A/N: So, here I bring you the beginnings of another fic! ...XD;; ... I will try to work on this one as much as I can, because for once I actually have an idea of where to take it! LOL ... Okay, so it helps that this is a sort of re-write of a very old Fic I wrote way back when (wasn't even Hetalia then... it was a DBZ fic)... however, I decided to completely change it ... and now it's becoming this. So yeah ... this fic will feature a Lovely little competition between America and England to gain Canada's affections ... and France and a few others will be a long for the ride as well. So, Primary Pairings in this Fic are USCan and UKCan ... with maybe a side of one-sided FrUK, and some others! XD ... so yes, it is mostly Yaoi! I'm sorry!
As for who Canada will end up with at the end, that is yet to be decided, but I would love some input from you guys! Who do you want it to be? USCan or UKCan? Let me know!
I hope you will enjoy this!
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia, or anything to do with Whistler/Blackcomb ... I do live near there though! (well sort of... Vancouver Island counts as Near there, doesn't it?)
Ski Trip
By Raven Dunbar 2011
The morning was quiet. It was still quite early so most people were still in bed. The sun was just starting to rise into the clear late winter sky. Everything was peaceful and calm until the silence was broken by a loud shout that echoed through the crisp morning air.
"Dude! I totally can't wait to rip up the slopes with my new snowboard! Ahahaha!"
The voice belonged to one Alfred. F. Jones, or, as he's more commonly known, the nation of America. At the same time, another young man was testing the doorknob on his front door to make sure it was locked. As he looked over at the overly excitable and boisterous nation standing by his red Toyota Yaris, he winced.
"Al, could you please keep your voice down. You might wake the neighbours." came the quite voice of Canada.
"Yeah! Whatever, Mattie! Hahaha, oh man, I'm totally going to kick your ass when we get up there! Canadian or not!"
Canada, or Matthew Williams, frowned at his companion and shook his head slightly as he picked up his own luggage, and carried it over to the car.
"I didn't invite you along on this trip just to start a competition with you, Alfred. I thought maybe it would be nice if we could just spend some quality time together since we don't get to very often anymore."
As Matthew opened the trunk, he shoved a few of Alfred's things aside to make room for his own stuff. On the roof of the car, they had already stored their skiing and snowboarding gear, so as soon as the quieter of the two had his luggage in the trunk, they would be ready to go.
Alfred glanced over at Matthew and grinned widely before breaking into his usual noisy laughter.
"Hahaha, Matt! You sound like a woman or something! A little competition never hurt anyone! Come on!"
Matthew frowned again as he shut the trunk and moved to the driver's side of the vehicle.
"I'm well aware of the benefits of competition, but I'd rather not have that right now … and for the record, I'm not a woman!"
With a huff the Canadian climbed into the Driver's seat, as his American counterpart moved into the passenger's side.
"What was that, Mattie? You have to speak up! You're way too quiet!"
"Maybe you're just way too loud!"
"What?" Came Alfred's reply as he leaned in, perhaps a little to close for comfort, trying to hear the quieter nation better.
"Uh! No-nothing! Never mind! Let's get going shall we!"
Trying to ignore the rather intimidating nation in the seat beside him, Matthew started up the car. As the engine turned over, the car stereo came on, quietly playing a mix of music from the Canadian's I-pod.
"Alright! Let's get this show on the road! … Uh… what mountain are we going to again?"
Matthew winced again at the American's loud voice, and then shifted the car into reverse as he backed out of the driveway.
"Whistler and Blackcomb … where the Olympics were hosted."
"Oooh! Alright! That place is pretty awesome! Sweet! … And you got us a good room there right?" asked Alfred excitedly.
The Canadian smiled and nodded his head.
"Yeah, I got us the best room I could. It has a Hot Tub and a full Kitchen and everything!"
"Awesome! Sometimes you're not totally lame!"
The quieter Nation gave his companion a dead pan look but said nothing. There was no point really. It wasn't as if Alfred really listened to him all that often anyway.
Soon they were on the Highway and headed from North Vancouver to Whistler Village, where they would be staying for a week, and unbeknownst to them, it would be one hell of an interesting vacation.
To be continued...
A/N: So, what do you think so far? And who will you vote for? USCan or UKCan? Please do let me know! 3