Title: Slow and Sweet
Author: bleedforyou1
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Beta: vanessawolfie
Summary: Harry and Draco share a soft, slow, sweet love making session.
Word count: 200
Warnings: Teeth-rottening amounts of fluff.
Note: Happy birthday, my dear, wonderful lijahlover! 333 Hope you enjoy this for your prompt of h/dand fluff!

A soft rain fell outside their window as they curled closer to each other in bed. Draco rested his head on Harry's shoulder and twisted their legs together. Drawing small patterns on Harry's chest, he smiled.

"Let's make love again," Draco whispered. He felt Harry's chest shake slightly in laughter, hearing it a moment later.

"You're insatiable." Harry chuckled. "But, I love that most about you."

"Of course you do." Draco smirked.

He leaned up and covered Harry's lips with his own in a bone-melting kiss. They moved slowly together, teasing and touching so softly that it was almost unbearable. Once Harry was finally inside him, Draco pushed against him, arching his back and tipping his head back. They rocked back and forth with increasing intensity, but their slower pace allowed for more kissing and touching than usual.

Harry had one of his soft jazz records playing in the background and the singer crooned soft words of love and commitment and it made Draco feel rather fuzzy and light inside.

"I love you," Draco murmured as they both reached a heightening point. "I want to do this forever."

"Me too," Harry moaned as he came into his lover's warmth. "Forever."