Alright, it'sa me, writing a fanfic for Gone. Yep, that's right, and now I get to write from different people's POV. Yipee. But it's going to be third person, because I like to stick with the POV that the actual story is written in, so yeah.

Diana stood, looking up at the tall buildings that made up the school that she loved and hated.

To her, Coates represented apprehension, frustration, agony, but also new beginnings. She'd become a new person since she first walked through the heavy set wooden doors on her very first day.

She looked around at everybody, new faces and old, swirling around her. There were the ten year olds staring up at the Academy like it would bite them, and there were the old faces, yelling, talking, and laughing with one another. Diana smiled, remembering her first day. She had been ten then, but still knockout pretty. Lots of guys had tried to talk to her, girls too, but they fell back when she lashed out at them with her mean words. Then Caine had come up and sat with Diana at lunch one day, and they became friends. But then Caine met Drake. Diana didn't like Drake. There was just something about him, something that made her want him, but he was so mean, she could never give in to that longing.

Caine nudged her elbow. "Diana?" He asked. They had come by bus together, since Diana's parents just wanted her gone from them as soon as possible and Caine wanted to be with Diana.

"Yeah?" Diana said, shaking her head as if to clear it.

"Do you want to go and bring our stuff up to the dorms?" He asked, looking down at her.

He had grown over the summer, she was sure of that. When they had been about the same height in June, he had a good 4 inches or so on her now.

"Okay," She replied, just to make him happy. And maybe going up to her dorm would let her not have to see Drake Merwin.

But of course, that was when Drake appeared out of nowhere, smiling his big shark grin and tossing his shaggy dirty blond hair out of his eyes.

"Hiya Caine!" He said, dropping the duffel bag that was on his shoulder. He half-waved to the car speeding away, which must have held his dad, who was more afraid of him than the fifth-graders at Coates.

And that's saying something.

"Hey, Drake. How was your summer?" Caine asks, ignoring the fact that Drake ignored Diana. He usually did, unless they were fighting.

"Good, good. I found a new favourite pastime." Drake began, still smiling his sharks' smile.


"Lighting butterfly wings on fire." Drake smiled, before tossing his head back and laughing. Somebody who didn't know Drake Merwin would have thought he was kidding. But Diana and Caine both knew that he probably did this all summer, when his father told him that he wasn't allowed to beat up the other kids in the neighbourhood.

"Hullo Drake." Diana said, not liking to be ignored. Drake looked down at her. It was hard to tell if he'd grown or not, but he'd always been at least 7 inches taller than her.

"Hi Diana. How was your summer?" Drake asked, oddly formal.

"It was fine. Lots of getting drunk with the neighbourhood teens, hooking up, and bikinis." She said, more to irk Caine than anything else.

And it worked, too. She felt Caine stiffen beside her, and smiled.

It was going to be a long year.

Caine picked up the suitcase and backpack that held his clothes and school supplies for the year as Drake hoisted the duffel onto his shoulder and Diana struggled with her huge purse and two suitcases. Drake rolled his eyes at Caine.

"Here, I'll help you." Caine said, taking one of the suitcases from her. The thing was really heavy. "Oh, God, what's IN this?" He asked, struggling to open the heavy door to the academy.

"Just clothes and shoes, stupid." Diana replied snarkily.

As Drake went to the front desk to get his and Caine's dorm placement as well as Diana'a, Caine stood with the girl herself.

"So what did YOU do over the summer?" Diana asked Caine boredly.

"Ate innocent children and read Great Expectations." Caine replied drily.

"And how was that lovely book? I've heard it's good." Diana shot back.

"It was alright, but nothing beats Thirteen Ways to Torture a Girl so she'll Go Out With You." Caine said.

"I thought you hadn't published that yet." Diana retorted.

Caine was about to fire back when Drake came over with three slips of paper. He handed one of them to Diana and one to Caine.

Caine looked at the paper. Caine Sorren, it said, Dorm 28b, third floor. Wow. He was on the third floor this year.

"28B?" Drake asked hopefully.

"You got it." Caine answered, and highfived Drake. On the rebound, Drake accidentally smacked a 12 year old girl in the face. He laughed a little.

"That's weird. I'm in 14G, on the third floor." Diana said, frowning. "Isn't that a joined dormitory?"

"Yeah," Caine said, "All the even numbers are joined dorms. Why?"

"I never get a joined dorm. They can't give me a joined dorm." Diana said defiantly and stalked over to the dorm master's desk.

"God," Drake sighed. "What a princess."

"I know." Caine breathed, but he was thinking of a totally different version of "Princess". Which brought him a mental picture of Diana in a skimpy, fluffy, sexy princess dress. He sighed.

"Caine, are you not over Diana yet?" Drake whispered loudly.

"I'm… good." Caine whispered back.

"So you're still totally smitten with her." Drake said.

"Since when do you use the word smitten?"

"Since when do I not?"

Diana huffed back over. "I'm in a joined dorm this year. With some girl called Brianna, who's twelve." She said, not bothering to hide her disdain toward the girl she hadn't even met.

"So, we going up to the dorms or what?" Caine said, trying to carry his suitcase, backpack, and Diana's suitcase at the same time up the stairs. He fell to the ground.

Drake laughed.

"Why don't you take a bag, Drake?" Diana asked, sickly sweet. Drake grabbed Diana's suitcase and brought it up the stairs. Caine had to hand it to him, the boy was strong.

After a while and some struggle, the three of them were on the third floor of Coate's Academy, standing in front of 14G, Diana's room. Diana knocked on the door, and then opened it.

It was a nice room, Caine had to admit. The walls were a pale blue, and the beds were with light green and pink bedspreads. There was a bathroom with a shower and full length mirror, a living room with two couches and a coffee table, and a tiny kitchen, as well as the bedroom.

"Well, it looks nice." He offered. Diana just huffed and put her two suitcases in front of one of the dressers, and plopped her heavy purse onto one of the beds.

"Here, let's go to your room." She said, wanting to leave the room which she still resented for being made for two people.

So the three of them made it over to 28B, which (To Caine's happiness and to Drake and Diana's dismay) happened to be just down the hall to 14G.

Their dorm was all yellow, with yellow beds, walls, and dressers.

"It looks like somebody puked happiness in here." Drake said disgustedly, throwing his small duffel onto the bed that was closer to the door.

"I like it." Caine said indifferently, walking out the door. "Now come on, there's no class today, let's go down to Perdido or something and have some fun."

The three started the long walk to Perdido, but were only about a few steps down the worn path before they were stopped by a middle aged Asian woman with a pinched-up face.

"Names?" She announced loudly with a Chinese accent.

Caine rolled his eyes. "Why do you want to know?" he asked defiantly.

"I am the counselor of this school, and I want your NAMES." The woman said.

So there was a new counselor. "Fine then," Caine said lazily. "I'm Caine, and this is Drake and Diana."

The woman's narrow eyes widened. "Caine Soren? Diana Ladris? Drake Merwin?" She asked, scared.

It was a little creepy that she knew their last names. "Yeah." Caine replied to her.

"You come with me." The woman motioned.

Diana gave Caine a weird look as he started to follow the woman. Drake shrugged and followed, and Diana came after him.

Once they were all in the counselor's office they were all so used to being sent to, the woman sat down.

"My name is Ms. Yoo." She said, looking at the three of them. "I have heard of you."

"How touching." Drake said sarcastically. Mrs. Yoo looked taken aback.

"You are Drake. Sadist. You don't like Diana Ladris." She said.

"Huh. Never heard it put that way." Diana scoffed, shrugging.

"And you are bad girl. Bully." said.

"Most people say that after they meet me, but okay." Diana said, smiling. This was unlike her, this type of humor, because she usually tried the "cute little girl" aspect before anything else. But this woman, , already seemed to know all about her, so it made sense.

"Caine Soren." said, looking at some papers. "Arrogent, bullying, talks back, and wants to control."

"Yeah?" Caine said. It was a half-joke, something that you could only get if you thought about it.

"The last counselor at this school" began Mrs. Yoo.

"Mr. Bailey." Drake and Diana said together. They'd been in this office far too many times.

"Yes, he resigned from this job because he claimed it was too difficult. I am said to be one of the best counselors in California. It is my duty to make all the students in this school happy and safe." She looked at Drake on the last word pointedly.

"I don't see why you're talking to us," Caine said, too sweetly.

"Yes, , all I'd like from you is for you to behave. It is your friends that I would like to talk to." The counselor said. "You may go."

Caine glared at Diana and Drake before stalking out the door. "I'll be in our room, Drake." He said.

Diana looked at expectantly, while Drake tried to ignore her altogether.

"Sit down." instructed, pointing to a small couch in the corner of her office. "This may take a while."

Diana sighed loudly. She slumped over to the couch and sat down daintily, straightening the white tank top she was wearing. Since there was no school that day, she didn't have to wear the ugly uniform they were usually all put in. Drake followed her, and sat down beside her. The couch was small, and touching each other was inevitable, to both of their dismays. plopped herself down on a large armchair opposite the couch.

"So," She said, staring at them. "You too have been in this office plenty of times before."

Drake snorted. "Hell yeah we have." He murmured.

"Language," Diana mocked.

sighed. "I can see why." She muttered.

"Hey!" said Diana.

"No offense meant, of course." tried to assure her. "Anyway, the bottom line is that you two need to learn to be nice to each other, so as to not disrupt your classmates and teachers. And one of you could get very hurt, you know."

Diana fingered the small scar on her thigh, revealed by her short jean shorts, from where Drake had used his favourite knife. He'd laughed then. He wasn't laughing now.

"Your point?" Asked Drake, sounding bored.

"I would like you, and , to be kind to the other this year. If you get sent to my office again, we may have to take bigger measures. Understood?"

Diana pouted. "You have no idea how Drake is! Do you see this scar? It's-"

"Ah, Diana?" Drake cut her off. "Why don't we leave and discuss this?"

"Goodbye you two. Be nice to each other." waved goodbye. The two teenagers stepped out of the office and began to climb the stairs to the third floor.

"I CANNOT believe this!" Diana exploded. "This is cruel, it's unfair, and it's just downright RUDE."

"I think we can take is as a learning experience." Said Drake. "You know, make it into a game, or a contest."

"Like… Who can be nicest the longest?" Diana said, confused.

"More like, who can make the other crack." Drake corrected. Of course, he would have the mean version of it.

"Okay." Diana replied. "Rules are either of us can go however far we want, as long as it isn't mean, so to speak."

"And loser has to … to…" Drake struggled, trying to think up a cruel punishment. Then he grinned. "Wear whatever the winner chooses for them every day for a week." That would kill Diana.

"AND they have to hand out candy at lunch while singing a song of the other's choice." Diana finished. That would definitely kill Drake.

"Deal." Drake said. "Starting now."

They shook on it, and as they walked down the hallway to Drake and Caine's dorm, Diana grabbed Drakes hand.

She wouldwin this for sure.