Awww, last chapter. HERE IS INFO FOR THE SEQUEL! The sequel will include many different short stories of life after all the secrets ended. They will include some flashbacks and memories mentioned in this chapter and new ones. It will be something I can work on while I do my new story which will go up sometime in the next week. Hope you enjoy the final chapter.
This story has meant a lot to me. All my readers and reviewers have meant a lot to me. This was my first story to ever reach over 100 reviews and my next goal is 150, so I would love it if you read my next story and helped me reach my goal. I love you guys.
Nina's POV
*1 Year Later*
"Fabian?" I shouted from the front door of our apartment, "Fabian? Are you here?"
"Hey Nines," he said, coming from behind me.
"Hey," I smiled, kissing his cheek quickly.
"How was shopping with Amber? Buy anything nice?" he asked.
"Well Amber insisted a buy a nice dress for some strange reason. She said I may be needing one." I eyed him with a knowing glance.
"I told her to be discreet." He groaned throwing his head back slightly.
"You weren't very discreet either, now where you? Buy anything nice?" I mocked with a smile.
"Oh shut up." He said, walking to the kitchen for an apple.
"Toss me one." I said, "You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away." I teased him constantly. I thought that one was pretty clever, because he's a doctor.
"You are so dead." He said, running around the island, throwing me over his shoulder, and carrying me to our bedroom. He placed me down on the bed and took his position on top of me.
"Hey there." I smiled, leaning forward and kissing him sweetly.
"How about dinner tomorrow night?" he asked.
"Hmm, I don't know. I have plans with umm… Mick tomorrow night and you know how angry he gets when we cancel on him…" I teased with a smile.
"So that's a yes? Because I doubt you want to spend our 1 year anniversary with Mick." He smiled.
"I love you." I told him.
"Promise?" he asked.
"Promise." I said.
He got off me and laid down next to me, "Can you believe it's been a year since we got back together?"
"Time went fast." I said, cuddling close to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, if that was even possible.
"Yeah," he sighed, "I have to go to work."
"You seem upset." I sat up.
"Yeah, it's just… I have to do really risky surgery on this eleven year old girl. She is the sweetest thing ever. I hope she makes it." He explained.
I leaned over and kissed his forehead, "You are an amazing doctor. She's going to make it."
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I smiled.
He left for work and I went to hang by Mick's for a while. Somehow we got into a conversation about the events of the past year.
"Oh come on!" Mick said, "The purse incident was the worst fight you ever had!"
"No, the Jerome incident!" I argued.
"Besides that." Mick said.
Well, maybe you should know what the purse incident was…
"I can't believe I am driving all the way back to the restaurant for a freaking purse." Fabian said, very annoyed.
"Oh relax it takes five minutes to get there." I rolled my eyes.
"All I'm saying it that if it wasn't for the apartment keys being in there, I wouldn't be going back." He told me.
"Oh, what?" I yelled, "Just forget about my credit cards, cell phone, and driver's license? What the hell?"
"Would you please shut up? Your voice right now just sounds like scratching nails on a chalkboard." He looked at me with very angry eyes.
"When did you become such a jerk?" I asked.
"When did you become so stupid?" he yelled.
I sat back in my seat and stared out the window until we reached the restaurant. When we got there, Fabian waited in the car while I grabbed my purse. When I got back to the car Fabian said, "Did you forget anything else?"
"Just drive." I told him, staring out the window.
When we got back to the apartment, Fabian went to ours and I went to Mick's. Amber was out of town so I figured I could stay with him.
"Mick?" I walked in.
"In here Nines." He said from the kitchen where he was currently eating a piece of toast.
"Can I stay here tonight?" I asked on the verge of tears. This was the first time I would be out of the apartment.
"What's wrong?" he asked. I told him the story and he agreed to let me sleep on his couch.
I woke the next morning with a killer headache. That couch always gave me a headache when I sat on it for more than 2 hours.
I needed to get to my clothes. I went into my apartment to get changed.
Fabian was already up, eating a bowl of cereal. We both just sat there staring at each other for a moment, but then he dropped his spoon in his cereal. This small sound made me wince and yelp in pain, bringing a hand to my head. Fabian shot up from his chair and ran over to me.
"Hey, you okay?" he asked.
"I-I slept on Mick's couch. I have a really bad headache." I explained, avoiding his eyes.
"Come on," he said, guiding me to the bedroom, "Come rest."
He gently sat me on the bed and went to the kitchen. I heard water running and a minute later he came back with a wet towel. He placed in on my head and sat down next to me.
"Better?" he asked.
"A little bit." I whispered.
After a moment of silence we both said, "I'm so sorry."
"You have nothing to apologize for." He said, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand, "I was being a jackass."
"I'm sorry I called you a jerk." I looked him right in the eyes.
"I'm sorry I called you stupid." He answered.
He leaned down and kissed me sweetly.
"I love you." We said together.
End Flashback
"Okay, that was pretty bad," I agreed, "But one of the most sad times ever was…" (A/N: U guys get the hint that flashbacks are italicized right?)
"Fabian?" the house was silent when I walked in. Apart from the whimpering coming from the bedroom.
"Fabian?" I said again, grabbing a baseball bat and walking quietly into our bedroom.
When I got in there I saw a sad sight, Fabian curled up in a ball in the corner crying.
I dropped the bat, "Fabian! What's wrong?"
"My dad died." He cried.
I was shocked, I held him close to me. Whispering that everything was going to be okay.
"He and my mom where starting to get along again." He told me, "And know he's gone. We could have been a family again. God, I feel so… alone."
"You're not alone." I promised, "I'm right here and I'll always be right here. Forever."
"That was sad." Mick sighed. "Well, Amber wanted me to tell you… we are having a baby!"
"Oh my god, congratulations!" I shouted.
"Thanks Nina." Mick said hugging me.
We hung out for a little while longer, until I had to head back. Fabian was home already and picked me up and spun me around.
"Someone's happy." I smiled.
"She made it." He told me.
"That's great!" I said, throwing my arms around him again, "Oh and look what came in the mail today."
I walked over to a box on the floor and handed him a book.
"Something Must Be Kept a Secret by Nina Martin." He smiled, "It looks amazing, Nines."
"Yes and it's all based on you and me." I smiled.
"I know," he smiled kissing me quickly.
"Okay," I said to Fabian in the car the next day, "Are we there now?"
"No." he laughed, "You sound like a 2 year old."
I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Fabian, even though I love the way this tie looks on you I'm not living it as a blindfold." I said.
"Would you just relax?" he laughed, "We're here."
He led me out of the car, through revolving doors, into an elevator, and finally through a door.
"Where are we?" I asked, "I can smell food but it seems like we are outside."
He untied the blindfold and revealed the roof of our apartment building. Where we had our second date. It was set up with the same mattress and pillows, but also a table, lit by candlelight, set for two.
The sight made me want to cry. "You didn't." I whispered.
"But I did." He smiled, sitting me at the table.
He revealed pasta with meatballs for dinner and chocolate cream pie for dessert.
After we ate we sat on the mattress together.
"What's this?" Fabian asked lifting my bare foot.
"Oh not this again." I sighed, lying down on the mattress as he began to run his finger up and down my foot.
"Stop it," I giggled, "It tickles!"
He released my foot and came to a realization.
"When we were here the first time, it was… Jerome who called you wasn't it?"
I nodded, "But we don't have to talk about that."
"I know." He said.
He looked sad still… I tickled his tummy.
"Stop it Nines!" he laughed.
"No." I said.
He grabbed my hand and leaned over. He was about to kiss me when he said, "I need to ask you something."
"What?" I asked.
"You know I'm not one for making a big, gesture scene but… I umm… really want to do this right here.
"I've been thinking about this for a while and I really want to do it because I can't wait any longer."
He got up from the mattress and got down on one knee. My eyes immediately went teary and my hand flew to my mouth.
"I know that we've been through a lot Nina and you are so unpredictable and you like to joke around with me. You tickle me when I'm upset or happy. You comfort me and I comfort you. Love isn't perfect, but it's amazing." He smiled.
"What are saying?" I asked, tears falling freely from my eyes.
"Like you don't already know." He laughed opening the ring box and looking at me, awaiting the answer to a question he didn't have to ask.
"Yes." I smiled, jumping into his arms, "Yes!"
I heard him laugh and looked at him. I leaned down and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. His tongue grazed my bottom lip and I granted him entrance as I tangled my fingers in his hair.
"You still need to put on the ring." He smiled.
"You can do that can't you?" I laughed, wiping my tears.
He nodded slipping the ring on my finger.
I can't complain about my life anymore. I have a great friend, an amazing brother, and a man I'm completely and totally in love with. He makes me happy and tingly inside. There are no more secrets in our relationship. And even if we fight sometimes, it doesn't matter. Because we both know that we will make up. We love life together and everyone who shares it with us.
"Do want to kiss me again?" I asked him.
"You bet." He smiled kissing me again. He moved down my neck and back up again, earning a moan from me.
I loved it when he kissed my neck. It felt amazing. It was like a mixture of happiness and ticklish-ness.
I love everything about him, even if I don't know everything yet.
But, I'll have forever to find out.