Title: Dazzling By Your Door-Wings chapter 3 part 1

Author: ladyoceana

Rating: T

Verse: G1

Warning: suggestive content, some swearing, slash and sticky

Summary: For countless vorns, reclusive Prowl was deeply attracted to Jazz. Of course, He was aware of Jazz's returned attraction toward him. Prowl attempted to court Jazz by subtly invited Jazz to play the tactic games with him, debate with him on various topics and even planned the missions with him. Unfortunately for Prowl, Jazz was somehow obvious (rather totally dense) to his subtle courting attempts. Jazz still assumed that all these activities with Prowl simply gave an impression that Prowl treated him as a close friend and fellow Autobot. Therefore Prowl had to use a last resort to "convince" Jazz that he viewed Jazz as a lover and…potential mate by…perform an ancient Praxian mating ritual in a front of the audience.

Author's Note: When I brainstorm and wrote down the random titles for make more Prowl x Jazz stories. When I wrote "Dazzling By Your Door-Wings", a one of my plot bunnies jumped on me and begged me to me write this story. An ancient Praxian mating ritual is comparing…to a flashy and colorful male bird attempting to attract a female bird. You can watch a good example of the bird mating ritual on Youtube. For my wonderful beta-reader, OptimusPrime's Girlfriend, thank for beta-reading this chapter! and...sorry? *dodge a brick throw by the irritated and impatient readers* eekkk! * offer this chapter to appease the readers* eh, read and enjoy it! * run away from the readers*

Disclaimer: Oh by the way, I do not own Transformer.

Vorn - 83 years
Stellar-cycle – 7.5 months
Orn - 13 days
Joor - 8 hours
Breem - 6 minutes
Astrosecond - 5/6ths of a second
Klick - 1 millisecond

Recess Room

Night rolled in. There was a big party and loud cybertronian music playing. The recess room was dim and lights with multiple colors were flashing everywhere. The boisterous cheers and laughter could be heard loudly from the mechs who had taken a chance to relax that night. All of them were having a good time and needed a break from their awful war.

Prowl hummed pleasantly and sipped some high-grade energon. The black and white door-winged predator sat in a dark corner in the recess room, waiting for the right time to pounce on his oblivious prey. His sharp optics searched around the audience to find his intended prey as he felt his now dominate mating protocols purring and trembling with excitement and arousal. He was extremely pleased that all of the ARK crew was attending the party to witness his claim on his Jazz. Some of the mechs were dancing along with the music. Some sat and chatted with others. He even caught a glimpse of paranoid Red Alert who currently sat nervously next to a rather relaxed Inferno. The SIC mused that Inferno probably convinced Red Alert by sweet-mouthing him into attending the party. He shifted his attention to the audience and continued to search for his eluded prey with his determined optics.

Ah, it appears that Primus was smiling on him as his optics found his intended target who currently sat next to Smokescreen. He frowned with jealousy and didn't like the fact that his Jazz was chatting with another Praxian casually. His door-wings twitched with displeasure and a burning jealousy in response to the sight of them sitting together. No way in the pits was Prowl letting another Praxian near his Jazz! He was going to stake his claim on his mech and everyone will soon know that the TIC of the Autobot faction belonged to him.

'Oh Yesss…' His thoughts purred eagerly as his processor conjured a rather delicious picture of everyone realizing that the visored mech belonged to him. His door-wings quivered in arousal and anticipation as he even planned to frag his mech so hard that his mech would be unable to leave Prowl for the rest of his life. His pristine black and white armor was warming up. He turned on his internal comm. speaker.

'…Blaster here.' A cheerful reply came from Blaster, who was the current DJ for the night.

'Proceed Prax-0001 4567.' The command from the SIC was short and straightforward.

'Yes sir! Blaster out.' The cassette carrier disconnected his comm. speaker.

The tactician was pleased that his final plan would run smoothly without everyone, including Jazz, finding out. Originally, Jazz, Blaster and the Twins were the planners for this party.

The reason that the planners didn't discover the unintended Praxian music included for this party was because Prowl met up with Blaster personally and almost threatened him with the most harshest punishment he could think of if he tried to tell Jazz or the Twins about his plan. He remembered what he told him…


" … or else you will be banned from downloading music from the internet for 12 orns." The stoic SIC talked coolly and threatened the communication officer at a same time.

"O-Of course, I will not tell them. Your secret is safe with me." replied Blaster, feeling rather nervous that his SIC threatened to ban him from downloading the music that he loved so much.

"Good. Here is my data-pad. You will download the music from my data-pad that I have selected for the party. I'll signal and contact you by comm. and gave you a code - Prax-0001 4567. "

Prowl handed him a small data-pad that he took out of his personal sub-space pocket. The red mech nodded tensely and grabbed the small data-pad from him.

The door-winged mech then gave his famous obey-me-or-else-I'll-throw-you-into-the-brig glare at Blaster and said. "Don't ask me why. It's not your business to know my reason. Have a good day."

His door-wings flicked in dismissal. Prowl left the communication room and the speechless cassette carrier standing alone with a small data-pad in his servo.

Blaster looked down at the small data-pad with a mix of confusion and curiosity. He cautiously turned on and opened the small data-pad. He blinked in astonishment as he took a good look at the small data-pad screen and recognized the rare ancient Praxian mating music.

Of course, he's heard of that music, and has an extensive knowledge of cybertronian music including rare ones. But it was the first time to encounter a mating with this kind of music with his optics.

'No way! H-He is g-going to use that? I had no idea that he was interested in someone in a romantic way…' He was shocked to find out that the so called emotionless and prude SIC would use that provocative mating ritual to attempt to attract his intending mech in front of an entire audience.

Although he was in shock the cassette carrier can't help but feel pity for the mech, whoever he might end up being, who was to be the determined Praxian's intended mate. Still, he wondered who the mech was that managed to catch Prowl's attention…

Flashback ended.

Then the loud cybertronian music shifted into the sensual Praxian music. It caressed and vibrated his door-wings in pleasant way. Prowl was letting his mating protocol run freely. His engine revved softly and purred eagerly in anticipation. His spark pulsed hotly with lust, his inner predator was so eager to dazzle and capture his unsuspected prey.

It was his last chance to court his Jazz even if it means he had to seduce him. His battle tactic processor guaranteed that his do-it-or-die-of-embarrassment mission to seduce his mech had very high success percent.

Oh Yes…It was so worth it to sacrifice his emotionless façade in order to get what he wanted and frankly, he didn't care what other mechs thought of him. As soon as he put himself into the spotlight, he allowed his reserved personality to be overtaken by his inner predator that completely focused on claiming his soon-be mate. Prowl felt his inner plates exposed to the open air for the first time.

Guided by his mating protocols, that countless eons ago his ancient ancestors performed to dazzle their intended mate, Prowl instinctively flared his pristine door-wings openly and shamelessly for all mechs' sights to feast on, starting the Door-Wing Mating Dance intending to catch his intended mate's attention.

And it did catch his mech's attention.

Jazz sat and sipped his high-grade energon as he watched the audience enjoying themselves by dancing and chatting with others. For the first time, he wasn't focusing on the party to have fun instead his processor was distracted by something else; Prowl.

Yep, Prowl was the source of his internal confusion and… sexual frustration. Primus, he couldn't stop thinking about Prowl's sexy and tasty-looking door-wings all the time! His optics wouldn't stop following and honing in on those door-wings of his every time he meets with Prowl in person. He wasn't sure if it was his imagination or not but he swore that the SIC was tempting him with his door-wings on purpose…

Although he wondered if his crush's door-wings really quivered when he reached his org-

'No! No! Bad! Arrgghh! Don't think about that!' He scolded himself as he tried to stall his thinking towards a rather tempting picture that his traitorous processor cheerfully conjured. He was then startled when a blue servo waved in front of his face.

"…Jazz! Jazz! I've been calling your name a couple times. That's unlike of you to zone out on me. What's up with you?" Smokescreen withdrew his servo.

" Sorry…Ah'm just thinking."

" Really? Sure...you got mech trouble in paradise?" Smokescreen raised his optic ridge skeptically at that reply from him.

"Why d'you think Ah have mech trouble?" The saboteur eyed the door-winged mech warily.

Smokescreen snorted and said, "I'm a psychologist. I know what a sexually frustrated mech looks like. So which mech managed to get you all riled up?"

The visored mech scowled and opened his mouth to deny it, but was interrupt by the sudden change in music.

Suddenly, the pop music transformed into another completely different type of music, more sensual and passionate. It had steady rhythms and a lovely rich range of bass tones that caressed his sensitive horns pleasurably. It was almost suggestive, if the nature of the new music was being sexual. Jazz raised his optic ridge in astonishment.

Although he recognized that the new music was distinctly Praxian, he's never heard of that Praxian sexual music before. He wondered confusedly why the Twins decided to add Praxian music the last minute without consenting him. Where on cybertron did they-

"No freaking way!" Smokescreen exclaimed in shock as he almost dropped his cube and gaped in astonishment. He was staring at something with his mouth open.

Startled by his fellow Autobot's exclamation, Jazz blinked bewilderedly as his visor followed the direction Smokescreen's shocked stare was gazing to the dance floor. Like Smokescreen, he felt his jaw drop to the floor in shock. He swore that his processor went blank and his spark just went to meet his maker for a moment.

Is Jazz seeing what he thinks he's seeing? Are his optics malfunctioning? Jazz blinked, and blinked again a couple more times in shock.

Nope, his optics were working perfectly fine as he stared dazedly, struggling to comprehend the total surreal sight of what he considered to be his impossible wet dream that was about to become reality.

What attracted every single mechs 'optics (and caused some poor mechs' processors to glitch and crash in the process, but most of them were so distracting by the shocking and surreal sight that they just ignored the mechs that were offlining completely) at the party to focus in the middle of the dance floor was that a beautiful black and white mech was standing there with his door-wings flared out.

It was Prowl.


Author's Note: ohoh, Jazzy, what a mighty shock for you to see your Prowler act something out of his character...* look at the readers* uh...do you think that i made prowl act out of his character? oh by the way...*hold my cute cat ( Tabby: meow? ) as my shield*sorry about take a long time to update this chapter. i decide to divide this chapter 3 into 2 parts cause' that latter part decide to fight me and my bunny is on the strike plus i hit by that nasty minor writer's block. so, please be patient and don't worry i will definitely finish it!Perhap your review can help me beat that minor writer's block?

...Oh by the way. Tabby my cute cat isn't real. just an overactive imagination of mine... shame, i wish i have a cat in my real life...