Sad Eyes
Chapter 8: Healing Hearts
Poem in Italics.
Disclaimer: I do not own MGLN nor its characters.
When you fall, I will pick you up
When you cry, I will dry your tears
When you smile, I will make it last
If you run, I will follow
If you hide, I will search
If you return, I will welcome you
Before you lose faith, I will give you hope
Before you stumble, I will hold you steady
Before you hurt, I will heal you
Two months later...
Flowing, wavy curls rest lightly on bare creamy shoulders. The golden rays of the sun elicits a striking glow from her copper highlights. Her cobalt eyes soften as they land on her target.
Emerald eyes sparkle with a mixture of longing and elation. The sweet smile directed his way instantly cause heart palpitations. He idly wonders if his reaction to the woman's beaming smile will ever cease.
He rises from his seat as she approaches. She stops a few feet away from him, uncertain of what is appropriate. "Yunno," she whispers as if spoken any louder the moment would shatter.
He suppresses any lingering sadness as he says the name he once forbade himself from speaking aloud. "Nanoha." Surprisingly, there is no throbbing pain ripping through his chest. No stinging in his eyes from withheld tears. His arms lay weak at his sides. He wants to hold her in his arms. Confirm that the beautiful woman before him is not a dream or a phantom. But he can't reach out. He feels he does not have the right.
Nanoha watches the inner debate in his forest green eyes. His apprehension causes her heart to clench. There were friends long before they were lovers. There were friends long before they were each other's heartbreak. Nanoha can't stand their distance. She closes the gap between them in more than a physical way. Her arms wrap around his center and she squeezes tightly.
He's startled by the sudden affection, but his eyes quickly melt. His rigid posture relaxes into the embrace. His arms pull her closer. He savors the scent of her perfume, noticing she changed from the one she once wore. Eyelids slip closed like the shutter of a camera as he saves this moment in his heart.
Nanoha nuzzles into his chest, smiling because he still wears the same cologne. She's thrilled to be holding the friend she thought she lost forever. She called expecting him to send her to voicemail or hang up. Instead he answered as hesitant as she was to dial. Her surprise doubled when he agreed to meet her.
She pulls away from his arms and he fights the urge to hold onto her. Her cobalt eyes search his emerald ones. Each sees something different.
She sees the caring and compassionate eyes of her best friend. If staring intently enough the remnants of hurt lay in those green depths. But she knows she cannot heal the wounds she unintentionally inflicted. The truth pains her, but she can bear the consequences.
Lost in cobalt, he sees joy and vitality. The emptiness he witnessed in the last months of their relationship is gone. The friendly affection directed at him brings both warmth and and pain to his heart.
She releases his hands and takes her seat their table. "How have you been?" Nanoha asks after Yunno sits his seat across from her. She knows he's been in pain, but hopes to hear of his recovery.
He pauses recalling memories both agonizing and soothing. He recollects sleeping on the couch to avoid a cold, vacant bed. He remembers sitting alone in an empty apartment staring at the blank television screen. The times where he saw something that reminded him of her and the ache made him feel hollow.
But he also recalls the vagueness in her cobalt eyes. The void between them he chose to ignore. He remembers watching her stare out the window, eyes blank as if she were a caged bird. The amount of pain he endured was comparable to the guilt she accrued in being unable to reciprocate his feelings. In way she had the courage to spare them from the pain down the road. The idea wasn't something he immediately accepted.
His heart desperately wanted to believe they could fix their problems. But his heart also knew the truth. The pain he inflicted upon her by caging her in his love. Accepting his love was a form of imprisonment was in no way something he wanted to believe. But at the end of the day, weak and tired, the undeniable truth lay unmoving on his chest. All he wanted was for her to be happy and that meant sacrificing his own. He wished to be the light of her life, but he wasn't. The idea of forcing the woman he loved to love him held more pain than the idea of setting her free.
He made peace with such ideas. They still inflicted damage if he thought about them for too long. But he is moving forward. Albeit slowly, but he is proud to say he is paving a new path.
Nanoha watches as emotions flicker in and out of his emerald eyes. "I've been good," he says with confidence. She smiles knowingly and accepts his words as truth.
"How's work?"
"Great actually. I'm speaking at a conference in Hawaii." He grins at her dropped jaw. "Jealous?" He teases.
"Yes!" Nanoha exaggerates her envy, glaring at him. "When are you going?"
"Two weeks. I'm planning on extending my stay. I deserve a vacation." He says with a smile.
Nanoha laughs, "Yeah right." A devilish smirk takes over her expression, "Don't get to crazy with your fellow nerds."
He wears a mask of mock hurt. "I'll have you know nerds have taken over the world. Divide and conquer." They share a laugh and Yunno remembers why it was so easy to fall in love with the woman across the table.
Nanoha smiles at him and he can tell she's reminiscing like him. "I've missed you," she confesses fighting off tears.
"I missed you too." His heart soars knowing that she thinks of him. He also can't deny how she glows, radiating happiness. The light she had exuded prior to their relationship had fallen dim while they were together. Now her brilliancy had returned tenfold. "You look happy."
Her smile brightens at his words. "I am," she agrees with a wealth of honesty. "Especially now that I got to see my best friend again." The confession hurts a little, but his love for her overwhelms it. Being her best friend is a position he accepts with pride.
Nanoha knows the label might cause him some pain, but she has learned nothing good can come of unclear relationships.
They order lunch and hand their menu's to the waiter. Nanoha takes a sip of her ice water and quirks an eyebrow at Yunno's narrowed eyes. She frowns at his playful smirk. "What are smiling about?"
He takes a sip of his water, letting her curiosity build. "Are you going to tell me or do I have to force it out of you?"
Nanoha smiles wittingly, but plays along. "What could you possibly be referring to?"
"Oh, playing the innocent card." He smiles at the mirth in her cobalt eyes, "Whose got you smiling like that?"
Nanoha bites her bottom lip, debating what to say. She inspects her clear glass. "Are you sure you want to know?" The question is both playful and serious.
He stares down at the woven threading of the white table cloth. Knowing the truth isn't easy, but knowing is for the best. If he wants to be her friend again he needs to learn the truth. He cannot live in denial of her moving on. He wishes to swiftly strip away the guises like ripping off a bandaid, he thinks. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know. Plus as your best friend I need give my stamp of approval... Or disapproval."
Nanoha giggles and stirs her water with a clear straw. "Her name is Fate." Yunno's eyebrows shoot upward, but he doesn't say anything. Nanoha grins at his obvious shock. "Surprised?"
"Very." His pride is a little damaged, but not by the fact that the special person in Nanoha's life is a woman. His pride is damaged by the clear and utter adoration in Nanoha's expression as she said the woman's name. There is no doubt that this woman is a major factor in Nanoha's vivacity. "Go on," he encourages.
She smiles brilliantly and he knows any hurt he feels is worth watching the woman before him glow. Nanoha tells him about meeting Fate in a club, sparing him their other history. She doesn't give all the details opting to tell him about the way Fate makes her feel. The friendship they shared and the many things Fate helped her work through. She can't help gushing about the accomplishments and shining qualities of the blonde. She confesses their arguments and little things Fate does that irk her.
She tries not to spend too long talking about the blonde. But does talk about her enough for Yunno to know how happy Fate has made her.
Nanoha goes off into a tangent and the topic of conversation changes multiple times. Three hours later and they are well on their way to rebuilding a stable friendship.
Nanoha sends out a text. Twenty minutes later Yunno sees her face light up and immediately knows why without seeing. Nanoha stands and walks over to a gorgeous woman with long golden hair and crimson eyes.
Fate would have been a little more discreet, but can't deny Nanoha when the woman kisses her chastely on the lips. Yunno notices Fate has yet to even glance his way. Her loving crimson gaze fixed on Nanoha. The auburn beauty clasps Fate's hand and drags her over to their table.
"Fate, I'd like you to meet my best friend, Yunno Scrya." Nanoha gestures with her hand to the blonde man. "Yunno, this is my girlfriend, Fate Harlaown."
Fate is the first to extend her hand. "Its nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you." Fate smiles and looks fondly at Nanoha.
Yunno shakes her hand immediately after it's extended. He meets her gentle crimson eyes and grins, "And I have heard way too much squealing about you."
"Yunno!" Nanoha admonishes. A pink blush rising to her cream colored cheeks.
Both blondes let their hands fall away and share a laugh at the jogger's expense. Fate winces when a elbow hits her side. "Ow! I'm sorry." The golden blonde apologizes and smiles sheepishly at her girlfriend.
Yunno watches as Nanoha pouts and crosses her arms across her chest. Despite her frown he knows the blonde is already forgiven.
"Well," he breaks the silence, "I better be going. I have a date." He wiggles his eyebrows.
"Oh." Nanoha smiles brightly. Happy to know he too is moving on. She smirks, "Try not to talk about your work TOO much."
He instantly frowns. "Why not?"
"You know why." She gives him a look that clearly says because it's boring.
"I resent that. She's an archeologist and I know she'll be very interested in my research. Unlike certain unappreciative people." Fate grins watching the two friends banter. She knows how happy Nanoha is having Yunno back as her friend. The golden blonde also understands the closure their meeting brings. It's wasn't exactly easy watching her girlfriend go to meet her ex-fiancé, but she agreed it was necessary. "Anyways... I'm gonna go. It was a pleasure meeting you, Fate." He nods to the club owner.
Fate acknowledges with a nod of her own, "Same here." She looks into his emerald eyes knowing his words are in fact genuine.
He redirects his gaze to Nanoha, "It was great seeing you again. We'll have to meet up before I leave."
"Definitely. And call me tomorrow. I want to hear all the details about the date." Nanoha walks up to him without hesitation and hugs him tightly.
"I will." He returns the embrace. They pull apart and Nanoha returns to Fate's side. She wraps an arm around the blonde's waist. He turns and walks away from the open air cafe. He flags down a taxi and waves to the couple before getting in, "Bye."
"Bye. Take care." Nanoha watches as the cab drives away.
She turns to the side, smiling at the blonde beside her.
"What?" Fate asks.
"I didn't get a proper hello." Fate's face softens before she bends down, kissing Nanoha deeply and passionately. "Mm." The auburn beauty hums with her eyes closed after they separate.
Fate kisses her forehead and takes Nanoha's hand, "Ready?"
"Yep." Nanoha holds the strap of her white purse as they leave the cafe. "Where to now?"
"I want to show you something."
"Oh a surprise." Nanoha giggles.
Fate shakes her head and chuckles. She waves for a cab.
They arrive at their destination in a matter of minutes. Nanoha frowns as they exit the cab. She looks questioningly at the gravestones then back up at Fate.
Fate smiles that sad smile Nanoha has seen before and takes Nanoha's hand. She wordlessly leads her girlfriend to a corner of the graveyard. Beneath the shade of tall trees lay two graves. One has purple flowers and the other has yellow daisies. Both bouquets look a few days old.
Her eyes soften as she reads the names on the gray marble. Alicia Testarossa. Precia Testarossa.
She looks to Fate, but crimson eyes are fixed on the stones before them. The blonde releases her hand and takes out something from the inner pocket of her jacket. Nanoha recalls the night Fate revealed she was adopted. The blonde hadn't spoke of the details. She briefly explained her mom and her twin sister died when she was nine. Her godmother, Lindy Harlaown, took her in and raised her as her own.
Nanoha fiddles with the white belt of her baby blue sundress. She watches as Fate places a yellow origami crane on her sister's grave and a purple flower on her mom's. Fate stands from her kneeling position and takes a breath.
She doesn't meet Nanoha's cobalt eyes, but she feels them on her. Encouraging her.
"We just turned eight when my sister was diagnosed with leukemia." Fate pauses staring hard at the gray stone. This is not a story she often shares. Enough years have passed that she won't cry, but the pain is still there. "She held on a whole year when the doctors gave her six months. The day after we celebrated our ninth birthday... together," Fate bites her bottom. Nanoha squeezes her hand and Fate weaves together their fingers. "...She passed away. She so frail, so weak."
With Nanoha holding her hand, she continues. "My mom neglected her own health especially during Alicia's last six months." Fate fills her lungs with the cool spring air, "She was a heavy smoker prior to having Alicia and I, but she quit for us. Once Alicia was a diagnosed she started again. Her smoking increased to about two packs a day. "
Fate pauses, "By the time they found the cancer in her lungs it was too late. She didn't bother with fighting the cancer. She died six months after my sister." Hard gaze fixed on the gray stones she continues, "Her heart broke the day we laid Alicia in the ground. A part of me thinks she didn't want to live anymore."
Fate shoves her free hands into her pocket and bites her bottom lip. Crimson eyes watch as white clouds drift across the pale blue sky. Nanoha can hear the residual pain in Fate's weak voice. Releasing a shaky breath she pushes on, "I didn't cry as they lowered casket. But that night I did. I couldn't stop. Lindy found me curled in ball crying on the bathroom floor." Nanoha's heart constricts at the imagery. "She held me all night. It felt like she was holding me together. As if I'd just... shatter without her arms around me."
"I couldn't understand why I was left behind. Why the two people I loved the most left me?" Tears brim the edges of Nanoha's eyes, but she refrains from releasing them. "Lindy helped me realize I'd never be alone. But the question was still there. Why Alicia and not me? We shared the same DNA, but she was taken... And I wasn't."
Fate squeezes Nanoha's hand, "I moved on best I could and with time the pain faded. I made friends. And when I turned eighteen I inherited the trust my mother set up. She was a great investor and had a two medical patents." Fate finally smiles as she remembers the determined woman. "I graduated and gained some experience in industry. Then, I started investing in the businesses my friends proposed. The club belongs to Signum and I, but I also co-own a restaurant."
Nanoha nods along, having heard about Fate's busy work life. But she idly wonders where Fate is going with it. Why had Fate finally chosen to reveal the past to her? "I had a few relationships." Fate grins knowing the frown Nanoha must be wearing. She told Nanoha about her four serious relationships and the runner glared the entire time. "But nothing lasted. And no matter how hard or how long I worked, the question was still in the back of my mind. Why was I left behind?"
Fate's frown changes into the gentle smile reserved especially for Nanoha. "Then this girl ran into my life and just... Tore it down. Set fire to everything I thought I knew." Crimson locks with cobalt. Nanoha pouts, but it just widens Fate's smile. "After, the castle walls fell. I found the answer in the rubble." Fate's expression turns serious as she brushes auburn locks away from Nanoha's face. "...Gave all the seeking, all the lonely nights a purpose." Fate pauses and Nanoha waits eagerly on the edge. Fate cups Nanoha's cheek with her warm palm.
"What is the reason?" Nanoha whispers and lays her hand over the blonde's.
"To meet you... And to make you smile." Fate says softly but with conviction, bringing tears to Nanoha's eyes. Both women remember the first time their eyes connected, the first time they spoke. The blonde wipes away the clear, salty drops cascading slowly down Nanoha's cheeks.
Nanoha swallows the lump of emotion in her throat. With deep affection in her cobalt eyes, Nanoha says in shaky voice, "You are my answer." Her voice is unsteady, but her heart and her eyes shine with confidence in her words.
The kiss they share contains the power of their feelings for one another. The intensity of their shared passion both scares and thrills them.
To meet and make each other smile. That is their answer. Not to share an eternal everlasting love. Or change history with their blind devotion. There lives may not be written in history books or immortalized in a play. But it will be engraved in their souls. Immortalized in their heart's memory.
Today there are no declarations of love or pledges of permanent commitment. But such words are bound to arrive in time. Hearts act according to their own whim. Unbound by the constraints of a ticking clock or a setting sun, they decide the time needed to heal from love or to feel love.
Cobalt and crimson connected and witnessed a smile. Their seeking is over, but their journey continues to be written. And one day they may send a letter full of their emotions, feelings, and memories. One day.
But today they rejoice in the discovery of a simple answer.
To meet you and to be the reason for your smile.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Watching someone close to you battle cancer is something you can't quite forgot and has lasting effects. It is a very powerless feeling so for Fate to be so affected was natural to me. Just extra facts for curious minds but the foundation Suzuka spoke of was for Leukemia research and founded by Fate. Their first meeting happened around August and September leaving this chapter taking place around May. And no Nanoha's family doesn't know yet, but her friends do. But as the story goes its only a matter of time. If it feels right I'll do an extra on their friends reactions. There are many things I've left open-ended and I probably won't provide an answer to all questions but I'd be willing to try so please feel free to ask. I said it before and I'll say it again thank you for all of your reviews!