Hello everyone! This is our (being me, Claire and Jemma's) first ever story! It's a note that Srius, James and Remus all wrote back at Hogwarts :D

oh, and by the way, this is deliberatly not spell-checked! We thought that, because it's a note they wrote in school, all of the spelling, grammer etc wouldn't be perfect! If it's a major problem for you guys just tell us in a review and we'll spell check!

Disclamier: We don't own Harry Potter so none of these characters are the property of the authors!

Sirius writes like this

James writes like this

Remus writes like this

Hey James?


Old McGonagall is boooooooooooring! It's not like we can't pass our Transfig O.W.L without her.

Maybe if we transfigured the desks into beds we could sleep, we don't need the study!

Good idea! She might notice though, And Moony would be likely t–

STOP writing notes and pay attention!

How about you pay attention, and tell us about it later?

Great idea James, you should listen to him Moony! Anyway... desks to beds, not too hard to do!

It would be easier if you paid attention!

We don't need to pay attention Moony! And now looks who's writing notes... two means you've joined in! We must be a good influence on you.

If you spent more time writing notes you could find yourself being influenced to break a few more rules too. Like joining us on our trip to the kitchens tonight!

Oh, how precious, he's refusing to write back! A bit of a coward if you ask m–

I am not a coward, I care about my future and I am not keen of failing my O. W. Ls I care about your futures too... perhaps more so then you do!

Have you noticed he's ripped this off me twice now?

I have. A little rude if you ask me. Lighten up Moony, we still have another few years to actually pay attention in class.

Not that we need to! But siriusly Moony, you need too cheer p! It's full moon in a couple days, time for some real fun!

And that will mean I waste half my study time in the hospital wing!

We could whisper the notes to you while you're sleeping.

I don't know if I'll be there in the morning... I have a date with Erica...

Another girl? What happened to Breeana?

He's going through a "one-night-stand" phase. Breeana was over before she started.

That's not very kind of you Sirius! I hope you were nice. She's a lovely girl, and if you –

Okay Moony, you're going into lecture mode! I was nice enough. I'm just not looking for a proper relationship.

You totally yanked it off me that time!

[New paper]

One day our dear Padfoot will wake up and realise that really he's in love with me.

Sod off James, not funny... actually, you should carry on...

You can just tell he's planning something.

He always is. If it has anything to do with dear old Snivellus count me in!

Actually I was thinking Lily might find that comment of yours rather humorous! You'll loose her forever if she thinks you love me! Not that you ever had her...

Only a matter of time Padfoot my friend.

Ah, the ravings of a lunatic... haha, kidding James!

You don't seem like you're kidding.

Shut up Remus, let the guy dream... But it's real James, not a dream... it's all real...

Oh what little faith you have in me. In a matter of weeks you'll be eating you're words, just wait.

Dear James, she called you a fat-headed arrogant toe-rag before. But that's not the point... You've been saying the same thing for the greater part of our Hogwarts life.

Well this time I mean it! She only said those things because she's got a soft spot for that slimy git. Although after what he called her I don't know if that will last.

I guess it was pretty harsh of him, but to be honest Prong, you're not her first choice if she would date someone. It'd probably be Moony.

Whoa, Sirius, try not to drag me into this! James' glares are scary!

Haha, they're not that scary –


Wow, I can't believe old McGonagall caught us! We do this so often and she never notices! It was really low of her to read it aloud! At least she didn't see the full moon part, that was on a different piece of paper... You know I don't think I've seen Lily laugh that hard in a long time! I feel sorry for you Prongs! It wasn't very smart of Old McGonagall to give the paper back though, wonder why she did that!

Because as she did she instructed you to throw it out! Just stop writing Padfoot! No- I'm not kidding! There is no way you're getting this back, I'll chuck it out now –

Now we're even! I've taken it from you twice and you've taken it from me twi–

And McGonagall's taken it once, she'll do it again! And she'll take even more points! If you aren't careful you'll get another detention! I don't know how you fit them all i–

Relax, she won't see it again! No way are you getting it back moony, stop trying! You'll only throw it out again! It's going in Prongs' safe hands!

James is too grumpy to write :(

Good, now you'll have to stop as well!

Not a chance, you are about to see the full amazingness of Sirius Orion black at his most charming! Prepare to be amazed!

[New paper]

James mate, you okay? James? McGonagall was pretty harsh, wasn't she? James?

Oh stop laughing Moony it's not funny- he won't talk to me!

You're right, it's not funny, it's hilarious!

Oh, haha! James man, write back? You're actually doing work! Come on Prongs! You can't be mad at me!

Can't I? She snatched it right out of your hands Sirius! You could have been a little more subtle with your note passing!

How can you blame me? It's not my fault! Remus was the one who dumped it on me! I can't believe that's what you're mad about! I thought it would be Lily...

She's part of it. But I can't believe you could be so stupid to have the note out in the open! What were you raised by, dogs? Oh, that's right, you were raised by a bunch of snakes!

You git! It's not like I'm a thing like any of them! That's way below the belt James. As someone with a head so big it's a shock you can even fly a broomstick you have no right to say things like that!

Look who's talking Mr fat paws! It's a wonder you can even walk with those weights! Or is that where you keep your brains? Cause your head seems to be empty!

Me? Stupid? Take a good look at yourself James! I'm not the one who got a "D" on their last charms essay because I spent the night stalking Evans! You're spending so much time obsessing over her it's a wonder you even have any friends left!

Oh yeah? What about you? You chase a new girl every day1 grow up! If you looked away from the mirror for two seconds maybe you'd find someone you could actually like rather then just caring about her looks!

Hey! I do not need to chase girls, they come flocking to me! I'm just giving out enough Black to go around! I least I'm actually wanted, instead of wasting my life on a girl who doesn't, and never will, give a toss! And stop messing up your hair, I can see you right now! She doesn't even like that! And no one's even looking!

"Enough black to go around"? What a prat! You're just jealous because your hair looks like a rat's ass!

A rat's ass? My hair takes an hour to do every morning- girls love my hair! Speaking of which... I actually have proof girls like me, so I have a right o be a little arrogant! Whereas lily agreed she'd rather go out with the giant squid then a little scrawny bespectacled arrogant git like you!

Arrogant? If I'm so arrogant how come I let you live with me? You are so ungrateful Black! If not for me you'd be living out on the streets amongst actual rats... Not just the one on your head!

As if I'd be on the street! I have other friends! I could stay with a true friend- like Moony! You'd never abandon me, would you?

Errm, I am not taking sides guys! You know, if you're that mad at each other you should STOP WRITING NOTES! Just imagine if McGonagall saw this now!

Nice try, but we're not stopping! That git needs to learn he shouldn't put down his friends or he might lose them!

And this looser needs to learn that he deserves to be insulted because what he did was plain idiotic!

It was NOT MY FAULT! Are you so self-conscious that you have to play the blame game for no reason!

The "blame game"? What are you, seven? And it was your fault!

I'm older then you kid! And it wasn't my fault! If I got mad at you every time you get caught I'd never stop being angry!

Oh, is that why you always look so sad? I thought it was something to do with the fact that you have no real friends anymore!

You prat Potter! I have tons of friends!

Oh really? I'm a prat? You're a mud-eating dung beetle!

You're a fluffy haired doofus!

You're a snake faced git in a lions robes!

Arrogant toe-rag!

Fat-footed child!

Big headed Quidditch-jerk!

Is your name Sirius because you never have anything to smile about?

No puns with my name! That was not punny, siriusly!

Oh, who's using puns now? Jerk!

I'm allowed to because I actually make them witty!

Witty smitty! Your puns suck!

Yeesh, no wonder Evans'd rather have Snivelly! I can't think what would make anyone want you!

She is not dating Snivelly! There's no way she'd go for an ugly git like him!

Then why did I see them a snogging in the Three Broomsticks last Hogsmeade visit?

Ha! How did I know this would end badly? Ouch! Sirius just got a punch in the face! Glad I'm not involved in this fight... and I've done all my class work. Win for me! And in case you read this guys I'm not helping you with your homework later!

Tut tut Sirius, what a little liar! Please review!