A.N.: This is my first Fanfic ever so I am going to need some input to improve (because every author or aspiring author has room to improve) so please review.

I am a sucker for romance, especially when it is a romance that seems unlikely to happen within a book. This is what I have hoped and still hope for in the Morganville Series.

I do not own any of the characters I will be using unless I create an O.C.

So now please read, enjoy and review ^^

Chapter 1-First Kiss

"Claire!" She heard the voice calling her from a distance like in some dream, growing louder and louder till eventually it was a roaring sound. She felt rather than saw the person standing next to the bed, their face close to hers, their hot breath running over her skin. Her instant reaction was defensive, punch first, and ask questions later. Her hand shot out and connected…with Shane's face.

"Shit!" she exclaimed and hopped up after Shane, who had taken a step back, hand to his bruised nose. She tried desperately to get him to show her but he just laughed.

"Shane, let me see it!" she growled. He finally gave in and uncovered his nose. She let out a sigh of relief as he smiled, it wasn't broken. Of course it wasn't broken. And that's why he was laughing. He was laughing at her. She scowled.

"You may be strong Claire, but you aren't going to break my nose." He chuckled and leaned over and kissed her, wincing slightly as his nose bumped against her. "Ok, I'll admit you did hit me harder than I'd expect you to." He reassured her just as her phone went off, Twilight Zone theme song, Myrnin, her crazy vampire boss. Shane frowned and turned towards the door.

"I'm just going to get some ice to put on this major bruise you just created." Claire punched him and laughed at his hurt look. "Abusive!" he yelled as he walked swiftly out the room, his lips curling into a smile.

By then the phone had stopped ringing and was beeping, complaining that she had a missed call, and then a text on top of that. She sighed and grabbed the phone off the nightstand.

How dare u ignore me little girl! Don't make me come get u.

Claire scowled but finally smiled as she reread the text. Myrnin was full of surprises these days, not only did he know how to text but he completed it with text talk, impressive. She flipped the cell open and dialed Myrnin's number. He answered on the first ring of course.

"Why do you continue to ignore my calls Claire?" he sounded hurt. "Never mind it. I need you here now. No Dallying either." He spoke quickly and hung up just as Shane returned, a bag of peas pressed to his face.

Claire frowned "We actually had a bag of peas? Who eats peas?"

Shane shrugged "Probably left from when Michael's parents were still here, healthy meals and all."

"Ew, it's been like what. 3 years since Michael's parents lived here and no one has cleaned out the old peas?"

Shane only shrugged again and looked pointedly towards the phone. "Have to go see your bloodsucker?" he asked sullenly.

"Hey, don't use that word. And yes, I don't know what he wants. He just told me to come. And no Dallying either." she scowled.

"Dallying? What does that even mean?" Claire only shrugged and leaned up to kiss him quickly. She side-stepped his outreaching hands and gave him an apologetic look.

"Not now Shane." she smiled and rushed down the stairs, grabbed up her backpack and went out the door. It was early morning, but it wasn't an unusual time for Myrnin to call, any time wasn't unusual. It was actually normal for him to call during the most unlikely times for a vampire to call.

Paying no mind to his "No Dallying" comment, Claire took her time walking down the sidewalk. She wasn't so stupid as to think that she was completely safe from vampires merely because the sun was up. The older, scarier vampires could walk out in early morning sunlight and some of the younger one's could walk in sunlight as long as they wore protection from the sun. Not sunscreen, but long trench coats and hats. And then of course one could drive by in their specially manufactured vehicles with their super vampire strength tinted windows.

Thinking this she sped up her pace and ducked into Common Grounds, owned by one of the scariest vampires in Morganville. Actually scariest vamp was probably a tie between him and the founder, Amelie. She spotted Oliver at the counter and walked up to him ready to order her mocha, but he sat it down before she even got to the counter. She actually had to smile, Oliver may have been the scariest vamp in Morganville, but he did know how she liked her coffee.

"How did you know I'd be coming in?" she asked as she grabbed her Mocha and laid down some money.

Oliver smiled. It wasn't a nice smile; it was too creepy to be nice. "I just know things."

Claire shook her head. "You knew I was heading to Myrnin's so you figured I would drop by for my mocha," she looked farther down the counter at a lone Styrofoam cup. "And Myrnin's Coffee." she smiled as he scowled and slid the coffee across the wooden top.

"No one ever said you were dumb Claire. You are quite the opposite." He didn't make it sound like a compliment.

He turned quickly to another customer, dismissing her, and she walked out of the coffee shop, nursing her Mocha as she turned down another road towards Myrnin's old shack/mad scientists lab.

Grandma Day was sitting on her porch. Claire smiled and waved at the wizened old woman. Grandma Day waved back and called out to her.

"Going back to the Trapdoor spider's lair I see." Trapdoor spider was her name for Myrnin. She wasn't too fond of him.

Claire only nodded and darted into the alleyway that was the equivalent to a driveway for Myrnin, only it wasn't big enough for a car and it got even smaller as it went along. Myrnin was outside under the awning above his door, out of the sun. He was one of the older vamps that wouldn't get barbequed if he stepped into sunlight but it was still irritating to the skin, though not too irritating that he couldn't run out into it to retrieve his coffee and run back to the shade. He took a big gulp and turned his eyes towards her.

"You dallied." he stated as she pushed past him into the lab. She ignored his statement, tossing her backpack into a corner. She sat her mocha down on one of the granite top lab tables and turned back to him, her hands on her hips, only then did she really notice that he wasn't wearing a shirt today. She was momentarily speechless.

Myrnin was not a bad looking guy, for a vampire, also a vampire who looked like he was ten years older than her when he had been turned. He was lean, with sinewy muscles running under his pale, pale skin. He also had a barely noticeable six pack, but it was there. And suddenly she wanted to run her hands over that pale skin. She was surprised at herself, for one, she was with Shane, she loved Shane, and there was the fact that Myrnin was her boss, her crazy boss, her crazy, vampire boss who had contemplated putting her brain in a jar to run a computer that ran the special effects of Morganville.

She shook herself out of her admiration but Myrnin had clearly seen the way she looked at him. He looked at her, a confused look, but there was a glimmer in his eyes. Hope? Longing?

Claire scowled at him and tried to recover herself. "You can't just order me here anytime you want Myrnin. I've told you this before."

Myrnin smiled "Oh but I can. I employ you. I can call you in anytime that there is something that needs to be done." he walked towards her, a slow, stalking walk that put her nerves on edge. She backed up but bumped into the table. Myrnin leaned down towards her, his arms encaging her as he braced himself on the table's granite top.

"Myrnin, back up." her voice wavered and she had a sudden vivid image of him leaning in to kiss her. Where was this coming from? She shivered.

"But do you really want me to little Claire? You know you can't stop me. Your back pack full of weapons is behind me, you are not stronger or faster than Me." his breath hit her full in the face, and it didn't smell like blood, it smelled like coffee and something sweet.

"Please. This is wrong." she whispered and pressed her back into the table top.

"Why is this wrong? Is it because I am a vampire? Or is it merely because you are with that boy, Shane, because I can take care of that obstruction." he said softly.

Claire shook her head. "No, no. it's not just because of Shane. You're a vampire Myrnin. And you're my boss. And…"

"I'm unstable. Yes, yes I know this you don't have to remind Me." he growled and pushed away from her, turning his back to her. She sunk down in relief.

"Shane said-" she began

"Do not talk of him!" Myrnin wailed, he actually sounded…hurt, or jealous. Claire wouldn't have been surprised if he had stomped his foot like a little child. "I know he's seen the way I look at you. Everyone has. That is why Amelie is considering taking you from my care." now he sounded scared, worried. Claire gasped and stood up.

"No! She can't do that! I can choose what I want for myself. I still have a lot to learn. And you need Me." she exclaimed, outraged. Myrnin turned slowly towards her again, that strange glow was back in his eyes, longing, Claire thought.

"Your right, I do need you. I have been alone so long little Claire. I am always alone, until you came. Now you are here every day, except for Saturdays and Sundays, but I can always find you something to do on those days." he was walking toward her again and Claire bolted. It was a stupid thing to do.

Myrnin grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him. She threw her arm out in front of her to keep herself from falling, and she was suddenly pressed up against Myrnin's bare chest, the wind knocked from her. His hand was in her hair, she thought he was sniffing it but she didn't care. She was breathing hard; she could feel Myrnin's cool skin under her hand and the bare patch of skin above her breast. She could feel the hard chorded muscles moving underneath the skin and she couldn't pull away, didn't want to pull away.

Myrnin tugged on her hair, making her look up at him, his eyes were open wide, tinted with red, she shivered. And suddenly he was leaning down, fangs out. She faintly thought that he was going to bite her, her inner voice yelled at her to run, but then his cold lips were upon hers and even her inner voice was stunned to silence.