A.N.: pretty long chapter even without the song lyrics. If you don't know what they are from it is Miracle by Paramore. It inspired me on this chapter which I am warning now, contains a bit of graphical Myrnin/Claire action. It seems a little early in the story to be doing this to me, but I couldn't wait. ^^ Read, enjoy and review!

I've gone for too long living like I'm not alive.

So I'm gonna start over tonight, beginning with you and I.

When this memory fades, I'm gonna make sure it's replaced,

With chances taken, hope embraced, and have I told you

I'm not going

Cause I've been waiting on a miracle

And I'm not leaving

I won't let you,

Let you give up on a miracle when it might save you

We've learned to run from anything uncomfortable

We've tied our pain bellow, and no one ever has to know

That inside we're broken, I try and patch things up again

To count my tears and kill these fears

But have I told you have I

I'm not going

Cause I've been waiting on a miracle

And I'm not leaving

I won't let you

Let you give up on a miracle when it might save you

It's not faith if, if you use your eyes

(oh why)

We'll get it right this time

Let's leave this all behind

(oh why)

We'll get it right this time

It's not faith if you're using your eyes

(Oh Why)

Now I've gone for too long living like I'm not alive

So I'm gonna start over tonight, beginning with you and i

I don't wanna run from anything uncomfortable

I just want, no

I just need this pain to end right here

I'm not going

Cause I've been waiting on a miracle

And I'm not leaving

I won't let you

Let you give up on a miracle

Cause it might save you

Oh it might save you

It's not faith if

If you use your eyes

If you use your eyes

If you use your eyes

Chapter 4- Miracle

Claire smiled as she woke up from such a sweet dream, then panic set in. Where was she? The room was dank and musty; light seeped from under the door casting sickly shadows upon the termite-ridden walls. She tried to remember ever falling asleep but her memories were foggy.

Myrnin. That was it; she was in Myrnin's lab. And Shane had abandoned her! Tears began to cloud her vision as her body shook with her hiccupping sobs. How could he do that to her? She knew he was jealous of the time she spent with Myrnin…but he loved her, didn't he?

"Claire, my love, you are awake." Came a voice from the darkest corner of the room and Claire screamed as Myrnin's face came into view. There was a deep scowl upon his face, replacing the usual joyous or confused expressions that were the norm. She missed those.

"Myrnin please let me go home." She whispered.

"But my dear, this is your home. Do you not love me? You did kiss me back you know." He chided.

"I-I didn't mean to." Claire stuttered, her eyes looking down, she would not admit that she was lying, not to him, not to anyone, not even to herself.

"Why must you be so complicated? Are you afraid of what will happen if you love me, if you allow yourself that?" Myrnin scowled, he was trying to keep his calm. Claire's denial hurt. He didn't know quite how to deal with this forgotten emotion.

"But I'm not, I mean, I don't love you!" she cried while desperately searching for an escape. Of course, even if there was one, how would she manage to get past Myrnin? Sitting up was a good start she supposed and she pushed herself into a sitting position. Her head reeled and a bout of nausea overtook her and she retched onto the bed.

Myrnin rushed to her and held her hair back as she continued to lose whatever was left in her stomach from last night's spaghetti. His hand rubbed small, soothing circles into her lower back and she coughed. The once white bed-sheet was stained with red. Though it was hard to tell, Claire figured it was the spaghetti, but she couldn't help but wonder if she had coughed up blood. But surely Myrnin would notice something like that right?

Myrnin took the sheet from the bed, promising a quick return and dire consequences if she were to try and leave. Claire shivered without the covering and it was only then that she realized that she was in nothing but her underwear. Her already pale skin lost what color it had as she realized that Myrnin must have removed her shirt and pants. She was livid.

"What the hell Myrnin!" She yelled at him when he returned carrying another sheet which she promptly ripped from his hands. She wrapped it around herself like a toga and scowled at him.

"I figured you would be more comfortable sleeping in your under garments." Myrnin smiled sheepishly which made it hard for Claire to keep her composure. He was just so darn cute. Claire cursed her inner voice and managed to hold onto her anger.

"I would have been just fine with you keeping your hands to yourself." She growled.

"Oh Claire, you have no idea how much of a struggle it is to really keep my hands to myself." He purred seductively. He stared at her intensely, his eyes roaming over her body lustily. Claire closed her eyes from her tempting boss. Her body betrayed her as she imagined things that she had only ever done with Shane. Her heart ached as she blushed.

"Stop toying with me." Claire whispered her voice shaky.

Myrnin chuckled, she had never heard that sound from him before and her body trembled violently, her knees buckled and she went down…into Myrnin's arms of course.

The sheet fell from her shoulders and pooled around their feet. Myrnin lowered her slowly to the ground, making sure to lie her on the fallen sheet. Her body shivered from the cold, and his touch, and he moved his hands slowly down her arms. He grasped her wrists and inhaled deeply.

"Such a strong pulse. You are either nervous, excited, or both." He murmured. "I'm not sure which one I prefer at the moment."

"Please." Claire whispered, her teeth chattering. Her body couldn't take the torture anymore.

"What do you want little Claire? Tell me." Myrnin whispered. If he would have had a heart beat it would have stopped, if he had needed to breathe, he would have held his breath. He did not want to ruin this moment, did not want to scare her away.

"I-I don't know." She stuttered.

"Yes you do." Myrnin breathed, bringing his face closer to hers.

"you." She mouthed. Inside she was screaming, though in joy or terror she wasn't sure, maybe both.

Myrnin growled and Claire lost what little hold she did have on her body's reactions. She opened her eyes and allowed Myrnin to see the lust and the need that was wracking her. Myrnin closed his eyes, attempting to control his primal nature. Claire brought her hands up to tangle her fingers through his hair, one small tug was all it took and his lips her crushed against hers.

She opened her mouth wide for his entrance, moaning as his tongue stroked hers in an intimate dance. She could feel his desire pressing against her as he leaned over her lithe form. His hands traveled the length of her body from shoulders to hips, making sure to avoid brushing exactly where she wanted him to.

She grasped his shoulders and broke away from his kiss, gasping for air. He chuckled and bent his head to whisper in her ear.

"Sorry, I forgot that you require oxygen." Claire giggled, which turned into moans as he trailed tender kisses down her neck and over her collar bone.

She stiffened slightly as he pulled her up so that he could reach behind her. He held her gently while stroking her back until finally her muscles relaxed and her desire overtook her again. This is what I really want; I don't want to run from anything uncomfortable. Especially when it is actually this comfortable. I've been denying myself because of other people. She thought of Shane and a pang of guilt rang through her which she quickly pushed away. Then Michael and Eve, what would they think? Wouldn't they just want me to be happy? Shane abandoned me!

Her thoughts were interrupted when her bra sprung apart as the clasped was unhooked. She gasped and looked up into Myrnin's eyes. She knew there was no going back now. She allowed the bra to slip down her arms and land on the sheet. She felt Myrnin's cool skin press against her chest and she wondered when he had removed his shirt.

Claire shivered and bit into the tender muscle at the base of his neck. Myrnin growled and pushed her roughly down onto the sheet. His hips ground into her, the press of his desire causing her to arch into him, her breasts raised like an offering to him. He couldn't resist.

He lowered his face into her abundance of creamy white mounds and began to lick, nip and suck the tender area. Claire cried out in surprise and her hips jerked against his. He moaned as the cycle continued, with each torturing the other until finally he pulled away with a fierce growl. His hands moved to the fabric surrounding her hips and jerked, ripping the fabric. His hands them moved swiftly to his jeans, the button popping off as he tore at the offensive restriction.

In a matter of seconds he was leaning over Claire, nothing in between his arousal and her. He lowered himself onto her and pressed his lips feverishly to hers as their hips joined the intimate dance that before only their tongues were preforming. His hands grasped and groped her chest as she ran nails down his back.

It seemed like mere seconds before Claire's back was arched in pure pleasure as Myrnin lowered his head towards his offering once more. Her body shook as he continued thrusting towards her and pulling away slowly, torturously. Several more times she screamed out in ecstasy, and what seemed like a lifetime, before Myrnin's voice joined hers in a passionate moan, his body still.