Surprise~ chapter 1

This is the same story I wrote some time ago, but like a lot of my stories, I have found several grammar issues and depth missing from the story. So firstly with this story, the flashback is gone. Secondly, I have started the story where Sam and Bee first visited the island several months after the battle took place in Egypt. Mikaela is in this story and the plot is basically the same.


Optimus returns from a string of meetings, while Bee and Sam return to base for Bee's updates and maintenance check up. Here Sam meets up with Optimus to talk to him.

Okay, the disclaimer: I own nothing but the sheer fun of writing this story, Blah, blah.

Let's roll!


Diego Garcia 1000 hours Wednesday April 17,2009

The plane taxied down the runway to a stop as a group of soldiers waited near by to unload its passenger. Optimus had just returned from attending a slew of meetings in four different countries. Looking less that his usual regal self, he drove down the ramp and bee-lined it for the washracks. An hour or so later, Optimus left the private hangers and headed for his office to discuss the meetings with Lennox and check up on the progress being made for the new base.

Prime's office

"Will," Optimus called out greeting him as he walked in and sat down at his desk.

"Hello Optimus, I take it you survived the meetings?"

Will said teasing Optimus, even though he knew the mech was dead tired. That banter between them came naturally as the years had passed by and too it sever to ease Optimus's mind that eventually they would be accepted openly with the rest of the human population as well.

"You could say that's true, although I feel like that ping-pong ball humans use a racket to swat at!"

Optimus said but with a slight smirk across his face and then he demonstrated by bobbing his head side to side; and that just earned him a chuckle from Lennox.

"Yeah, welcome again to my world and with all the red tape, and paperwork included." Will pop off and said trying to cheer his friend up.

"But besides that seriously, the plans for the new base have been approved and the materials should start arriving later this month."

Will added. Optimus had been rubbing at the base of his nose, it wasn't the only outwardly sign showing that he was tired though.

He quit rubbing at his nose and right optic and look at Will and said, "Good, that's the best resolved answer I have heard all week."

"I thought I cheer you up oh, Bee and Sam are in route here." Will said as he sat a table on a raise platform next to Optimus's desk.

Optimus had always been open with his officers and now too with his human friends. He wanted them to feel like they could come to his office and speak with him and be comfortable. Optimus had already turned on his monitor and was reading over some text messages that he had received and now began replying to them.

"Yes, I will look forward to their first visit here; they both have matured so much for being so young yet." Optimus said as he was staring at his monitor.

"So, what do they want now?" Will finally drew the courage to asked a couple minutes later while he watched Optimus, who was now typing something on his keyboard.

Optimus had then stopped typing and looked over at Will and said, "oh your know, more this, less of that, spends hours debating whether or not and my favorite, let's form a committee to investigate."

Optimus said disgustingly then stare helplessly up at the ceiling while shaking his head some and then took a deep breath.

"Hey big guy, go get some sleep will you? You're beginning to sound like Ironhide on one of his better days." Will said as he stood up and pointed toward the door.

"Easy you!"

Optimus said pointing right back at Will. Will just broke up laughing right then and there not even taking the look on Optimus's face seriously, not even for a minute.

Optimus just moaned aloud rather sheepishly, "I can't help it."

When Optimus was tired like he was, it was about the only time you ever saw his impatience and crankiness. Both did sit around a bit longer though and talk; then Optimus left out and returned to his private quarters for some much needed rest.


Later that evening the plane carrying Sam and Bee landed and taxied down to the main hanger area, where Optimus and Ratchet were waiting near by to greet them. Bee was excited to see Ratchet for some minor calibrations and Ratchet also had made adjustments to Bee's vocal board chip. It was another attempt at repairing his voice. Sam had wanted to come and see Optimus and talk with him. He really didn't say what nor did Optimus ask last week; but he has told Sam that his door was always open should he ever needed someone to talk to.

"Sir, how was your trip?" Bee ask over the comm link.

"Good little one, how are you?" Optimus asked back.

Ratchet looked on as he saw Sam exiting the plane.

"I Just want to get out of this plane!" Bee replied to which made Optimus laugh out aloud.

"Kid can't wait to see me uh?" Ratchet said aloud as he turned and stared at Optimus, "you could say that."

Optimus said as he saw Bee coming out of the back of the plane and then suddenly taking off for the med bay hanger.

"See at least some of my patient's follow their maintance schedule, unlike some I know."

Ratchet said staring at Optimus whom gracefully just raised he's hands in the air in a mock defeat while Ratchet moaned the entire time he was transforming back into vehicle mode.

Optimus was never fond of being center of attention, but more than that he for sure was keen on not arguing with his CMO; who has been known to throw wrenches at the heads of bots that angered him with out warning too!

"Optimus," Sam said as he was walking over to met him.

"Hello Sam, it's good to see you again. How are your studies coming along?" Optimus said.

"Oh I guess the usual, tired, not enough time to study or for that matter, have a civil life." Sam said to which Optimus just shook his head and slightly chuckled.

"You know what Sam, I could say the same for me in enduring the endless hours of chatter you humans call meetings!"

Sam just stared up at Optimus for a moment and then they both shared a good laugh.

"Come on Sam, let's roll."

Optimus said as he transformed and opened the cab door for Sam.

Sam stepped up and sat down in the passenger seat and then Optimus took off in the direction of his office.

"So big guy, I guess your wondering what I wanted to talk to you about?" Sam said aloud, it was still different in away while he knew Optimus heard him, he was the only on in the cab.

"Yes, I was curious." Optimus said through the speakers in the cab.


A few minutes later they arrived at hanger #134-7 and it simply read, 'offices' above the bay doors. Optimus activated his parking brake and then turned his engine off. Sam then took his cue by opening the door and climbing down so that Optimus could transformed.

"Come on in Sam, you have not seen our offices yet," Optimus said as he punched in the code to open the bay doors.

Until now Sam has not been to Diego Garcia, but after the secret was out about their presents here, Sam and Mikaela have been given permission from General Moreshower to visit their friends here. Sam followed Optimus in and as he did he had noticed several large pictures hanging on the wall to his left as he walk in.

"Nice, it would seem like you all have painted up the place. It doesn't look like no ordinary military hanger?"

Sam said as he stopped and looked up at a different much larger picture with what appeared to be the entire Autobot team. He guess it had to have been on Cybertron, their home world.

"Thank you Sam, all these pictures you see along this wall are a collection of pictures we had left of Cybertron." Optimus said as he stopped in front of the picture Sam was looking at.

"Who, are all those Autobots ?" Sam asked.

"Well that picture was taken before the war began. Those there in the picture worked for the Science and Space Division, it was taken just outside of the temple in Simfur, that is where the Allspark was kept and at one time guarded by those under Megatron's command."

Sam was shocked, "What!" he said. "I thought,"

"Sam, before the war began we lived in peace with each other, I was leader of the Science and Space Division and Megatron remained in charge of the Defense Division."

Optimus pointed to the picture and went on to speak, "that is me, there. As you can see behind us is the golden towers of Iacon; our headquarters where located there in those towers."

"Wow!" Sam exclaimed stunned and yet had wanted to ask at some point about Cybertron.

"Where are they all now, I mean I know a lot were killed during the war and I reckoned that's Ironhide, Bee and Ratchet of course."

Sam said while pointing at the picture.

"Yes," Optimus said and then he continued on walking on down to his office.

Sam looked at Optimus walking on down the hall and said, "I'm sorry I."

Optimus turn around to Sam and said remorsefully, "you have nothing to be sorry for my friend. It is I who is sorry that your world has now had to endure suffering and massive destruction because of our war."

Sam nodded and continued on following Optimus on down the hallway. As he got to the door that he saw Optimus just walk into, he looked up at the name plaque on the door and it simply read Optimus.

Sam walked in and saw a set of steps leading up to a catwalk, that ran the length of Optimus's desk. He then looked over to his left and saw a large bookshelf running the length of the west wall filled with what appeared to be gifts and souvenirs from around the world.

"So, did you collect all of this or were are they gifts that were given to you?" Sam asked as he turned around and looked up to Optimus.

"Most were given to us from various countries and some I did collected." Optimus answered as he sat down at his desk.

"Woa! That rubrics cube is from a rare limited edition, who gave you that rubrics cube?" Sam asked as he pointed to it sitting on the top shelf inside a glass incasing.

"You would never believe me if I told you," Optimus replied with a slight twinge of laughter in his voice.

"Try me," Sam said hastily.

"The Queen of England, Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II," Optimus answered in a calm voice trying to hide the mirth on his face by looking at it instead of Sam.

"Like no way!" Sam retorted in shock.

"Like, way!" Optimus counter retorted but with a smile on his face.

Sam then made his way up the stairs and over to the table to sit down as he noticed a picture in a brass frame sitting on Optimus's desk. He then made his way across and walked over to the picture on the desk and it appeared to be another picture of Optimus, but this time it was with a female posing together on a balcony in a high rise building maybe.

Sam turned around to see Optimus staring at him, "Who is she?" Sam asked kind of hesitantly though, he did know what to think of the expression on Optimus's face at the time.

"That is a picture of Elita and I taken on our Balcony shortly after we were bonded," Optimus said solemnly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Sam said and then got quiet as he saw the saddens in Optimus's optics.

"No need to be sorry my friend. I know somehow she'll make it here someday." Optimus said as he placed he index finger softly upon Sam's shoulder.

Sam looked up and saw Optimus nod with a smile.

"Optimus, I kind of wanted to, you know ask you but I didn't.." Sam was nervous, he always stutter his words together when he was nervous but Optimus understood.

"Yes Sam," Opimus replied.

"What I was trying to ask you was how did you know. I mean I love Mikaela and she loves me, but like relationships did you.."

Sam stopped there as he saw Optimus looking seemly puzzled and thought to himself this was a mistake to ask someone you hardly knew if they had relationships or something.

Sam started to say something and Optimus slightly raised his hand as if he wanted to tell Sam something first.

"Sam, I know that human relationships and family structures are much like ours but thinking back, I was extremely shy and quiet. While I did know about femmes I however did reserved myself. I knew from the first time I saw her that she was the one I wanted to spend my entire life with."

Optimus said as Sam sat down Indian style on the desk.

"You shy?" Sam asked curiously.

To this Optimus just stared at Sam a moment or two, "Yes, I was and still am. Look Sam I can talk with you, we have formed a good friendship, I trust you without reservoir. But if you were to ask me to have a question and answer session with the media, I am not fond of that attention."

Optimus said rather sheepishly and Sam had a wide grin on his face and then said in response, "I'm sorry, I just thought seeing as you are so more confident than me."

"Your confidents in yourself lie within your steps through life.

Anyways, to answer your question is to how we met and our relationship; I met her in what I would compare it to as the human equivalent of high school years and I felt different inside when I was with her. When you met someone and spending time with that person, it should have a meaning and be able to share in common things you both like to do. With her I felt at ease, she enjoyed my company as a friend first and I likewise with her.

And as time went by, our relationship grew and then we were married some time later."

Optimus said, Sam just sat there taking it all in. He never would have thought that Optimus would be so willing to be so open with him or any human yet, he was wrong.

"I don't know why but I never heard you speak much about your personal life until now; but thank you for sharing with me and I hope that she comes soon. From the smile on your face in the picture, I can tell you both were happy."

Sam said.

"You're welcome Sam and yes we are," Optimus said proudly.


The next morning Bee and Sam were on a flight back to the states; Bee had regain a little of his voice using only short words and Sam knew he was going to make the right choice.

Okay, next chapter is six months later around the thanksgiving holiday. A lot has changed during that time for both the Autobots and Sam and Mikaela. Sam, Bee and Mikaela this time fly back to the base with a surprise for their friends, but little did they know that Optimus and the gang have some surprises too!