A Call to Arms

Author: Cheryl W.

Disclaimer: I do not own Dean, Sam or any rights to Supernatural nor am I making any profit from this story.

Author's Note: If you don't like AU, then this story is not for you. In this universe, the Winchester family business is a detective agency and Cas is a detective that works for them. Since Cas isn't an angel, my version of him will come across as traits from angel Cas and the version you saw of him in "The End", snarky, just like the boys. I've always wanted to show the loyal camaraderie between Dean and Cas and how Sam probably struggled to fit in with those dynamics. This was my crazy attempt at that plot bunny.

Summary: Total AU. The Winchester Family Business is private investigation and Cas is a detective that works for them. With Dean's life in jeopardy, Sam comes home from Stanford to help solve the case before he, Dean, and Cas are all put to rest. Permanently. Angsy/brotherly conflict/Sap alert. No slash.

Chapter 1: No News is Still Bad News

Sam Winchester wasn't much of a drinker, wasn't even much of a social drinker. But everybody had to pay their social dues once in a while. Today, he was paying his. Big time. He didn't follow the sports games either but when you were in a relationship, you had to say yes even when you meant no, which was how he found himself at some lame superbowl party nursing a beer and praying that his girlfriend, Jessica, soon tired of hearing the latest Stanford college gossip.

He wasn't even watching the game, had brought a book, was reading in some corner of the room, looking up, once and awhile when the crowd booed, screamed encouragements to the football players or hooted with victory. Honestly, he didn't know what caught his attention, the word "Kansas" "Attempted Murder" or "Private Investigator" but his head snapped up and his eyes flew to the TV where a news blip was being slipped into the commercial break.

"It seems that the evidence is piling up that weapon manufacturing company, Kenvert's CEO, Harry Mason's death may not have been a suicide. The private investigator hired by Mason's family to look into the CEO's death was shot tonight in his office. We spoke a little to an associate of the Winchester Investigations agency.

Sam was on his feet without registering it, was stumbling forward toward the TV, breath raggedly leaving his chest. Felt himself praying that he'd see Dean next on the screen, that the person shot wasn't his brother. But the face that appeared wasn't Dean's, was some dark haired man that Sam had never seen before.

"Mr. Angelo, can you tell us the evidence Mr. Winchester has gathered to support the belief that Mr. Harry Mason's death was not a suicide?" the blonde reporter asked before she thrust a microphone in front of the man's face.

"We are not releasing any information at this time," the man nearly growled, pushing the microphone away.

But the reporter was persistent, stepped into his path. "Can you tell us Mr. Winchester's medical status?"

"Alive," the man gruffly barked, eyes flashing with a warning.

A warning that the reporter didn't heed. "Now that Mr. Dean Winchester is out of commission, will John Winchester, the owner of your agency be taking over the case or will you be handling it alone?

The man's jaw clenched and he leveled the report and subsequently the camera with a glare, "Our agency will finish our investigation," and then he shoved the reporter, camera and camera man aside and strode across the street…to a black car that was so familiar to Sam that it actually physically hurt to see it.

One of the football fans in the room hooted, "Come on, stow the news and put the game back on"

"Shut up!" Sam roared, stepping in front of the tv, didn't want anything in his way to see whatever they showed him next.

Looking a little flustered, the reporter reappeared on the screen. "As you can see, our attempts to gather information from the investigators or Mr. Mason's family have not been successful, leaving us to wonder how this startling development will play out as the police continue to rule Mr. Mason's death a suicide. Now back to you Katie."

Stumbling back a step, it took Sam a moment to realize the clip was done, that that was all they were going to say about his friggin' brother getting shot! That thirty seconds was all the time an attempt on his brother's life warranted.

Sam jumped when a hand touched his shoulder. Turning, he found Jessica worriedly staring at him. "Sam, what's…"

It was enough to snap him out of his stupor. "I gotta go," he breathlessly stated, sidestepping her and using his long legs to make quick work of the distance to the front door.

"Whoa, Sam. Go where?" Jessica called at his back.

"Kansas," Sam lobbed back but inside another word bubbled to the surface 'Home.' He was going home and God help him if his brother was gone before he got there.




So how'd you like the teaser? I needed to see if I have any takers for another wacked out AU from me. But depending on the encouragement you guys give me for the story, I might be persuaded to post the next part in a day or two.

I know, I know, some of you are saying, there I am off again on another AU tangent. They probably have therapy for disorders like mine….but who wants to be cured of something that's so much fun!

Have a great day!

Cheryl W.