A/N: I'm back at University so I can actually update this now *victory dance*

That's assuming people haven't completely given up on me ever updating - which would be fair because damn it's been a long time. Sorry!

Round Two

It had been two days since the tie at Sectionals and the Warblers were still on a somewhat sedated high. Their usual energy was very much present but heightened by their triumph and Kurt assumed they'd be ecstatic if they'd actually won on their own. Wes came into the first rehearsal since their win, late David hastened to add from the council table, with a smile on his face. Everyone eyed Wes curiously but he stayed silent, opened both of the doors he'd come through and swung his arm across his body to gesture into the corridor.

"Outside, if you will." All eyes turned on David and Thad who looked at each other and shrugged. Wes rolled his eyes. "Just come outside." He disappeared down the corridor and the others followed, grabbing scarves and coats on the way, until they stepped outside to the promenade raised slightly above the lawns at the back of the school that stretched for what looked like miles.

As Kurt shuffled himself between Blaine and Cameron, he was suddenly struck that he'd never been out here before. And wasn't that a shame because the grass, or what could be seen of it under the thin dusting of snow, was the definition of lush green and a gorgeous range of trees rose around it's edge. Blaine nudging their shoulders together pulled him from his thoughts.

"You okay?" he whispered to Kurt.

"Yeah," Kurt smiled. "Fine."

"Now," Wes said loudly to quieten the group. He began to walk slowly backwards down the few steps to the lawn. "Today we are rehearsing outside."

"No, really?" Jeff gasped in mock surprise, earning him a few sniggers and a glare from Wes.

"Yes, really. I'm feeling good about regionals and despite the cold, it's a nice day out."

"Ba badada, ba ba badadub" Nick begun to sing quietly with his head back, swaying it from side to side with the beat. Jeff repeated it along with Nick and Trent joined in on the third time. On the last run, everyone's eyes turned to Wes who shrugged and nodded towards Blaine who grinned and began to bounce down the steps to the lawn.

"San Francisco bay, past pier thirty nine. Early pm, can't remember what time."

A lot of the lyrics were lost and unheard to Kurt as he was pulled onto the grass by Flint and he harmonized with the other boys on the melody, dancing around Blaine in a surprisingly organized, yet improvised, choreography. As the last words rung out from everyone's mouths, Kurt collapsed to the floor, momentarily forgetting the snow, laughing at the sky and catching his breath. He high fived Nick next to him and pushed himself up onto his elbows. Blaine caught his eye and Kurt arched a questioning eyebrow to which Blaine nodded.

"I do believe," Kurt said loud enough to quieten the boys, "it's that time again."

"But we're exhausted now," Wes cried, throwing an arm up in defeat. James jabbed him in the side.

"You don't have to compete so I don't know what you're complaining about."

"Refereeing is a taxing job," Wes grumbled as he got to his feet and brushed off himself down. He then sighed and looked down at Kurt. "Do we have to?"

"Yes." Kurt nodded once, placed his feet flat on the ground in front of him and waved a hand about as a way of asking for help up. Jeff nudged Nick with a knowing smile as Blaine scrambled across the gap between him and Kurt to pull him up. Kurt flushed a little as he realised he still had Blaine's hand in his, gloved but still in his, while he thought of who was next on his schedule. He quickly pulled it away and cleared his throat. "James. John." Both boys groaned, but pushed themselves up and came to stand beside Kurt. "Thad. David." Neither moved and Kurt glared down at them, jerking his head backwards. They reluctantly got up and stood the other side of Kurt, jostling Blaine slightly out the way. "Everyone else, stand in two lines with a gap in the middle for them to run down."

Kurt moved to stand at the bottom of the stone stairs they'd all come down earlier, watching the boys move around. They separated, standing in two lines like cats eyes along each side of a runway and Kurt hummed in thought, stepping back onto the lawn and maneuvering them a little so they were stood farther apart (approximately the length of the rehearsal room). Happy with the results, he returned to his previous position, ignoring the groans of protest from some of the boys about how ridiculous it was to being doing this outside. Wes and Nicholas placed themselves opposite Kurt down the makeshift track, where the council table would be inside. Scrabbling in his blazer pocket, Kurt retrieved the stopwatch he'd placed in there this morning in preparation for now and threw it expertly to Wes. He then waved a hand at the four boys taking part, rolling his eyes as they trudged through the light dusting snow as if it were six inches thick.

"You all said you loved this last time," Kurt said, a little frustrated as David and John stood each side of him, Thad and James behind them.

"But it's cold," Jeff whined from his place in line, stamping his feet and shivering more than was necessary. There was murmur of agreement but Kurt continued on.

"This'll take," he glanced at his watch, "ten minutes tops. Fifteen at a push. And the quicker you shut up, the quicker you can get inside." Jeff snapped his mouth shut and made a zipping motion across his lips. Kurt nodded his thanks then looked between the boys next to him. "Up you get then."

James jumped on John's back without warning causing both to topple to the floor in a tangle of limbs. John ended up sprawled between James' legs, their torsos pressed together and both groaning with the slight ache from the force with which they'd hit the ground. The other Warblers catcalled and snorted with laughter as they righted themselves and brushed their clothes off. John grumbled a little but readied himself for James' weight and counted to three. Nick and Trent started a round of applause, earning them a snigger from everyone but the boys being mocked.

Thad and David watched the proceedings with amusement and David looked over his shoulder at Thad. "Countdown?"

"Countdown," Thad nodded, curling his hands over David's shoulders. David counted, let himself move down a little under the press of Thad's hands on his shoulders and slid his arms tightly under Thad's knees as he jumped up. "Good?" Thad asked as they steadied. David nodded once for Thad, then once at Kurt. Kurt looked to his left to check the others were ready and tutted at the sight he was met with.

John was spinning in small circles with his eyes closed, laughing raucously as James swatted at his chest in protest. "John! I'm not against kicking you where it hurts right now." To emphasise his point, James kicked his heel hard against John's thigh, who hissed and stopped turning, swaying a little as he did so. "Thank you," James sighed in relief.

"Done now?" Kurt said with an arched, unimpressed eyebrow.


"Okay. Ready?" Kurt called down to Wes who raised a thumb as confirmation and raised his stopwatch.

"Three. Two. One. Go!"

Kurt laughed a little as like the previous race, the Warblers along the side erupted in noise as the boys set off. Small clouds of snow flew up behind their heels as they ran and a mound formed at the end of the strip Thad and David moved along as David skidded a little on the turn, the side of his foot scraping through the powder.

Kurt made his away around the back of the line of boys on his right, slipping in next to Blaine as he threw an arm up and cheered on Thad and David. "Trying to get on the councils good side, huh?"

Blaine shoved him lightly. "I've always been on their good side. Now stop distracting me." Kurt mouthed a sorry with a smirk and raised his hands in defence, burying them in his pockets as he turned his attention back to the race. Thad and David whizzed past them on their second run towards Wes and Nicholas, James and John a step or two ahead. Kurt rolled his eyes with a groan and flopped his head back as after the last turn, and Wes' yell of stop over the noise, John flinched and kicked his toes into the ground, causing him to fall face first towards the floor, James slamming into his back.

"Is John drunk?" Kurt asked the sky.

"Just incredibly clumsy," Blaine answered with a chuckle and Kurt brought his head back down. David sprinted past Flint (the last Warbler in the line) and dropped Thad within seconds, spinning on his heel for a high five.

"Can't beat the council!" he shouted with a fist pump, leaning into Thad's side and catching his breath through laughs.

James still lay across John's back a few metres away, mumbling profanities into the cotton of John's blazer. John bucked up and threw him off, rolling onto his back. A few of the Warblers crowded around kicked them lightly in the side, making jibes about letting the team down.

Kurt sighed and said loudly "Thad and David win then."

"Yeah, yeah, don't rub it in," James said from the floor, throwing an arm across his eyes. "Any chance of a rematch?"

Kurt grinned. "Wait and see."

"What, no!" Thad and David said in unison, eyes widening at Kurt. "We won that fair and square."

"Like I said," Kurt shrugged nonchalantly. "Wait and see."

There were murmurs of interest among the boys and James seemed to forget his annoyance with John as he dragged him inside talking about team tactics and practice. The others followed their lead, shucking off coats and scarves as they disappeared inside. Wes clapped Kurt on the shoulder on his way past with Nicholas, leaving only Kurt and Blaine to trail behind them. Blaine looked up at him, ready to something but a grin simply burst onto his face.

"What?" Kurt asked, ducking his head into his scarf.

"You're nose has gone red." Kurt buried further into his scarf and Blaine pulled it away. "It's cute."

Kurt was glad for the cold as he felt a blush seep into cheeks that he could blame on the bitter chill. He murmured a thanks, Blaine smiling up at him in the charming way he does, and pulled his gloves off as they set foot inside. "So, do you want to know about the next race?"

Blaine bounced on the balls of his feet and nodded vigorously. "I love being your best friend."

The corners of Kurt's mouth twitched as he watched Blaine bound off down the hallway towards the dorms and said to himself, "I love being your best friend too."

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