
Chapter One

Remus stared at the folded parchment in his hand, willing it to suddenly take the form of its sender so he needn't go another day longing to see him. It was the summer holidays, and Remus had not seen Sirius since the end of term, approximately two months ago. Of course, it had been just as long since he had seen Peter or James, but it was his Padfoot that he was missing the most.

Sighing, he unfolded the letter. This was better than nothing, but he still wished there was some way they could see each other, preferably sometime in the near future. Going into their 7th year, he was glad that after they all learned to Aparate, they needn't have this trouble again. Muggle transport was out of the question, living so far from each other, and besides his parents would probably not allow it. In his opinion, they were far too protective. Having a child with Lycanthropy could do that to people, Remus mused.

He unfolded the letter and started to read. As his gaze moved down the page, his expression turned from one of forlorn longing, to one of surprise and worry. His stomach flipped as he read the letter, and he tried to process what Sirius had written. His eyes flicked back to the top of the letter to re-read it. Sirius had run away from home. Sirius had basically been disowned by his own family. His Sirius.

He sat back in his desk chair, still trying to process it. He knew things were bad with Sirius and his family, but he hadn't known it would come to this. Of course, Sirius had always been contrary to the Black family. Being in Gryffindor when all the others were in Slytherin, his tendency to gravitate away from the dark arts instead of towards them, and…

Remus' heart skipped a beat. Had Sirius told his parents about him? Was he, Remus, the final straw for Sirius' disownment? He knew the Blacks would probably not take kindly to having a son, not only in Gryffindor, but also gay…

He bit his lip and tried to think rationally. Surely Sirius would have written it if that were the case. There was no mention of the reason, only a scrawled, 'I'd had enough of their poncy-ass ways and that damned house.'

The only plus Remus could see was where Sirius was staying. He would be safe at James' house. He felt a twinge of jealousy that Sirius had run to James, not Remus, but then stopped it by reminding himself that James' house was by far closer, and that he should probably be more worried about Sirius at the moment, not his own feelings.


A week later, however, Remus was not feeling quite so amicable. Sirius almost daily letters contained recounts of James' and his latest adventures and funny stories, and Remus was feeling decidedly left out. As he unfolded the latest letter after sending the owl on its way, Remus had made up his mind. He was convincing his parents to let him visit James and Sirius if it was the last thing he did.

His eyes travelled down the page and rested on a sentence.

Peter is down for a few days, and we've got lots planned. James' parents forbid us to do anything as extreme as the "almost stealing that motorbike incident" (which we didn't steal, we were just going to borrow it! Too bad the neighbours are night owls, if they went to bed at a sensible time, they wouldn't have even noticed it was gone!)

Remus threw down the letter and tried to control the horrible flip-flopping in his stomach. He did not want to admit it, but there it was.

He was jealous.

It wasn't fair. He was Sirius boyfriend. He loved him more than chocolate, for heaven's sake, and here he was, left out of every little event taking place in his summer, being replaced with James and Peter.

After he paced his room five or six times, he started to calm down. His brain told him to stop being jealous and think about it rationally, so he listened to it for a few moments. It was true that they weren't deliberately not including him, and it was also true that it was his own fault he wasn't allowed to visit. Well, his and Fenrir Greyback's.

Then the jealous, love-sick side of him cut in, and without thinking any more about it he stormed out of his room.

Two hours later, Remus had a deal. He was allowed to visit James, Sirius and Peter for no more than two weeks, after the full moon in three days. It had taken him that long to get that much out of his concerned parents, but it was worth it. Two weeks was decidedly better than none, and he thanked Merlin he hadn't spilled the real reason for his eagerness to visit. He was sure they'd be understanding, but he wasn't sure if Sirius was quite ready to come out to "the authorities" as he joked.

Now all he had to do was write to James, then wait out the agonizingly slow days till the full moon was over.

He sat down at his desk and picked up a quill, and started to write. Once finished, he tied the letter to the leg of his owl and let it fly out the open window. Then he picked up his book and tried to lose himself in it. It didn't work.

Two hours later and he had tried everything from pacing his room, reading, traipsing downstairs to the fridge to find a snack, counting the clouds out his window, and re-making his bed.

Then, the welcome sound of a beak on his window sent him flying across the room. He flung open the sill and let the bird in, grabbing a whole handful of owl treats before untying the message.

It was only a couple of lines long, and read:

Hey Moony, that's great news! Can't wait to see you, owl me the night before you leave your place. Mum and Dad say they'll be pleased to have you. –James.

Moony, did I ever tell you that, after you, your parents are the best things since sliced bread? I knew you'd convince them. Love Padfoot.

Remus smiled. The days to come just couldn't pass fast enough.

AN: Thanks for reading guys, the next chapter should be up tonight, it's half done already. :) I only expect it to be 3 or 4 chapters long, and it should be up pretty quickly. Review are so greatly appreciated! Id love to hear your ideas for the story. So review and I'll love you for life. *hug*