I am so, so sorry it's taken sooooooooooooooo long! I've just had no time! But I haven't given up :D Here you go! This is set just after Sirius almost kills Snape by telling him to go to the Shrieking Shack.

James writes like this

Sirius writes like this

Stop glaring at me Prongs, you already yelled at me enough. And I've been told off by pretty much every teacher we have. I feel bad enough.

Don't glare at him James, it's my fault I almost killed someone... I still can't believe it.

It's not your fault Moony. What the hell were you thinking Sirius?

I wasn't thinking, I told you! And I never meant to kill him! Even Snivelly. And Moony, stop blaming yourself!

But it's my fault! If you hadn't gotten there in time...

Honestly Moony, you didn't do anything.

Yeah, don't beat yourself up. You couldn't have done anything different. It's the other idiot's fault! You're going to be in so much trouble Black.

I already am without you hating me too. Since when did you call me Black? McGonagall already had a huge talk with me. So did Dumbeldore. And Madam Pomfrey. And Slughorn. And the stupid useless DADA professor. And Mum and Dad- though that was different entirly. I just thought it would be a laugh. I didn't really expect him to die! And I had no idea it'd make Moony feel so guilty!

I should have gotten in more trouble too! I can't believe this happened. No wonder Snape hates me!

It's not your fault you daft boy! YOU didn't do anything! It's not your fault! It's not your fault!

Yeah, it's YOUR fault Padfoot! I know Snape's a greasy haired, hook-nosed git, but what could convince you to send him to the Whomping Willow?

I told you already- I just lost it okay? I wanted to get him back! You saw how sad Lily's been lately, he made her cry. I thought you'd find it funny too... you're pretty mad at him as well!

Oh great! So you're trying to blame this on me and Lily now?

NO! I was just telling you what I was thinking... will you quit niggling at it. I didn't want to be a murder, and I'm shocked enough that I almost became one without losing my best friend.

Yeah... I think Padfoot might be right. We'd be better off putting this behind us. Of course... I'll never forget this, I need to keep people safe... but this shouldn't break us up!

Yeah, I'm trying to! But Prongss keeps bringing it up!

That's because this is a BIG DEAL! If the teachers take it into their minds to do something about it, we could all be expelled!

I've been punished. I have detention until Dumbeldore decides I'm done and Every one's been lecturing me. You know I cried in front of McGonagall yesterday. Do you not get how awful I feel? They won't expell me too!

Nice to find you are discussing my near-death so casually. And in a note as well. You're rather careless... it was quite easy to grab off your desk Lupin. I really so hate you Black. It's nice to know you've been crying... you're quite a horrible person.

You can't blame him Snivelly!

I thought you blamed me?

Shut up... it doesn't mean your not still my best friend. And we really need to keep this note out of snatching distance. Oh, here comes McGonagall. Do the spell Padfoot!

Boys, you must stop discussing this. I will have to ask you to stop talking about Remus' condition so openly. And keep doing the spell Black. You'll draw more attention to the note, and I'm trying to do this discreetly. Remus doesn't deserve to be exposed if anyone finds this note!

Wow, it's like we're invincible. McGonagall always reads notes aloud when she confiscates them, and she can't do it with this one! Haha... and she just left us to continue.

Mr Black, I have plenty of previous notes to read aloud if I must. You leave them littered all around after you scrunch them up. And I have asked you to stop.

I was just teasing Professor, of course I'll stop. Afterall, I'd never disobey my favourite teacher!

Flattery will get you nowhere. And you MUST be more careful! In all matters in fact...

Sorry Professor. I will try, but you love us all the same, even if we are careless. We're you favourite students, right?

No you aren't! Professor McGonagall likes dedicated students who don't try to kill their peers for their own amusment!

That's not what she said last night ;)

MR BLACK! That is not appropriate behaviour towards your teachers! Now concentrate on class and leave this note alone!

I've done the spell at least three times! Natural talent, what can I say? And I have a great teacher.

Hmm, well, I think it's time to do the spell at least three more times Mr Black.

Okay, I'll see you in detention Professor. And I'm sorry I mearly killed Snape. Really sorry.

I appriciate that Mr Black.

And please don't tell anyone how soft I am. Thanks Professor.