Authors Note:...ehh, for once I have nothing to say that could possibly make it up to you guys who waited so long. I hope this chapter is good enough to make up for the mini hiatus...enjoy :p

Chapter 15:The Reconcilement

We had a month to prepare for the tournament, and I decided to go on a date. Not really the right time, but who am I kidding? I was really looking forward to rekindling my relationship with Laxus. I began to get ready to meet him tonight, but it still bugged me about what he wanted to talk out.

Worst case scenario in my mind: 'Mira, I've been gone for awhile and want to let you know that I have found someone else in my absence.' I shuttered at that thought. Apparently, Jellal said something similar like that to Erza. She said he was lying, but how can she know? We've been away for 7 made me feel better at the fact that Laxus skipped 7 years with us, because if he didn't, I'd go insane with all the scenarios of how he lived his life without me.

'I worked so hard to better myself and he did as well. I'd be damned if I let all that hardwork go to waste just for him to be with someone else,' I thought bitterly to myself. 'Speaking of other woman, Elfman and Evergreen...I dunno how I feel about that. I guess if he likes her and she likes him back, I could possibly get used to it. And then there is Lisanna, I wonder if she still has a thing for Natsu? I should go ask her.'

I walked out of my room into Lisanna's room where she was settled in her bed with a book. She looked at me with with that beautiful smile of hers.

"Hey Mira-nee, why are you so dressed up?"

"I'm going on a date with Laxus tonight before the training."

"Ohh, how are you guys anyway? You never did tell me about you two during my long absence."

"Well, we had a little falling out, but I think we might be reconciling."

"Falling out? Mira I hope this had nothing to do with my so called death. I wouldn't want you to stray away from the man you love. I'd want you to live life to the fullest you know."

"Yeah well, with you gone I couldn't allow myself something like that. But, I know now that I was wrong to just drop him like that you know."

"Yeah, well this time around don't let anything get between you two, because both of you deserve happiness." I just smiled at her comment.

"Hey forget about my relationship, are you going to pursue Natsu again? He's still single you know."

"I dunno. I mean I'm not sure if he feels that way about me, and he probably likes Lucy. They seem pretty close."

"You never know unless you say something. You just said you only live once. And out of all people you deserve the most happiness. Plus, if you ask me, I think Lucy may have a thing for Loke."

"Really? I'm going to talk to him right now. Does he still live in the same place?"


"Kay thanks Mira-nee." And with that my cute baby sister gave me a big hug and ran out of the house. The fact that at one point I believed I would never experience this moment made me tear up. I must be the luckiest person in the world. Because it's not everyday you get your sister back, who was presumed dead at one point. I took the time to touch up my make up before I left to see Laxus. I decided if he did have another woman I would make sure to let him know what he was missing. Apparently he was going to attempt to make dinner at his place. 'I hope he cleaned up,' I thought to myself.

I arrived at his house at the appointed time. I gently knocked on his door. 'This is a funny feeling. This is the first time I actually knocked on his door and didn't break in,' I chuckled to myself. He opened up the door and did a double take.

"You look beautiful as usual."

"Thanks you're not bad yourself."

"Come on inside." I walked in behind him. His home pretty much looked the same except it was clean for once, and it didn't smell weird either, which was a plus. I followed him to his small kitchen table. It had a tablecloth and 2 candles and real plates and silverware. 'He went all out didn't he,' I thought to myself.

"So what did you make?"

"I tried to make noodles, but it didn't work. So I got take out instead." I sat down at the table and watched as he served me my food. We started to eat in silence until he broke the silence.

"So tell me about Lisanna."

"She actually didn't die. She was lifted into an Anima to Edolas. Recently Natsu, Gajeel, Grey, Wendy, Lucy and Erza were sucked in the same Anima. Mystogun is from Edolas and a lot happened. To make a long story short all those with magical powers were dispelled from Edolas including Lisanna. We were all so surprised and happy that she's back now."

"Sounds like I missed a lot in my expulsion."

"Yeah, you did. So what did you want to talk about."

"Uhm, it's just that before the hole 7 year thing, I've been gone for awhile. And Gildarts let me back into the guild. And I think I've become a better man and..."

"Lax-kun you're rambling."

"Sorry. If you're willing, can we start over again. As a couple I mean unless you want to start as friends again or something."

"Lax-kun you're rambling again," I chuckled. I was happy where this conversation was going. I felt the same exact way. I just wished he'd just outright say it. I decided to put him out of his misery. "Yes."

"Look, I know a lot has happened, but can you just give me one last chance to make things right."

"Lax-kun I said yes." If the sun could smile, it would have nothing on Laxus. His whole demeanor brightened up at that moment.

"I promise I won't mess up this time."

"And I promise, I won't give up when times get rough." This was the start of a new beginning with Laxus and I. We both have been through so much in our lives. Thess unfortunes made us into what we are today, two strong, respectable people.

"So what now," he asked. 'Finally a window to what I've been wanting to happen for almost 7 years now,' I thought to myself. I took this moment to get up from the table. I started towards his bedroom.

"You coming?" I asked.

"You might have changed your personality, but your still a bad girl. And I like it." He soon followed me. When he finally caught up to me, he picked me up bridal style and carried me to his bed. He placed me down gentally and climbed on top of me. His face and body hovered over my smaller one. His face only mere millimeters away from mine stayed like that for awhile. His nose and lips brushed across my cheek in way that asked me if I was sure about this. I decided to answer him by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him all the way on top of me.

Our first kiss was more like a light brushing of lips. I felt his arm slide up my side until his hand rested on the top of my head. He started to stroke a few strands of my hair.

"I always loved your hair you know." I just smiled at his comment and pulled his face closer to mine. I pulled him into a long passionate kiss. This is the kiss I was waiting for since our last departure. Our tongues battled for awhile. I wasn't sure how long because I was too caught up in the passion and romance behind it. I was able to squeeze my arms in between us in order to unbutton his shirt. He stopped my hands and pulled the shirt over his head by himself. Luckily for me I had on a sleeveless dress that zipped in the back. I moved him so he wasn't on top of me anymore. I turned around and lifted my hair up.

"Lax-kun do you mind unzipping me?" He just smirked at my comment. I knew he was about to unzip my dress when i felt his strong calloused hands caress my slim shoulders. He then continued to unzip my dress. I could feel his lips giving me small kisses on my back while unzipping he was done he gently slid the fabric off my shoulders and off the rest of my body. I turned around so he can get a good luck at the rest of my body. The way he looked at me made me feel like I was the most beautiful woman that ever graced the earth.

He quickly removed the rest of his clothing and hovered over me. He looked into my eyes as if he was telling me how much he wanted me. At this point my arousal was at it's peak as was his. I decided to egg him on by wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him down.

"Still as impatient as ever eh Mira," he stated while smirking.

"It's because you take too long." Right after my retort I felt his lips crash against mine before he finally entered me. This sexual encounter was ten times more passionate than any other time we had sex. All the bottled emotion and longing we both had exploded allat once between us. It was like we were never able to touch each other again. To me this was the most beautiful moment of my life and I wanted to stay like this forever.

After we finished a few more rounds, he laid on my chest out of complete exhaustion. We talked about a few things, like the upcoming tournament, his father, the future etc. I was so content with the setting I lost all track of time and realized it was the morning after.

"Oh crap I gotta go."

"Uh no you don't."

"Yes I do Lisanna and Elfman..."

"Are practically adults and can do without their big sister for a few more hours."

"Yeah, but..." Before I could let out a rebuttal he placed a chaste kiss to my lips.

"The tournaments in a month and I'll help you, Elfman and Lisanna get ready starting tomorrow. So just stqy with me today okay?"

"Fine." And with that, let's just say we didn't leave the house until training began.

One Month Later

The tournament has already started. In the beginning my beloved guild received some harsh treatment by Raven Tail. Lax-kun's father's guild. Grey and Lucy both lost their matches, Wendy got targeted and hurt. We found out that the real target was Lucy. Natsu and Gajeel got us 3 points in total the next day. Now it's at the point where Bacchus is fighting my brother Elfman.

Bacchus practically forced a wager onto my brother. If he wins he gets me and Lisanna for one night full of who knows what. I could only imagine how degrading and nasty a night with him would be. I have faith that my brother would never let that happen, but not going to live, I did have some doubts. I looked at the stands and saw that Lisanna was on the verge of tears. 'Be strong,' I thought to myself. 'If worse comes to worst we'll just use our transforming magic and change into animals or my Satan Soul.' At this point I looked back at Laxus who looked pretty pissed himself, so I walked over to him and smiled.

"What are you smiling for? I be damned if you or Lisanna get put in that situation."

"Don't worry Elfman just put in his wager which means he's probably got something up his sleeve. I have faith in my brother. Besides if he does loose I'll just transform into Satan Soul and have Lisanna turn into an ape. Let's see if he wants to sleep with us then," I said with a smirk.

"You cunning little minx. But between you and me, I wouldn't mind spicing up our bed adventures with some Satan Soul action," he said with the biggest smirk ever.

"Maybe if you're a good boy." Just like I knew he would, Elfman came through and won the match. It was my turn now. Unlike the matches before me, my match turned into a swimsuit contest. Which I was fine with, I don't really like slugfeast anyway. Me and Jenny both changed into numerous outfits until she suggested that we should be like the other matches. That was a bad idea on her point. I mean I was an S class mage at one point so...yup. It pretty much ended in a bang on my part. I looked over to Laxus and so "That's my girl" look on his face. I was happy that he felt pride in me and that I won those 10 points for my guild. As a guild, we were finally starting to comeback. We even had some new fans now because of Elfman and I. It was now up to the next matches that would really get us back in the game.
