A/N: Hey guys we hope you like our new story. We have changed the story a bit but ENJOY!

Disclaimer: We do not own Twilight. We only own the OCs.

12 Years Ago

"Seth look what I found," said a four year old Jane said as she ran up to Seth. Her grey eyes glistening with mischief as her curly brown hair frizzed at the ends from the summer heat.

"What is it?" asked a four year old Seth curiously. He was a few inches shorter then Jane and had to stand on his tippy-toes to look into her palm.

"It's a worm shorty!" Jane remarked as she opened her fist and showed Seth the tiny pink worm she held in her hand.

"Cool, let's show Juliet," Seth said poking the worm. Even at such a young age Seth Clearwater and Jane Mendoza were inseparable, they were best friends.

The two children ran as fast as they could with their tiny legs over to Juliet who was hiding behind the bush spying on something or someone. Juliet brushed her long brown hair behind her back. Her bright green eyes scanning the yard in front of her.

"Juliet look what I found," screamed Jane.

Four year old Juliet jumped up at the noise. She blinked her eyes, her long eye lashes brushing her face. "What is it?" she asked hesitantly, knowing Jane it was something gross.

"It's a worm," Seth screamed as Jane pushed her hand towards Juliet.

"EWWWWWWW," Juliet yelled. "Get that away from me," she added falling back.

"What are you even doing behind the bush?" Seth asked trying to peek through the bush.

"Nothing," Juliet replied nervously.

"You're spying on that Paul kid again, aren't you," Jane asked as she looked through the bush, squinting her eyes to get a good look.

"Do you still like him?" Seth asked wrinkling his nose in pure disgust.

"No, of course not," Juliet replied quickly, her cheeks flushing a deep pink.

"You like him," Jane cried excitedly, jumping up and down.

"Fine I do and today I'm going to talk to him," Juliet said standing up with her back straight, as she confidently walked over to six year old Paul.

"I don't know what she sees in him," Jane said shaking her head in disappointment as she watched her sister leave.

"H-hi-hi Paul wanna play a game with me," asked Juliet shyly.

Six year old Paul stopped trying to flex his non existing muscles and looked at her."No, I'm a big kid. I don't want to play with a baby like you," Paul remarked rudely.

"I'm not a baby," Juliet said, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Yeah, you're a cry baby, go back to your mommy," Paul replied laughing as he pushed Juliet back a little.

Juliet turned around and ran onto the patio tears streaming down her ivory face.

"Go defend her," Jane commanded Seth as she pushed him out from behind the bush and into the open.

"No, have you seen the size of him?" Seth asked running back behind the bush, taking cover if something were to happen.

Jane and Seth began bickering when they saw Sophie approach Juliet.

"What's wrong?" Asked six year old Sophie as she watched her sister cry. Sophie had her hair pulled back in a braid that went down to her waist. Her dark blue eyes held concern for her younger sister.

"You know Paul-," Juliet began.

Sophie cut her off, "I know what to do," she said and began walking over to Paul. As she passed the bush Jane and Seth stopped bickering.

"Now he's going to get it," Jane said smiling from ear to ear.

"Hey you!" Sophie yelled as she came face to face with Paul.

"What?" Paul asked annoyed.

"Go apologize to my sister or else," Sophie demanded angrily.

"Or what, are you going to hit me with your dolls," Paul asked laughing. "I'm not scared of a little girl like you," he added looking at how tiny Sophie was.

Sophie's face turned red as she jumped onto Paul and began slapping and clawing every part of him that she could reach.

"Ahh get of me," Paul said trying to escape, but Sophie had him held down.

"Take that and that!" Seth cried as he threw fake punches in the air from where he stood.

After a few minutes Sophie got off of a scratched, red faced Paul. "Now go," Sophie demanded.

Paul looked fearful as he walked over to a cheerful Juliet who had seen the whole scene take place."I'm sorry," Paul said to Juliet.

"It's okay," Juliet replied, smiling a toothy grin.

"High five," Jane yelled as she slapped Seth's face. Seth held his face as he gave Jane an annoyed look.

"Sarah," Lydia rejoiced from inside. The group turned around and saw six year old Jacob and his mom standing outside.

"Jacob why don't you go play outside," Lydia suggested taking Jacob outside anyway.

Jacob walked over to the group as Lydia and Sarah watched.

"Hi Jacob," Juliet said engulfing Jacob into a hug. Juliet was pretty close to Jacob and whenever Sophie would bully Jacob, which was a lot she would try to stand up for him.

"Hi Jacob," Sophie said sweetly because she knew the moms were watching.

"Ah love birds," Sarah piped, clasping her hands together as she watched Jacob and Sophie from the porch.

"Sarah come inside and have some coffee," Lydia insisted as the moms walked inside.

"You're gonna get a pounding for getting us called love birds," Sophie threatened as soon as she saw the moms left. Jacob quivered as he shuddered at the thought.

"Juliet will you please come and get Rosie and Brady?" Lydia interrupted from the door. Juliet loved taking care of two year old Rosie and Brady, sometimes she would take them for walks, or dress them up; she treated them like her dolls.

"Yes mommy," Juliet yelled as she grabbed her double Barbie stroller and ran into the house, "Jane, Seth, Jacob you come too!"

"No thanks," Seth said as he remembered that at the last tea party Juliet had put him in a dress.

"Yeah, me and Seth are going to the library, dad said I'm old enough to get my own card," Jane added excitedly, even as a kid she loved reading.

"Paul honey lets go home," shouted Paul's mom from the front yard.

"See ya babies," Paul remarked but ran when he saw Sophie glaring at him.

"Seth let's go wait for my dad in the front yard." Jane suggested grabbing Seth's hand as they ran to the front yard to wait for Robert.

"Looks like it's just you and me," Sophie said looking at Jacob sneakily, circling around him slowly.

"What are you going to do to me?" Jacob asked backing away.

"Nothing," Sophie replied.

"Then I'm going to go play with Juliet," Jacob said tracing his steps to the house, his back facing Sophie.

"Nothing…if you eat this worm," Sophie added holding up the worm that Jane and Seth were looking at.

"You promise you won't do anything bad to me then?" Jacob asked unsurely.

"Yeah yeah, but only if you eat the worm," Sophie mused, coming closer to Jacob.

"But you promise right?" Jacob asked eyeing the worm.

"Of course," Sophie replied holding the worm out. "Now eat it," she demanded.

"For the rest of the week, so you can't do anything, okay," Jacob implied fearfully.

"I know that stupid," Sophie said knowing that today was Saturday, meaning the last day of the week.

"Today's Sunday right," Jacob asked.

"Yes Jacob now eat the worm," Sophie said.

Jacob took the worm from Sophie and looked at it throwing up in his mouth a little. Nonetheless he closed his eyes and popped it into his mouth. However, before he could swallow, he spat it out.

"That's so gross," Jacob said wiping his mouth. "I'm telling my mom on you," he added as he ran into the house.

Sophie smiled, Sarah would never believe Jacob, she adored Sophie and thought that Jacob and Sophie were best friends, this was the only reason she could get away with being mean to Jacob.

In The Front Yard

Juliet was running around the front yard with Brady and Rosie trailing behind her.

"Okay let's get back into the stroller," Juliet said picking up the two toddlers and putting them into her stroller. She walked back and forth on the sidewalk as the two toddlers cooed and laughed. Juliet loved playing with the kids. After a few minutes Juliet took them out. "Now we're going to have a tea party," she said. Juliet set up the tea party and put Brady and Rosie onto chairs.

"How many tea spoons of sugar would you like Rosie?" Juliet asked holding up fake sugar. Rosie clapped her hands and began laughing. "One it is," Juliet smiled putting some "sugar" into Rosie's glass.

"Brady don't eat that," Juliet cried as she took her doll out of Brady's mouth. "That's disgusting Brady, now I have to ask mom to wash it."

"Wow, a baby playing with a baby," came a voice from the sidewalk. Juliet turned around and saw none other than Paul standing on the sidewalk leaning against his bike.

"Leave me alone," Juliet replied trying to ignore Paul.

"Why? I thought you liked me?" Paul asked coming up to the tree letting his shoulder lean against the tree.

"I would never like a meanie like you," Juliet claimed pouring herself some more 'tea'.

"Meanie," Brady giggled.

"Yes Brady, Paul's a meanie," Juliet answered patting Brady on the head.

"Just sucks that your tea party got wrecked," Paul stated, fake sadness drowning his voice.

"My tea party is fine," Juliet muttered confused.

"No it's not," Paul screamed as he pushed the table over, making all the dishes and food fall onto the ground.

"Why would you do that?" Juliet asked tears ready to form in her eyes.

"Cause you're a baby," Paul replied getting onto his dark navy blue bike.

"You are so mean, why don't you get lost," Juliet croaked.

Paul stuck out his tongue as he took his leave. Juliet wiped her eyes as she put Brady and Rosie into her stroller and went inside.

Seth and Jane

"I'm so excited," Jane squealed as she scribbled her name onto the library card.

"Me too," Seth squeaked as he wrote something barely legible on to his paper.

"Okay I'm going to be over there in the adult section, you two look in the kids section okay," Robert told Seth and Jane.

Jane ran over to the kids section as fast as her little legs would take her dragging Seth with her. "Seth I don't know where to look first," Jane bubbled. "I know I'm going to look over there," she said as she ran over to the insect books. Seth just nodded and walked over to the car books.

After a few minutes of Jane looking at books, she grabbed a book. However, at the same time another boy had grabbed the same book.

"Let go, that's my book," Jane growled grabbing the book.

"No it's mine," the boy replied grabbing the book out of Jane's hands.

"Give her back that book," Seth said coming behind Jane.

"No why should I?" The boy asked.

Seth pushed the boys down and grabbed the book, "Run Jane," he yelled as he grabbed Jane's hand and ran off.

"Thanks Seth," Jane said when they came up to Robert.

"No problem," Seth replied smugly. Jane kissed his cheek and watched as Seth blushed a deep scarlet.

"You're such a dork shorty," she said laughing.

End Flashback

Of course that was 12 years ago. Now the girls lived in sunny L.A., their parents had gotten the family business when Lydia's parents had died. The girls were spoiled rotten, by both their parents. They had grown up in La Push but considered L.A their home. They hadn't been to La Push in over 10 years.

A/N: We're working really hard on making it better and we're paying extra attention to our grammar but if we do have any mistakes, we apologize. We're also trying to make chapters longer and updating more frequently but our end exams are approaching so we'll try our best. What do you guys think about our new story?