Okay, this is my first fan fic. I simply just want to write my story idea and get my grammer and wrting better. Please leave reviews and tell me what I can improve on. Please do not leave stupid comments like: *Oh this sucks so bad* That won't help me improve so please no useless angry comments :/ Just so you all know, this story starts right after Amaterasu and Issun save Sei'an City from blight.

Don't worry, Link will come in soon enough, probably in chapter 3.

Disclaimer: I do not own Okami or Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, or any of the characters.

Amaterasu and Issun were sitting on a cliff ledge that was just to the side of the path leading to Sei'an City. It was perfect for a view.

"Well Ammy we sure did a good job on making the city better. Just look at how great it is!" said Issun, as he bounced up and down.

Amaterasu barked in agreement. It was only just after her and Issun went through their crazy journey. Amaterasu was shrunk to the size of an ant, and then she got the power of Kasugami; the god of mist and time slow.

Soon after, they fought the powerful demon Blight, who lay inside the Emperor himself. After his defeat, they saw an ominous black cloud of mist arise from Blight's sword Goldnail. The black cloud floated away in the direction of the cold north.

After their heroic battle, Sei'an City returned to normal, freeing the people of the terrible sickness.


The sun was setting now, casting beautiful orange and pink colors on the clouds and land alike.

Amaterasu stood up and stretched her legs; she was rather tired after a hard day's work of fighting demons, and saving cities.

She walked up the hill that led to Ryoshima Coast, passing the gate and the two guards. She walked on the main path, going down the stone ramp that leads to the ocean shore.

Amaterasu then walked off the path, to a tree with tall grass growing around it. She nestled herself in the grass, and lay down to sleep.

Issun jumped off her head, and got himself comfy in her fur.

"I couldn't agree with you more furball, a nap is just what I need," said Issun, as he nestled himself beside Amaterasu.

She and Issun both fell asleep, not knowing the adventures they would have tomorrow.

Amaterasu awoke from her sleep, only to see that it was very dark. She tossed and turned trying to sleep again, but she just couldn't. She stood up, and left Issun sleeping on the ground.

She walked slowly to the large stone platform that stretched out into the ocean. She gazed at the twinkling stars as she walked.

The sky is very clear tonight.

She reached the stone wall; she trotted down it until she was at the end. She sat down and gazed at the stars.

She slowly turned her ears toward the ocean, listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. A gentle breeze brushed her fur as it carried the salty smell of the water to her nose.

She quickly turned one of her ears back when she picked up the sound of a bouncing Issun coming her way. He came close and asked.

"Watcha doin out here Ammy?"

She turned her head and stared down at the little glowing poncle. She looked up at the stars again, noticing some light coming down from them. Issun followed her gaze to the stars above them.

"Hey is that a constellation I see?" Issun quickly jumped up on Amaterasu's head to get a better look.

A silvery light was beaming down from the stars; you could barely make out a constellation from them.

Amaterasu narrowed her eyes. She couldn't tell what the constellation was, but she drew a few stars on where they seemed to be missing.

Bright light suddenly burst from the constellation, but no brush god jumped down to greet them. Instead the stars and sky seemed to be falling around them and the ground vanished beneath their feet!

Amaterasu lost her footing and tumbled in the sky. She seemed to be getting sucked into a void of space and time, stars spun around her as she was pulled into the blackness of the night sky.

The world of Nippon was completely gone and all she could see were clusters of stars and the darkness around her. She franticly looked for Issun, she soon found him in the same state she was; getting spun and pulled in the air.

She grabbed him with her mouth to keep them together. Surprisingly he didn't complain.

Amaterasu's eyes lost focus of her surroundings, she felt nauseous and sick to her stomach. Her vision began transitioning to blackness, everything was slowly disappearing as she lost consciousness.