his deep, booming voice before abruptly shoving me aside, causing me to fall several feet away.

SMASH! The second molotov cocktail exploded, this time much bigger as flames engulfed the Alpha's entire body. Even the ground at his feet was on fire. I cried out as he roared in agony, writhing around until he could take it no longer, throwing his arms out wide and growling loudly.

Scott hissed in response and the Alpha suddenly fell forward onto all fours before his gaze fell upon Allison. Scared, she staggered backwards and accidentally fell to the ground. The Alpha roared in pain, his fur melting into his flesh like plastic and his red eyes glowing intensely. He reached out toward her with his claws and fangs barred.

"No!" Scott yelled, realizing what was about to happen. All of the sudden he ran straight at the Alpha and did a spinkick, knocking the beast in the opposite direction of Allison.

The Alpha growled as he staggered to the ground, the fire finally beginning to go out. But the damage had already been done. A song came on my MP3 Player titled, "If (Don't Ever Blame Yourself)". It started up with synthetic instruments; a sad melody. Terrified, I watched as the Alpha managed to pull himself up from all fours and onto his hind legs, but only briefly. THUD. His knees hit the earth and his shoulders slumped in defeat.

I sobbed as I began to crawl towards him and Scott also slowly crawled along the ground, keeping an eye on Peter as I approached him. Peter was in so much pain as he looked down at his burned hands. No longer a werewolf, he had phased back to being human again, but 95% of his body was burned and unrecognizable. He exhaled in agony, his face contorting before he fell onto his back with a soft thud, his body smoldering. Tears fell down my face in rapid succession as I came to a halt right beside him. His blue eyes met mine and I cried even harder.

'If it is hard to bear
I'll hold the weight...
I'll hold the weight...

If there are things you ain't
I'll compensate...
I'll compensate

But you... should never blame yourself
Put the blame... on everybody else
'Cause they dooon't see... what I see-'
I reached out to touch him, but stopped short, knowing that any physical contact would be bound to be unbearable.

'-If no one understands
I'll understand (I'll understand)
I'll understand (I'll understand)

If you get left behind
(I will rewind) I will rewind
(I will rewind) I will rewind
(I will rewind)

But you... should never blame yourself
Put the blame... on everybody else
'Cause they dooon't see... what I see-'
Allison got to her feet, and Jackson and Stiles sighed in relief. Scott was still crouched on the ground as Allison approached him. He was ashamed at what he was, so he turned away from her. But she placed her hand under his chin and made him look her in the eyes. They had a moment where they kissed and in the middle, Scott transformed back into a human.

"Why'd you do that?" Scott asked.

"Because I love you," Allison replied softly. They stared at each other. Mr. Argent, just finally waking up, got to his feet, spotted the two of them and sighed.

I sat there beside Peter, silent tears streaming down my face. With a shuttering body, he reached up and placed his burnt hand on my cheek, whipping at my tears. I sobbed audibly as everyone watched the scene unfold before them. Silent. Frozen.

"You... have... to be... strong," Peter breathed.

'-No, you... should never blame yourself
Put the blame... on everybody else

You... should never blame yourself
Put the blame... on everybody else
'Cause they dooon't see... what I see.'
Derek walked up to Peter and I right then, Peter still laying in the leaves and barely breathing.

"Move aside, Kira," Derek commanded as the song playing on my MP3 Player came to an end.

At first I hesitated and looked into Peter's eyes. He managed a stiff nod before I slowly backed away, glaring at Derek. He stepped over Peter's body, stopping with one leg on either side of him. Derek peered down his nose at his uncle. A song titled, "Running After My Fate" came on with an intense, haunting piano that was slowly followed by violin riffs.

Scott, looking worried, got to his feet and ran over to us. "Wait!" he said with his hand outstretched as Derek crouched down on one knee. "You said the cure comes from the one who bit you," Scott said breathing heavily. Derek closed his eyes, but didn't reply. Mr. Argent gently grabbed his daughter and urged her to her feet and backward. "Derek... if you do this... I'm dead. Her father, her family, what am I supposed to do?" Scott pleaded, pertaining to Allison.

Derek debated a long moment, everyone watching in baited silence, myself included. A prior conversation with Peter flashed through my mind right then. 'Whatever happens... no matter who dies... I need you to trust me.'

"You've... already... decided," Peter breathed raggedly, his eyes widening as he looked at his nephew. Derek's mouth twitched. "I can smell it on you!" Peter growled angrily, his eyes glowing bright red as the song abruptly grew louder and stronger.

'Locked in your frame, feel the strain
Got it crushin' my head
Wanted love, wanted fame
Got a flick on my face-'
Derek raised his right hand up in the air, ready to strike.

"Wait, no, no! Dont!" Scott cried out, but it was too late.

'-Dive for shell, got your hell
And thoughts you'd never tell
Keep it up, cut me up
Crucify, sing myselllf-'
Derek had already slashed Peter's throat, his red eyes fading back to his normal shade of blue as his last breath of air escaped his lungs. Everyone watched, looking utterly shocked and helplessly rooted to the spot. Myself included. However, the look on Jackson's face almost seemed... happy?

'-Myselllf... myselllllf... myselllllf!-' Derek stood up and turned to look at Scott, his eyes now bright red.

"I'm the Alpha now," he said in a distorted voice that just begged to be challenged.

'-Sing of the times, of the minds
Are we ruinin' ourself?
Melting lines, mixing sin
Pictures stuck in my head-'
Scott blinked and stood there helpless and hopeless.

'-Wanted more than a man
Teasing all kind of brains
Why would you aim so high?
Then cry after you faiiiled?-'
I sat there balling my eyes out while on my knees on the cold ground.

'-You faiiiled... you faiiiiiled... you faiiiled-' the music softened up for the intensity of the vocals. I felt chills and goosebumps and the parallel to my reality.

'-(Holy Jesus)
(Holy, help us)
(Holy Christ)
(Holy Mary)

(Holy Jesus)
(Please, help us)
(Please, help us)
(Please help us, help, help, help)-'
Everyone just stood around watching me like I was some kind of spectacle.

'-Caught by the pressure of time
Running after my fate
Thought of all what we've missed
Spent everything we've made

Fake it all through the life
Poisoned by all your lies
Dragged me down at your end
And makes me want to hiiide-'
I clutched onto my knees and just sobbed.

'-To hiiide... to hiiide... to hiiiiide.' The male's vocals distorted during the last word of the song. I wasn't sure how long I sat there for, simply crying until I could hardly believe I had any tears left to cry. Eventually I realized that everyone; Stiles, Jackson, Allison, Mr. Argent, Scott and Derek had all finally left me alone. I didn't know how long ago they had left and I didn't care. Nothing seemed to matter anymore. I was all alone. All alone. I could barely bring myself to believe that Peter was gone...

Everything had happened so fast. The song alternated between piano and violin as I stared at Peter's lifeless body. Derek was the Alpha. What would that mean for me? What was going to happen to me now? Would they forgive me? The song went into a piano solo and I continued to sit there in the darkness, unmoving, unwavering from my post at Peter's side.

Hope you enjoyed this story! It is the LAST chapter! But alas, fear not! For I plan to write a sequel that takes off from here and follows the second season of Teen Wolf. Of course Peter's influence will be very different in the next story, so heads up! PLEASE REVIEW! THANKS, Dearies!
