I swore I wouldn't be one to start a second story before the first was finished; however, this would NOT leave me alone... so I hope you don't mind, but here is a new story. Don't forget to let me know what you think! This will be an AU/OOC story.

She sat on the floor running her fingers through his straight blond hair and watched as his mouth worked on his tiny thumb. He was eighteen months old, sleeping in a toddler bed in a room filled with animals; the monkey seemed to be his favorite. The walls of his room looked like the jungle; his mother and an honorary uncle helped paint his room before he was born. There were trees with monkeys in them as well as other animals lurking around.

As she looked on his dresser, she spotted the pictures that sat there every day for her son to see. One picture was of his daddy, dressed in his desert fatigues looking as handsome as ever. The other picture was of her holding him the day he was born. Her son; their son, Adrian Michael was born while his daddy was away fighting in the war.

He wanted to be there for the birth of his first child, but he received papers three months before the baby was due. He hadn't wanted to leave, didn't want to leave her alone for the final trimester, but he didn't have a choice. He'd signed up for the army before they met and that was part of his life.

He made sure that his best friend would be there for her before he left. He hated that he was leaving her when she needed him, but he was at ease knowing that his friend, someone he trusted to have his back, was there to watch out for her and help her when she needed it. He wasn't sure when he'd be back, so his brother agreed to go to the birthing classes and be her delivery coach.

Leaning over, she kissed her son's cheek, covered him up, turned off his bedside lamp, and pulled the door to. Walking down the hall, she grabbed her phone and called the number she'd committed to memory two years prior… a number she promised to call every night.

On the third ring, he answered, "Hey, Steph. Adrian in bed?"

Smiling as she grabbed a glass of wine, she replied, "Yeah, he's fast asleep. I think you wore him out today."

"Yeah, well, what can I say? I like spending time with the little guy." She heard him take a breath and then say, "Maybe one day, you'll join us?"

Tucking her legs under her, she sat down on the couch and pulled the blanket off the back to cover her up. "I don't know. Maybe one day. Right now, I'm just thankful that he has you to play with and tell him stories of his daddy. You know him better than me and have so many more stories that you are able to tell."

"Steph, he'll be home soon. Trust me."

Wiping the tear away before it hit her chin, she whispered, "How? How do you know that? What happens if he comes home a changed man and wants nothing to do with me anymore? What if he doesn't want his son?"

He hated hearing the hurt in her voice and knew she was having a bad night. Making a quick decision he told her, "Steph, I'm on my way over and we'll talk. I'll be there in ten."

Knowing he'd already hung up, she was unable to protest. Standing up, she checked on Adrain on the way to her room to change. After she changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, she padded her way back to the living room just in time to hear the knock at the door.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and smiled, "Come on in, Bobby."

Well... should I continue or scrap it?