Pick 10 IE/GO Charas.
10 sings Hey Juliet.
9 makes a scene.
8 drags 9 away, right?
7 makes a sandwich for 10.
6 is trying a new outfit.
5 is sewing something.
4 is the juliet in 12's song!
3 is the DJ!
2...happened to be a friend.
1 gets nothing...Gomen 1.
Ne, they make a great band huh?
Ok, back to the sewing thing.
Today's 7's birthday!
It's almost Christmas! Yayyyy!
9...makes a scene again!
8 drags him/her again...De javu.
2, 6 and 9 are sleeping over at your house!
How does 10 act druck?
I love 7. (Hoping it's Gazelle-sama)
9, get out of the most appearing chara list.
1 and 6, do the happy dance.
Now 3 and 4, since they are appearing the least.
Summary time! Write one for a 7 x 10 story.
How does 10 feel about this story?
1...how about a dance?
5 is in love with you-
-r cookies.!
7...do you like 10?
Seems we have a lot of not appearing charas. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8.
I'm gonna pair 1 and 9 together, what do you think?
Screw that 1 x 5 is better!
4...fly to the moon.
8 milks a cow.
2 and 3 turns to ghosts!
Out of all these charas in your list. Who do you hate the most?
Wait! Let me guess! Is it 8?
What does 5 have that everyone else doesn't?
ow...I pity 4.
Now what to do with 2 and 6?
Back to the story, write a part of it! The 7 x 10 story! (Love this couple already!)
We could end this story...with a kiss!
Ok. ok. I'm feeling glares at me. We should end this meme-
With a kiss!