This is it, the end of the road for Broken Road. I want to thank you all for sticking with me through this story. I know I made you cry, but hopefully made you laugh as well. I always said I'd never do a Babe story, but I was asked to turn this into a Babe, and once I thought about it, I liked the idea...I hope you did too! This is a short chapter, more of an epilogue. I hope it makes sense and I hope you enjoy it! I'll be taking a couple of weeks off from posting. I do have another story in the works, and once I get a few chapters written, I'll begin posting, so be on the lookout for it... add me to your author alert so you don't miss it! Thank you for all the wonderful reviews and messages... they kept me wanting to write more!

Two years later…

"Adrian, are you ready?" Stephanie hollered down the hall.

Adrian came running to the living room, "I'm ready, Mommy." He stopped in front of his mother and smiled, "You look beautiful!"

Blushing, Stephanie smiled as she kneeled in front of him, "You look pretty handsome yourself. Let me adjust your tie," she said as she straightened it. "Are you ready for today?"

"I am," he told her excitedly.

"Do you know your role?" He nodded. "Are you nervous?"

"What's that mean?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

"Do you have butterflies in your tummy?"

Adrian laughed, "You're funny."

"Why's that?" she questioned him.

"Because. I'd only have butterflies in my tummy if I eated them and I don't eat butterflies."

Stephanie laughed and hugged her son. "How silly of me!" she said and slapped her forehead. "Okay, how about this is your tummy doing flips?"

"MOMMY! My tummy can't do flips," he told her with his hands on his hips.

Stephanie gave up trying to explain him being nervous. "You know there will be a lot of people there today, right?"

"I do. Nana, Papa, Memaw, Pawpaw, Uncle Bebe, Ram Ram, everyone!"

"Okay, well, if you get to feeling funny and don't think you can do it, just let someone know and you can sit, okay?"


Stephanie and Adrian headed out to the car. After Adrian buckled up, Stephanie shut the door and headed to the driver side. "You sure are a big boy; able to buckle yourself in."

"I know," he replied.


Pulling into the parking lot, Adrian yelled when he saw all the vehicles, "That's a lot of people."

"It is. Are you sure you can do this?"

"I can. I'm a big boy!"

They walked in the back door and met up with Bobby. "Hey Sweetheart," he said as he kissed her cheek. "Are you ready for today?"

"I am. Nowhere else I'd rather be," she said as she hugged him. "Where's Tameka?"

Bobby pointed to the door behind him, "She's in there waiting for you."

"Uncle Bebe, I'm ready!"

"Good. I'm glad buddy." Bobby looked at Stephanie, kissed her cheek again and pushed her toward the door, "Go get ready."

Opening the door, Stephanie was greeted by Tameka and Malika. "Oh girl, I was afraid you'd not show up."

Stephanie laughed, "Are you kidding? I've been waiting for this day for so long!"


The music began playing and there was a knock at the door. When the door was opened, everyone filed out in the order they were walking down the aisle. "Here we go, this is it," Stephanie told Tameka before she started walking down the aisle.

Stephanie walked through the church in her purple strapless dress, smiled the entire way down and stopped in front of Ranger. Looking in his eyes, she whispered, "I love you" and moved in front of Bobby. "Take care of her," she told him and took her spot on the other side of the room.

Malika and Adrian walked down the aisle together; Malika tossing flowers while Adrian carried the rings. When the kids were at the end, the music changed, everyone rose, and turned to face the back of the church.

When Tameka stepped through in her white dress and veil, everyone gasped at how beautiful she looked. Stephanie stole a glance at Bobby and saw his eyes were glistening with unshed tears.

Tameka took her spot next to Bobby and waited for the minister to begin. During the ceremony, Ranger and Stephanie held each other's eyes; both remembering when the four of them were in opposite spots. Tameka had been Stephanie's Maid of Honor while Bobby had stood up for Ranger.

It was a quiet ceremony, only the closest of friends and family were invited… which meant all of Rangeman, Stephanie's family, Ranger's family, and Lester's family. Everyone was happy for the couple and glad they have finally tied the knot.

A few months after Ranger and Stephanie were married, they sat Adrian down and told him that Ranger had a question for him. Ranger wanted to adopt Adrian and take care of him for the rest of his life. Adrian was thrilled to finally have someone he could call Daddy. He knew Ranger wasn't his father, but he was the only dad he'd really ever known.

A week after the adoption was finalized, Stephanie found Ranger in his office going over reports from other offices. She walked up to him, sat in his lap, and kissed him. Leaning her lips to his ear, she whispered, "Time to stop working, Daddy."

"Babe, just one more report?" he asked.

"Nope, your children are going to need you to stop working at certain time each day," she told him while looking in his eyes. She knew the exact moment he understood what she was saying.

"Babe. We're pregnant?" She nodded. "Seriously?"

"Yes," she said producing the pregnancy test from home and the ultrasound picture showing a little bean at seven weeks along.

Ranger kissed Stephanie and pulled her to him, "A baby? My baby?"

When she nodded again, he lifted her up, opened his door, and hollered, "We're having a baby!"

All of Rangeman clapped and cheered for the couple. They were thrilled that there'd be a new Rangeman recruit wandering the halls soon.

Ranger's thoughts drifted back to current day as the minister announced Bobby and Tameka were man and wife. As everyone began walking back down the aisle, Ranger reached for his wife's hand and kissed her. Placing his hand on her swollen abdomen, he felt his daughter kick and he laughed. Leaning down, he kissed Stephanie's belly and whispered, "I can't wait to meet you Tessa Marie Manoso."

Standing up, Ranger felt a tug on his pant leg and looked down. Adrian reached his hands up, "Daddy, can you carry me?"

Ranger picked his son up, wrapped an arm around his wife, and walked from the church to go celebrate with his family and friends.

The End!