Disclaimer: The only Harry Potter things I own are books and DVD's.

Chapter 1

In the last 48 hours I have, become the cracked bitch who tortured me, broken into Gringotts, escaped on the back of a flying dragon, then escaped death eaters in Hogsmead, found a way into Hogwarts, fought in an epic battle against raging lunatics, and somehow, thank Merlin, won said battle.

I want food and sleep.

The revolving staircase that Harry, Ron and I were taking down from the Headmast… I guess its now the Headmistresses office just came to a stop when all of a sudden we were bombarded with flashing lights and noise. My eyes could not adjust to the flashes, my ears could not comprehend what all these people were yelling and I didn't even realize someone had made their way through the crowd to grab my arm until I felt the familiar, though unpleasant feeling of apperation.

As soon as I felt that my feet were on solid ground I had my wand drawn and pressed against the throat of my abductor. I heard two faint pops close by and risked a glance to the right and noticed Harry and Ron were in the exact same predicament as me. Except they were pointing their wands at Mr. Weasley and Kingsley Shacklebolt, then turning back I realized I had my wand to the throat of Professor McGonagall.

"What did I do when you told me I was a witch?" I demanded.

"You fainted", McGonagall calmly answered and I lowered my wand.

The boys had obviously determined that Mr. Weasley and Kingsley Shacklebolt were in fact Mr. Weasley and Kingsley Shacklebolt because they too had lowered their wands. It was then I realized where we were, The Burrow.

"I'm impressed with your ability to defend yourselves even though you all look as though you are about to fall a sleep on you feet" Commented Kingsley as we headed into the kitchen.

"Nine months on the run probably has something to do with that", Ron muttered.

Before anybody could elaborate on Ron's comment there were a number of pops just outside the door. In the blink of an eye we all had our wands pointed at said door.

"Who is it?" called Mr Weasley

"Dad it's me… and Fluer, Ginny, Charlie and Percy." Bill called out.

Aurther went to open the door, but Ron got in his way and put a hand on the door keeping it closed. "Bill, when we came to you, what did you tell me, when I told you what I was afraid of?"

"That you will never let that happen" Ron's lips curved into a small smile as he opened the door for his family.

Mr Weasley, Kingsley and Professor McGonagall were looking at Ron with perplexed expressions on their faces. I joined their baffeled stares as all of a sudden he was kneeling down in front of me, lifting the leg of my jeans and removing the beaded bag from my sock, standing up and placing it in my hands.

I was frozen, just staring up at him in complete and utter shock, until I seen his lips moving, which meant he must be saying something, snapping out of my little trance I caught the last bit of what he was saying "… you can use the bathroom first." I nodded, not saying a thing and headed up to the bathroom staring at the floor making sure no one could be the blush that was sure to rival the Weasley's on my face.

It felt like years since I had had a decent shower, it felt amazing despite the stinging sensation as water flowed over my many cuts and grazes. I took my time, washing my hair, shaving my legs and letting the warm water slowly relax my tense muscles. It must have been close to half an hour before I even contemplated getting out from beneath the warm water.

I didn't need to look in the mirror to know how many wounds I had, I could feel them, the pain had well and truly set in as the adrenaline I previously felt was vanishing with every passing moment. Pulling on my clothes I headed out the door and bumped straight into Fluer.

"Et me look at dose wounds" she insisted

"No really I'm fine I just want to rest"

Not giving me an option, I swear she was turning into a French, blond version of Mrs Weasley, she dragged me into Ginny's room and made me sit on the bed. In silence she worked on the many cuts, bruises and burns that covered my arms, legs and face. It suddenly occurred to me why Fluer was waiting for me outside the bathroom, she knew I would need attending to (dare I admit it) and as she had seen me in my most vulnerable state and had treated my wounds from Malfoy Manor, she was saving me the from having to explain my scars to somebody else.

"Thank you" I whispered so quietly that I'm not sure if she actually heard me.

"Zat is Ok" she replied, in understanding as she worked on my arm with the word "MUDBLOOD" carved into it.

"Zet me ook at your back"

Reluctantly I removed my t-shirt so that she could look that the rest of my body and heard the gasp. "My goodness, what iz it dat appened to you back"

"Yaxley… Look, really I'm ok, don't the others need attending to…. Sorry I mumbled when I realized how ungrateful I sounded.

Fluer finished healing my back, got up, walked around the bad to face me, gave me a hug, and said "All done, now get some rest" and closed the door behind her back.

That was strange but no arguments from me I thought as I put my t-shirt back on, feeling no pain what so ever, Fluer had done an amazing job. I guess she wasn't so bad after all. I mean you can tell she really loves Bill. She took care of us at Shell Cottage, feeding and cleaning up us. She helped me just now, and not just by healing my wounds but sparing me the hurt of explaining to others about my older scars. And Ron doesn't act like a total love, sick fool when she walks into the room anymore.

Ron. Why do I always think of him? What I was thinking about had nothing what so ever to do with him, yet somehow he just sneaks on in. Now I am thinking of him damn it…. How he must totally think I'm a lunatic, what the hell was I thinking, I have totally ruined everything, as he will probably never look at me again let along speak to me. I cannot believe I KISSED HIM! Holy crap! Then to add insult to injury I totally over reacted by basically ignoring him and bolting of out of the room when he took the beaded bag from my ankle and said I could use the bathroom first. He was just being polite. I flopped back down in bed exhausted and before I new it I was falling a sleep with thoughts of Fluer, Malfoy Manor, the battle and Ron all floating around in my head.

This is my first ever attempt at a Fan Fic, so please review, advice very much appreciated.