Inspired slightly by Lost Girl

Claire's POV

Though the darkness still covered my vision I suddenly began to hear voices, they were blurry at first and hard to understand. The longer I listened the easier it became to understand what was being said. After a while I finally heard. "Is she going to be Ok?" I recognised it as Eve.

"It seems like it but I've never seen anything like this before, I mean blood running from her eyes. That's new to me and I don't know what it means." This voice I also recognised and it made my heart melt. Shane.

At that moment I started to get my others senses back too and I was able to feel my surroundings. It felt like I was laid on someone's lap who was stroking my hair. The conversation continued. " I don't think we've seen any of this before. I mean did you see what she did?"

"Considering she saved my life I think I did Eve."

"Yeah but really, she set that guy on fire! Then sent that knife flying out of the other guys hand. Not to mention helping the house drag them out into the street... and her eyes! She you see them?"

"Who me? No, I didn't see anything. Was I even there?" I wanted to sigh at them. It was a typical Shane and Eve conversation, always full of sarcasm. "Claire? Are you awake?" Oh, maybe I really did sigh.

I decided it was time to try and open my eyes. I tried a few times, concentration on the muscles in my face to do so but I couldn't do it. I did manage to move my head a little. Two warm hands touched my cheeks then, softly brushing the skin just below my eyes. "Claire try to open your eyes for me."

The soft touch I felt gave me the push I needed and with just a little more effort I finally managed to flicking my eyes half open. Everything was a swaying blur at first but as it started to settle I soon saw Shane's face right in front of mine. A look of worry set in his eyes. "Shane?"

"I'm here. How are you feeling?"

"Like crap." He tried to laugh a little but the worry inside him cut it off. "Shane what's wrong?"

"Claire your eyes, they were bleeding and I'm scared for you. What you did back there looked too strong for you to cope with and I'm scared it's going to kill you."

Eve who was stood up watching me added in. "We don't want you to get hurt again."

I put my hand on Shane's cheek and smile reassuringly but then my eyes settle on his neck as I noticed a smear of red in the corner of my eye. Then I saw the cut there. I'd managed to stop Shane's throat from being slashed clean open but he still had quite a deep cut to the side. Shane saw the look of alarm on my face but wasn't sure why. "What's wrong? What is it?"

"Your neck it's bleeding. Shouldn't you go to the hospital?"

"You're the one who collapsed and you're worrying about me? Seriously Claire you're the one to worry about here."

Although I heard everything Shane said I didn't fully register it because I had something else on my mind. I vaguely remembered a conversation with Amelie where she was explaining what nymphs could do. I remembered the part where she said we had the power of healing. And although I had no idea how it worked I decided I would find out so I could help Shane. So shakily pulling myself up I leaned against Shane's chest and put my arms around his neck. Then I did the first thing that I wanted to do and pressed my lips to his. It was just a normal kiss at first, no fairy dust or anything. But as it deepened I felt the energy hiding within my body begin to stir and drift through my skin. Then Shane pulled away slightly so that our lips were just inches apart. The strangest thing happened then, the white sheet of energy I'd passed on to Shane before escaped from my lips and passed into his, causing him to gasp.

Eve who I'd forgotten was there said slowly. "Wow, magical porn now. And I thought I'd seen everything in this house."

He pulled back a little in shock as I rested my head against him as I felt a little weak again. Looking up my eyes looked at the wound I aimed to heal and sure enough it wasn't there. Shane touched where it once was and said. "Did you just do that?"

I nodded sleepily, feeling too weak to move too much. Shane of course noticed and exclaimed. "Claire! You shouldn't have done that, not in the state you're in. Don't' hurt yourself."

"I just wanted to help you."

"I'm fine Claire really." I started to fall asleep again so Shane lifted my head up as he panicked. "Oh god not again."

"Hey, maybe she can reverse it." Eve piped up.


"Like Lost Girls, she gave some energy to you to heal your neck. Now maybe she can take some back to strengthen herself up a little."

Shane must have liked the idea because he lifted my head up to look me in the eyes. "Claire can you do that?" Can you take some back from me, you need it."

"I don't know, I suppose I can try if I have to but I'm Ok."

"No you're not and yes you have to."


He lifted me up again and kissed me with desperate passion, crushing his lips to mine. Like before I looked for an energy source but looked inside Shane instead of myself. It took me a little longer but I find it and pulled some of it towards myself. Then like before the energy sheet left his mouth and drifted into mine as our lips moved together. For some reason I noticed it seemed to make him kiss me harder.

After a second I pulled back and felt almost completely fine and was relieved to see Shane only seemed a little dazed. I watched him for a second before he smiled and said. "Wow, do you want to do that again?"

Eve just sighed at him before shaking her head and saying. "I'm out of here before I see something that will destroy my mind forever."