Hey guys! Thanks so much for the great reviews so far on my 3 other stories! If you get the chance please check them out. Okay so the reason we're all here, You're my everything. Basically, it's Valentine's Day in Anubis House and of course our dearest Amber has a plan to make Fabian ask out Nina, but I don't want to give away too much soooooooo READ ON! Oh and don't forget to REVIEW! ~karateC18

Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own House of Anubis or any of its characters or else Fabian and Nina would have been dating like the 3rd episode.

Amber's POV

I walked into the common room on a nice Tuesday morning. But this is a special Tuesday, it's special because in two weeks exactly it's VALENTINE'S DAY! I finally realized it when I got the reminder I put on my phone like a few weeks ago. Sadly it went off in school, I have to admit it was kinda funny. The sound of Ke$ha's song 'Blah, Blah, Blah' blasting through out the drama room. Good thing Jason is cool and let it slide, as long as I promised to turn it off and not to use it in class. I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket and texted Alfie, 'Hey boo guess whats in 2 wks!' A moment later I felt a buzz and looked at my pink phone.

'V day rite?'

'Yeah =D'


'I no rite & guess who is gonna get 2gether on that day'

'Let me guess fabes and nina'

'Yup ive got a plan'

'Which is'

'U'll c gtg bye'


And with that I ran upstairs. And being the actress that everyone says I'll be when I'm older, I got into my bouncy mood.

"Nina! Nina! Nina!" I yelled, bouncing up and own on the floor of my shared room.

"Yeah?" Nina, my best friend in the World, replied looking up from the book she was reading on her bed.

"Can you come downstairs with me?"

"Yeah, course. But why?"

"I have to ask Mr. Sweet something and he's on his way here and since you're the Chosen One and all of the teachers except Victor like bow down to you, and plus your nice." I said with a smile.

"So you're using me to get Mr. Sweet to let you do something?"

"That's what best friends are for!"


We both walked downstairs and into the dining room. As we did we heard Alfie and Fabian talking in the kitchen. We silently crawled to the wall under the window opening thing(I really didn't know what to call it).

"So what are you and Amber doing for Valentines Day?" Fabian asked Alfie.

"I really don't know, I'm gonna have to compete the past Valentines Days she had with Mick. It's driving me crazy!" Alfie said back.

I looked at Nina. 'Awww!' I mouthed to her. She nodded in agreement.

"Just calm down mate. Nina told me that Amber said that this Valentines Day is gonna the best, because she's got you." Fabian told him.

Nina looked sorry when I glared at her for telling Fabian something I told her during girl-talk. Is anything sacred?

"Of course Nina told you!" Alfie teased. I smiled, looking at my blushing 'sister'.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Fabian asked with an embarrassed tone in his voice.

"Mate, EVERYBODY knows you guys like each other." Alfie teased him more. That's when I noticed Nina got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey guys!" I heard her say.

"Oh look who it is." Alfie said.

"Hey Nina." Fabian said probably hiding his face to hide the blush.

"We were just talking about you." Alfie said.

"All good things, I hope." She laughed.

"What bad things, could I say about you." Fabian joked.

"True." Nina joked.

That's when I decided I wanted to get into the conversation so I crawled out into the hall. What I hadn't noticed was that Mr. Sweet was here.

"Miss Millington is there something I could help you find?" He asked. No wonder his last name is Sweet.

"Oh, me uh no just looking for my um…my lip-gloss! Yeah I think it dropped out of my bag and rolled. I think it rolled somewhere over here, but I can look later." I lied.

"If you insist. Why don't we get started." Sweetie said with a smile.

"Kk let me just gather my things and round up my friends. Um why don't you take a seat right in there." I said pointing to the common room and giving him an Amber Millington Award-Winning Smile.

"Okay then." He said with a nod.

I took my time to walk into the kitchen .

"Hi guys!" I said to my friends.

"Hey Ambs!" Alfie said putting his arms around my shoulder. I giggled a little.

"So can you guys help me get Mr. Sweet to agree to my…my plans?"

"Of course I thought we already went through this." Nina said with a nice smile.

"Good! Fabian? Alfie?"

"Anythin' for you babes!" Alfie said.

"Great! Fabes?" I asked, and noticed Nina looked away when I called Fabian, Fabes.

"Yeah anything to help you, you know you're like a sister to me!" He said and smiled.

I looked away but out of the corner off my eye I saw him take a peek at Nina and she smiled when she looked up and saw him starring at her.

"Okay, if you guys are going to help me then come on let's not keep Sweetie waiting!" I told them with a perky voice.

We walked into the common room, Nina stood next to me and Fabian and Alfie sat across from where Mr. Sweet sat on one of the sofas. I smiled another Award-Winning smile.

"Okay, so you know how it's like almost Valentines Day and everything, right?" I started speaking to no one in particular.

"Yeah isn't it in like 2 weeks." Nina replied.

"Yes, it is. Okay well you know how most gifts girls get from guys aren't the best and vise-versa the gifts guys get from girls aren't the best either. Well I came up with an idea to fix that!" I started, looking Mr. Sweet in the eye.

"And that would be." He said back.

"Okay it's kinda like a three-step process. First, is for like crushes. So the school orders like a bunch of different colored roses. As in red, pink, white, and black for the dark people." I explain.

"And I'm guessing we sell them." Fabian added. I nod.

"Yep, people will but a rose and tag of their chose and write the name of the person they like and give it back. And at the end of the week during lunch, all of the roses will be handed out. Then there's step 2." I take a deep breath which makes Alfie laugh a little.

"Step two is probably my favorite! It's for the people who like each other but are too scared to do anything about it! So, we get a teacher or two that we trust and people will ask either one of them to type what the person wants to say and print it out, stick it to a premade card and then, with a piece of tape sticks it to their locker!" I look at Sweetie once more with a hopeful gleam in my big blue eyes.

"And step 3! So we've done flowers, cards what else, you may ask. Well in my world it's quite obvious but to most, I must explain. A dance! It's perfect, see as our principal you may be worried about budget costs. Well I'm Amber Millington, so I've thought of everything. For the flowers, you could make them £3.00 each and for the card £5.00 and the tickets for the dance £6.00 each! It's simple!" I finished with a smile.

"Amber, with all do respect I don't think a lot of students would be up for it. You know our school is made up of different types of students. And I'm not really sure if they'd be as excited as you." Mr. Sweet said. I felt like I was going to cry. But as my dad told me when I was little, I'm not gonna get what I want if I cry. SO I took the more professional route.

"Mr. Sweet, I think the school will benefit greatly by this plan. And what if I get , let's say 100 students and 2 teachers to sign about going ahead with this idea. Mr. Sweet please!" I noticed I was beginning to whine and as my mum always tells me a girl who whines NEVER gets her way.

"Well, Miss Millington let me think for a moment." He said with a stern look upon his face.

"I've come up with my decision!"

Oh no what have I done. A CLIFFHANGER, OH MY! Sorry but that's where I'm ending it for now but don't worry I'll have more coming! SO PLEASE REVIEW! Who knows maybe Mick will ask Amber before Alfie or maybe Nina gets into a fight with Fabian right before the dance! I guess you'll just have to review and see when I post the next chapter!