Disclaimer – I own nothing.
A.N. – This story starts out at the infamous first kiss between Rory and Tristan. BTW, I'm not sure whether to put this under M or T so if anyone would tell me where it fits better, I'd be much obliged. Enjoy!
Down By the Water
Chapter 1 – Blue Eyed Liar
Rory felt Tristan's lips pressed against hers. She felt the electricity inside of her stomach and the heat rush to her stomach. Rory allowed herself to feel a bit more, let her lips slide against his.
'What was she doing? What kind of person allowed this?' Rory's mind ranted at her for the five seconds that her lips molded with Tristan's…and then tears filled her eyes.
Tristan went to speak as their lips went their separate ways, but Rory couldn't let him talk. She didn't want him to talk because she knew that the minute words left him she would bolt for the door. She would run, because guilt was rushing at her like wave after wave in the middle of the Atlantic.
So she looked him in the eyes as tears leaked out of her and quickly shook her head at him 'no'. He listened and instead decided to play some piano music…a real piece that time.
They stayed in the room for another hour before Louise came into the room and declared that Rory should get home soon if she didn't want to get in trouble.
Rory stood up and went for the door, then hesitated. She paused because she wanted to say so many things and yet couldn't bring herself to wish she wasn't different – more assertive and aggressive – so that she could just kiss him again instead of standing there, with nothing she had the courage to say.
"Keep your window open tonight" Tristan's voice broke the silence in the room, and Rory turned around so fast that she almost gave herself whiplash. She could read the uncertainty in the depths of his eyes. She knew his statement was really a question of what she wanted, but she didn't have it in her emotionally that night to dissect her feelings and innermost wants and blah blah blah. The pain in her chest over Dean leaving her was too fresh and the electricity in her stomach making them flutter was too new for her to do anything but nod and go home.
…It was close to 2am when Tristan crawled into her window. Rory was tucked under the covers when the noise of his boots hitting the floor startled her eyes open.
Her breath became shallow as she felt his presence near the bed.
"Are you awake, Mary?" Tristan asked, though she knew he already knew the answer. Rory felt as though her breath was the loudest noise in the room.
Her breath hitched when she heard Tristan's boots being kicked off his feet, and the covers were being drawn away.
'What was she doing? Did she want this?' Her mind who took Lorelai's voice asked her. Her sweet mother who was in her room oblivious to her daughter's newest sin.
Tristan slid under the covers and suddenly it was like Rory couldn't breathe on her own. His hand spread itself over her hip, and she breathed to the same rhythm as him.
Rory turned around, and as she did so Tristan's hand slid from her hip to her stomach and down to her other hip.
"I don't know what I want." Rory whispered into his nude chest. She hadn't realized or heard when he had removed it. She pressed her body closer to his timidly and she became conscious of the fact that he was only in his boxers. She wished she was bolder and could mold her body completely to his.
She felt Tristan shrug as his blue eyes took everything about her facial expression in.
"So?" Tristan spoke and it moved her. It was such a simple teenage answer that Rory couldn't refute it. Her mind couldn't conjure up a rebuttal as to why she shouldn't do anything at all with Tristan because they were young. This moment, right here, is what being a teenager amounted to. Being young and free amounted to the word 'so' and Rory felt Tristan smash his lips to hers. It wasn't like their first kiss. He wasn't asking for permission to go further – he was already in her room. He wasn't wondering if she felt the same way – she'd allowed him into her bed.
Rory lost herself in Tristan's touch – allowing him to strip her bare so that only her panties and his boxers were left as barrier. She felt small, and girly, and so sexy. He made her feel as though the sun was glistening off her skin and electricity ran through her veins.
Tristan moved so that he was between her legs, though he never attempted to strip her further. Rory searched his face and found that every time she moaned he closed his eyes in ecstasy. Her pleasure sent him into his own oblivion, but in the end all Tristan did was warm her body by pressing his down on hers. It was so comfortable, having him lying on top of her – it felt natural.
"Do you want to fall, Mary?" Tristan whispered in her ear. Her body shivered from the husky tone his voice had adapted in passion.
"Not really?" Rory said, clearly uncertain – she had no clue what he was on about, but she didn't get another moment to contemplate it. Tristan laughed lowly and simultaneously had lifted his lower body off her then pressed down again suddenly with a slight arch to his back. He pressed down again and again and again until Rory felt that the earth had realigned itself just so she could feel every sensation her body was capable of giving her. She felt the Earth had come undone and shattered around her as her moans became louder and louder until she heard Tristan gasp and gasp and gasp and suddenly her moan turned into a scream that was drowned out by an all-engulfing kiss as she fell over the edge of real ardor.
Rory held on to Tristan as her breathes wavered and her body spasm'd. She now saw the difference between Tristan and Dean – the difference that he'd been trying to show her all semester. Tristan felt and touched and did everything he wanted without reservation. Dean could only hold her hand and kiss her chastely. Dean would never have attempted to move her with his body, unless it came down to actual sex. Tristan didn't need the act of penetration to leave his mark on Rory; he did it anyway through tense looks and deep moans.
Rory could never look at Tristan the innocent way she would have before. He wrapped her up in his world of sin, and she was ashamed to admit that she would rather live in his world than the world she had always known. She would rather be scared and breathless every moment than content and comfortable.
"I should go." Tristan said once he got his bearings back, but panic seized Rory. Was she a loose woman now? Had he just used her? But if she was honest with herself she knew if anyone should be pointing fingers it should be at her. She was the one who had just broken up with her boyfriend the day before. She was on the "rebound" not him. She was the one who had clutched at his back because she was trying to drown out the voice of her mother and the disapproving imaginary glare of her ex.
But in the end all that had been left was just Tristan. Just her. Just them.
"What are we now?" Rory asked fearfully.
"Don't ruin the glow with pillow talk." Tristan smirked. He was back to being the guy she'd known all along, yet Rory realized that it wasn't that different to the man who gasped into her neck when sensations had ran through him.
"Oh. Sorry." Rory said, she didn't know what else to say. Her armor of witty responses fled her brain as she realized how surreal and not in her element she actually was.
"Mary, stop thinking. I can see the clogs working right now." Tristan continued to smirk, but there was a laugh bubbling in his throat, waiting to come out.
"I can't help it!" Rory exclaimed. "We kiss at a party then you show up here and…ravish me. What am I supposed to do? Play a jaunty tune? This isn't me! This isn't what I do."
Tristan let her say her peace as he lay atop her, silent. The second that she finished he kissed her deeply, swiping his tongue quickly through the inside of her mouth until he heard her give a throaty moan.
It was that kind of moan that sounds as if it's being ripped out of a person's soul.
"Stop putting yourself into this box of who you are. We're sixteen. This isn't what you do, Mary? Really? No. This isn't what you did with bag boy, but clearly you're different with me." Tristan told her, his eyes hard at having to mention him after they'd just finished sharing an intimate moment. But that's what they do isn't it? They argue, and banter, and argue some more until apparently they kiss. It's just a part of the dynamic which is uniquely 'them'.
"Where does that leave us?" Rory asked, feeling guilty for putting her insecurities on Tristan.
"Exactly where we were before: Me wanting you, and you not knowing what you want," Tristan said simply as he rolled off Rory as out of the bed. He dressed quickly, more so than Rory would have thought possible. He sat on the bed so he could tie his shoes, and Rory sat up. She covered her body with the covers that surrounded her as she drew her body closer to Tristan's back.
She touched his shoulder gently, and bit her lip. She wanted to apologize for ruining things, and for always running from him. She wanted so many things: to be the daughter her mother thought she had, to be the proper girlfriend that Dean wanted – love and all, to be the kind of student that never messed up, to be the kind of friend who didn't betray – but what Paris didn't know couldn't hurt her…could it? The fact of the matter is that Rory is too young to know what to do or what to feel, so she settled with the most prominent emotion running inside of her.
She settled for the girl that Tristan can turn her into by a look or a touch: the kind of girl that was bold and brazen and free. True freedom was the one thing she was sure she wanted. She just didn't know how to get it and still be everything else. But she knew that tonight? It was all about freedom.
"I do like you" Rory said, trying to convey feeling in her voice but she wasn't sure she succeeded. She knew it wasn't what he wanted to hear. It wasn't the same thing as saying she knew what she wanted.
He stood up and faced her. He gave her a chaste kiss, like the kind Dean used to give her, but it was so different simultaneously. Chaste with Tristan carried this gut clenching feeling that made Rory want to press her hand to her stomach.
"That's a start I guess." Tristan grinned, but Rory could see the sixteen year old in his eyes. It was the same guy who after their first kiss started to play the piano, like a vulnerable child who just didn't know what else could help.
"See you Monday, Mary" Tristan threw over his shoulder as he walked towards the window.
"Bye..." Rory whispered but he was already gone out the window.
She put her pajama's back on and crawled into the spot he had occupied when he had first gotten under the covers.
Rory woke the next morning and walked into the kitchen to make some coffee, but her mother was already up.
"Hey, kiddo! How'd it go last night?" Lorelai asked, already pouring Rory a cup. She placed it in front of her swiftly, and Rory looked into her mother's eyes. Lorelai adored her child, but Rory felt embarrassed to talk about what occurred last night. She felt as though she had let her mother down, sneaking a boy into her room than doing the things they had done; she blushed a bit.
"It was okay." Rory responded. She sipped the coffee to give herself something to focus on.
"Just okay?" Lorelai pushed. Rory knew that she wasn't buying it, but…She just couldn't convey all that she felt. Last night, she had felt strong. She had felt inhaled by Tristan and lost in him.
"Yea, just okay." She lied. She felt as though she was losing herself all over again but then she remembered Tristan's words to her last night: "Stop putting yourself into this box of who you are. We're sixteen."
She remembered his words and squared her shoulders and she let the lie hang between her and her mother. She let Tristan's words hold her up, and the day continued on. It had been the first time Rory had ever lied to her mother. Sure, she had omitted things before, but outright lie? This was the first time and the world didn't end, hearts weren't broken, and coffin's weren't nailed shut. The world continued, and Rory let a breath out she had been unintentionally holding.
'See you Monday, Bible boy' she thought to herself as she finished her coffee.
A.N – So what does everyone think? This was originally supposed to be a multi-chapter story but I figured knowing me, that it would never get done especially since I have other multi-chapter stories that I have to update! Anywho, so voila! Hope everyone enjoyed it!
P.S. PLEASE READ I've decided though that I'll add chapters here and there randomly, but they can all stand alone and fit together cohesively – I'll make sure of it so the sign that says complete on the top is not a lie.
Reviews are much appreciated! :)