Finally, Aurora has a story! I think this is suckish, but if I don't write it soon the lyrics will go away...

Reviews wanted! And please vote for the people you want to appear here from Raimon Eleven and Inazuma Japan.

Excluding these cuz they HAVE to be there:





"You have a phone call, coming from the rainbow…"

Domon turned over sleepily and felt for his phone. He picked it up.


"Whenever you miss me, just tell the rainbow, she'll send you a message to me… Oh, ohayo!" A cheery voice spoke from the other side of the line.

Domon had to smile. The song she was humming was one that they both knew. She had taught them that song, and she'd made it up herself.

"And if I see a rainbow too, I'll tell her I've heard you..." he sang along. "Rora, I can't believe you still remembered!"

The girl on the other end giggled. "Of course I wouldn't! Say, can we meet up at your school at, say, 7:00?"

Domon groaned. "What are you doing now, Rora?"

Apparently the girl on the other end was called Rora. "Taking a shower?"

"Don't drop your phone in like the last time."

"I won't! Anyway, I'm too excited!"

"Who wouldn't?"

"I'm really excited! Just don't tell Ichi-kun and Aki-chan that I'm coming, okay?"

Domon smiled. "Of course not. You still call him Ichi-kun?"

"He's a genius!" The voice protested.

"Why do you need to get there so early?" Domon tried to change the subject. He knew very well how Rora could state a hundred and fifty ways of how Ichinose, his childhood friend, was a genius.

"I don't want to be late for school!"

"Very funny. You just want to get out of Arctic Nights. " Arctic Nights was the name of the boat Rora lived on.

"Fine! Meet you at school at seven!" He could hear faint humming – "I know you'll hear me and I'll hear you" - and the phone went click.

A wide smile spread across Domon's face. Rora, huh. Rora was coming to school, and they'd better watch out.

At seven, when Raimon Junior High was deserted, a girl with long bright sea blue hair waited outside the gates. Her eyes shimmered with excitement, and they turned different colors – blue, green, purple.

"Domon!" She shouted when she saw a person nearing her.

Domon's hair was messy as always, and he was running his fingers through his hair frantically. He spotted her, and he ran towards her.

"My, how you've grown, Rora!"

"Call me Aurora." She said mock-formally. "I'll have to be Aurora here. No nicknames."

"Come on," Domon whined, and they walked inside together.

In the hallways, they met Sensei Kawano.

"Ohayo, Uncle!" Aurora greeted him.

Sensei Kawano, rarely seen with a smile, gave a great beaming one that would make a clown jealous. "How are you, Aurora! How long has it been since I've seen you?"

"I don't know. See you later!" She gave a grin and walked on with Domon.

When Sensei Kawano was out of earshot, Domon asked, "You know him?"

"He's my uncle," she answered.

"He's my class teacher, yours, and your uncle? Do you know what reputation he has here? The meanest, but fairest teacher!"

Aurora grinned. "Well, I'll be useful then!"

That wasn't THAT bad. Cheers!