Author: BebePanda401
Story Title:
Crush (lame title)
Rated: K+ for no reason other than it has no death.
A/N: Time for something a little different now. This is, yet again, another drabble. However, it is to do with Touche, and the adorable scene where he blushes at Yumemi when she is eating. I think he gained a little bit of a crush on her at that moment in time. So me, being the romantic fanatic I am, had to write a drabble-thingy on it. But if anyone had to end up with Touche, I'd love it to be Irita :D Anyways, enough of my rambling for one day. How about we just start the story, drabble, thingy now, hey? Oh yeah, I've dumbed down my text a little, and this was based off of a story by 'LuCarly'. I give her credit for me basing it off of, and I, in no way, am trying to plagiarize.


She was very, very pretty.

Her simple and curious expressions made her a childish creature. But it was her naivety to the world that made her very pretty, and very, very cute. The way she would tilt her head was enough to make his heartbeat increase slightly. It beated so loud that he was sure that she could hear it, ringing through her small ears. That thought alone terrified him.

It did, it really did.

After loosing his parents to the war, Touche hadn't really found anything much to be fascinated about. Everything was a normal sight to him nowadays- wars, impatient Munto-sama, injured magicians. And of course, the grand palace grounds. That was also a very plain sight to when he had first moved there- everything was just absorbed into him. Much like the Akuto had resonated with his body.

But Yumemi-san was different. Unlike the majestic frame of Ryuley-sama, or the powerful build of Munto-sama, she was small, petite and her ears unusually small. But he learned she was from the other world.

The other world?

He often wondered what it was like in the other world. Was it full of life, or dead and plaid? Was it on the water of the skies, or on the crumby earth of the ground? Did it grow, or did it perish? So many questions for a child, but not unusual. It was nice to see that he still retained his sense of curiosity, and sense of fun and exploration for other worlds.

When she ate the fruit, is when it started.

She tilted her head to the side, and complimented the fruit. It was a small gesture, but was noticed by an innocence eye's, who had never noticed the uniqueness in her own eyes. Her eyes were green, hazel and gold, all in the same mixture. Quite a rare combination. Quite and extraordinary mixture to come across in the first place.

But it worked for her, and her long, golden hair.

However, Munto-sama would be jealous if he kept stealing Yumemi for his own personal needs. He wasn't that mean, was he? He didn't want to be a mean boy! After all, he could see what Munto-sama did to mean people. He did not want the same thing to happen to him- although, he was sure that he would not harm him.

"Touche? You coming or what?"

A small, orange-haired, imp-like girl folded her arms impatiently. She stepped her foot a few times on the grassy flooring, and puffed out her cheeks in a childish fit of annoyance. It was clear that she didn't like his long fits of thinking for too long. It aggravated her greatly.

Smiling, he ran toward his newly acquired friend.

"Coming, Irita-san!"

Well, Yumemi-san wasn't the only childish one.

A/N: You may have noticed I used the word 'beated'- that was on purpose. It was a child-like story, so I used it for affect, not for a typo or a missed spelling. Now, I need to go and review RedWingedAngel002's new story, don't I? Geez...she's reviewed all my stories, I can be really unfair, can't I? I'd love two reviews on this, please?