I hope you are liking this, please give me reviews about what you want to see, wont have any sex though as i want to be loyal to the show and in 5x03 we know Castiel hasnt been with a woman.

Im not sure why Im making him a bit mean, hes my fave SN character.

Anna's choice of a Heaven to visit was that of a star watcher who had died at the ripe old age of 86. It was a warm summer's night, perfectly clear sky, no light pollution, just all the beauty of space to stare at.

They were both lying in the grass looking up at the star filled sky, it was perfect, she moved to her side too look at Castiel, a sight more perfect than the sky. He was far too pretty, she imagined when his vessel was younger he was a heart breaker, could see a lot of human girls falling for him. She wondered what humans made of him, he wasn't exactly what Angels looked like, they were generally pictured as blonde females. A raven haired, unshaven male wasn't it. Though he mostly interacted with Dean Winchester, so it was probably more ideal a pretty little blonde wasn't sent to be his guardian as Dean had a certain way with the ladies and there didn't seem many who would manage to resist his charms, herself included, her last night as a human was spent with him.

"Cass?" she liked how his name felt in her mouth, less formal than Castiel, "How do you feel about me and Dean?"

He moved his head to look at her, and almost did that cute head tilt he did when confused

"You and Dean? What do you mean?" he questioned

"Well he's your friend, and was my lover" she tried to explain

"I don't understand," he queried "Do you think Dean has a claim on you? From what I understand Dean has very little emotional connection with most of the women he is involved with. Do you have feelings for him?"

Anna was unsure how to answer. Did she have feelings for Dean? Why was he in the back of her mind?

"No" she denied, "Not since I became an Angel again, just was concerned about your friendship with him"

Castiel laughed "The affairs of Angels are not of concern to the Winchesters" he looked cute when he laughed, much younger. She moved closer to him, and propped herself up, so she was leaning over him, he smiled up at her

She started to run her fingers though his black hair, smiling at the contrasting colours of her ivory fingers and his ebony hair, the tips were slightly lighter, sun bleached. She ran a hand down his face , his skin was smooth his stubble rough. His breath was warm on her face, so close she could taste him. She looked up at his eyes, and nearly lost herself in them, her fingers found her way to his lips gently stroking then, her heart quickened, and she felt like she wanted to explode, like her skin was too tight. So she moved closer to him, kissing his cheek, and moving closer to his mouth, tilting her head a little as she reached his lips, she closed her eyes and parted her lips a little. He did the same and she felt his tongue questioning if it could enter her mouth, and she gladly let it. It was slow and tender, like teenagers , which they were, thousands of years old and still Castiel was a teenager with in the angel community, and they didn't really kiss much, Angels had no real interest in the physical.

"Lets take things slow" He muttered pulling slightly away from her, as her hands started to move over his body, tracing his muscles, which were well hidden by the layers of clothing he wore.

She looked at him, and realised how this was for him, she had been human but he hadn't, he was only just feeling emotions and clearly was concerned by what he was feeling, which she admitted to herself was normal. She moved off him and sat up, offering him a hand for him to sit up too. He took it smiling and pulled her back down to him.

"Who said we needed to stop?" He questioned, she smiled and kissed him again "but let's keep this as Dean would say 'PG'" he added


Anna had gone, declaring she needed a cold shower but understood he didn't want to rush anything. Castiel smiled to himself he was still in the same Heaven, considered moving but decided to enjoy the peace for a while and organise his thoughts first.

"Castiel" came a harsh voice, and he span to see who it was

"Zachariah" He replied, in a much harsher tone that he had been using on Anna

"I'm glad to see you are following the orders so closely" the balding white haired man stated

"I still do not understand the reason for these orders" the younger Angel protested

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" was the reply, "and she trusts you"

"She always has trusted me," insisted Castiel "what will seducing her do?"

"Trust in the plan, you have your orders, Follow them!" he was instructed "Besides your charges are causing problems, with a prophet"

"They are fine, they haven't don't anything wrong yet" sighed Castiel wondering why Zachariah was getting involved with the Winchesters "I will speak to Dean later"

"Remember your orders!" instructed Zachariah and vanished

Castiel shock his pretty feathered head, he was far from happy with these orders, but orders are orders, maybe he should talk to Balthazar his oldest friend, and try to understand what he was feeling and what it could mean. Though what could another angel do to help him, he wasnt sure why he had these orders, if they wanted someone seduced he wasnt the best for this task, he was hardly very experienced with women, or seduction other than watching Dean's attempts and Sam with that Demon.

"Dean" he sighed, suddenly very aware the elder Winchester was about to do something silly