In this world, there are two types of heroes: The ones that care, and the ones that don't. When I first met Bunny, I already knew from the start what kind of hero he would turn out to be. I just hoped that he would prove me wrong.

I was amazed at the sheer amount of strength he had. Not just from fighting, but from how long he had to suffer without his parents being alive. It was a difficult thing to handle, and I couldn't help but feel a little bit of sympathy for him. He's told me many times not to feel sorry for him, but I did anyway. In fact, when it came to Bunny, I did a lot of things that I shouldn't have. Like fall madly in love with him.

My name's Tiger. I've been at this "hero" thing for quite some time now, and frankly, there's nothing that I'd rather be doing. For some of us, it comes naturally, but for others, it becomes a challenge. For me, it started to become challenging when Bunny arrived. I found myself stumbling into walls and not looking where I was going because I was so distracted by his presence. Who was this kid?

It seemed like he had just come out of nowhere, and then he ended up being my partner. I was so against it at first, but if working together with him meant that I got to keep my job and continue saving people, then I had no right to complain.

Every time I looked at Bunny, I felt the sudden urge to get to know him better. And every time he looked back at me, he shot me down with those eyes that said "You will never know me." And that hurt more than anything. But I was determined to break down that wall we had in between us.

So far, though, I wasn't doing such a great job. He told me that I was always getting in his way, and that I wasn't cut out for this sort of thing anymore. But it bothered me to see that, unlike me, he was only in this for the points, and to make himself look good. I wanted more for him and I wanted to do more for him, but that was hard to accomplish when his actions were so selfish.

Bunny kept himself blocked off from the rest of us, which was understandable since we were all technically rivals. But shouldn't the fact that we're all using our powers to help other people bring us all together? Apparently, he didn't see it that way. And I was starting to think that he never would.

Everyone else gave up on him, but with me being his partner and all, I never did. Now that I think about it, I don't think it was just because I was his partner. I think it was something more. There was an indescribably strong force that pulled me towards him. I was drawn to Bunny, in each and every way. Sure, I had a daughter and a family, and a wife at one point, but he had nothing, and I wanted to be something for him. It just so happened that the "something" I had in mind didn't involve being just his friend.

I wanted to be his lover.

But that, too, seemed impossible when he thought of me as nothing more than a nuisance. How was I going to get Bunny to see how much I loved him, and to get him to love me too?

Days went by, and I could see that it was becoming harder and harder for him to put up with me. I hated being the one who was bringing him down, especially when I was trying to lift him up. Later on I learned that it wasn't me, but his life in general, and that he had been taking it out on me. He truly did want to start a relationship with me, and for that I was glad. And I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I felt like there was something I was missing.

And then I figured it out.

He was starting to lose his edge. Week after week, he became less motivated, less focused, and less driven than I'd ever seen him before. And knowing Bunny, that's saying something. I could tell that he didn't want to do this anymore. So one day, he walked away from it all. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen. When Bunny makes up his mind about something, there's no changing it. And that's the part that scared me the most. What if I never saw him again? At this point, I needed him in my life. He was irreplaceable, and so was my love for him. But I guess I would just have to move on and face the fact that there were two types of heroes in this world. The ones that care and the ones that don't. When I first met Bunny, I already knew from the start what kind of hero he would turn out to be. It just so happened that he proved me right.

Hi, I'm Daisy. You're probably thinking "What the hell did I just read?" This is a result of me writing this in one day, and not finishing the whole anime series. I guess you could call this a one-shot for now. When I finish the series, you can bet I'll give you better chapters that make sense. So until then, please root for me! :]