If you've read Return, then you know that Jet got his wish to be in my Fic. (Why he wanted to be in MY fic, I'll never know. I'm evil)

Well, it's safe to say that this Fic was inspired by…dodgeball. Yes, dodgeball. My favorite sport in the flipping world. The inspiration came after I was beaned in the face by a giant dodgeball that was the size of a basketball. I thought it WAS a basketball for a second too. Ah, well. As I'm in high school (COUGHCOUGH I LOVE IT COUGHCOUGH NOTHING IN HERE RELATES TO MY AWESOME HIGH SCHOOL COUGHCOUGHHACK) I can write random-er things! YEY! Ok, so this is random. Live with it. I'm random.

Rated T for mild language, occasional snappy comebacks, humor, and randomness.

I am truly sorry for what you are about to read. I wrote most of this on a sugar high.

But please, even though I'm high off sugar 10 times out of 9, NO FLAMES. : )

The day began in the freshman homeroom, with no teacher present. So that meant complete chaos.

"I give up! Chaos Control!" Shadow teleported out of the room just before a math book would have hit him in the head.

Three idiots in the back of the room grabbed a marker and wrote in the board in capital letters, I AM A BEAST BOO YA YOU SUCKAHS CAN'T ACCEPT FACTS!

Along with random writing on the board(Most of it was profanity) there were also spitballs being fired around, throwing of thick books, atomic wedgies, painful noogies, knocking over of desks, stealing of others' stuff, and yelling. That was when the teacher walked into the room.

Everyone froze. Sonic somehow froze in mid jump over a desk; defying the laws of gravity. Blaze's fist stopped an inch from Wave's beak and Wave stopped pulling on Blaze's whiskers. They both glanced at the teacher looking guilty.

"AAAGH! DETENTION FOR EVERYONE!" The teacher shrieked. "Everyone in your seats, now!"

Everyone quickly sat down, but some people had to pick up some fallen desks. The room was so quiet you could hear the class across the hall breathe.

"I am ashamed." The teacher started.

"Me too."

The teacher threw an apple and knocked Knuckles out.

"AS I WAS SAYING…" The teacher yelled. "You all have detention as long as you come to this high school!"

The class groaned. "But…but what about after school sports?" someone asked.

"Then you have to quit them!" The teacher laughed evilly. "Ha ha!"

That was about when the door opened and one of the guys that patrolled the halls walked in with Shadow, who looked very ticked off.

"I can't stand this place…" he hissed.

Once again, I am truly sorry for this.