Title: The Piggyback Chronicles.
Summary: Kurt's way with words walks the Warblers right into the post-rehearsal wind down they never expected.
Disclaimer: *insert obligatory comment about not owning Glee or Klaine or Niff or Darren or Chris*

A/N: I welcome you to the beginning of The Piggyback Chronicles. If you read my WIP 'Hug,' you'll have read the chapter with the Niff vs Klaine piggyback race. The idea took me and after asking if people would read it and the resounding answer being yes, I present to you The Piggyback Chronicles: A weird and wonderful look into how Kurt changes the Warblers post-rehearsal wind down forever. The genre of this will be humour, with a bit of romance along the way because it starts about a month or two after Kurt has transferred to Dalton and will follow his relationship with Blaine. There will be a healthy dash of Niff in here too because they're too adorable to not write. I will try my hardest to stick with canon but if I drift a little or time frames get a bit muddled up then just go with it.

This part is just a prologue and the first chapter should appear within the next 2/3 days. Please review and let me know what you think :)

A collective groan reverberated around the room as Wes raised his gavel but lowered it again as he remembered yet another item he could drone on about. Blaine threw his head back and stared up at the ceiling, exhaling heavily. He drummed his fingers of his right hand on the arm of the sofa and cocked his head slightly while squinting at the barely there cracks on the ceiling. He was sure that if he looked hard enough he could will them to morph into an interesting shape. His thoughts were interrupted by Jeff nudging his side violently. Blaine lifted his head and glared at the boy beside him.

"Ow!" Jeff simply rolled his eyes at Blaine's harsh tone and nodded towards the council table. Blaine followed the direction of the nod and his mouth formed a silent "Oh" when he realised all three council members were staring at him. Wes raised an accusatory eyebrow and was the first to speak.

"Back with us, junior member Anderson?" Wes' words dripped with so much sarcasm that Blaine was sure if he wrote them down they'd slide off the paper like water runs over glass. Blaine briefly flicked his eyes to David who gave him a subtle nod and a look that said "choose your words carefully."

"Yes," Blaine replied firmly, deciding that a one syllable answer was the safest. The smug expression that plastered itself to Wes' face was an all too familiar sight during Warbler meetings so Blaine ignored it and returned his attention to doing anything else but listening. Wes resumed his spiel and Blaine turned his head, narrowing his eyes at Kurt on the opposite sofa. Kurt was trying his hardest to suppress a laugh and Blaine mouthed "Shut up" at him. Kurt shook his head with a sly grin. Blaine stuck his tongue out much like a petulant child and Kurt snorted quietly, ducking his head. Upon hearing the sound, Nick had frowned and looked down at Kurt from his position on the sofa arm. He then glanced over at Blaine who shrugged innocently. Nick's frown deepened and he sighed lightly. Before listening to Wes again, he shared a knowing look with Jeff, who had also noticed the disturbance. Blaine watched the quick interaction with interest but soon went back to silently conversing with Kurt. Kurt seemed to have composed himself and was smiling across at Blaine. "Coffee after?" Blaine asked with exaggerated lip movements to ensure Kurt understood. Kurt made a face that could only be described as purely orgasmic and it was Blaine's turn to stop a giggle erupting. He kept eye contact with Kurt and nodded when he mouthed "Lima Bean?" He replied with "Where else?" and grinned as Kurt rolled his eyes and retorted with "Just checking."

"Blaine Everett Anderson." Blaine froze and his face dropped. He hesitantly turned his head and huffed out a nervous laugh, hoping to lighten the atmosphere. Wes' stare was hard and Blaine felt himself shrinking under it. "Something you and Kurt wish to share with us?"

"Erm... no?" Blaine tried. He looked to Kurt for support but he avoided Blaine's eyes and picked at non-existent lint on his trousers. Blaine, however, could see the tell tale signs of a smirk on his face and he gave himself a mental note to get Kurt back later.

"You're lucky the meeting is now over," Wes grumbled. "Next time this happens I won't hesitate to personally kick your ass out of the door." Blaine made an apologetic face and sunk back into the sofa. He found himself glaring at Kurt again and shaking his head. Kurt continued to grin like the cat that got the cream and didn't hesitate to burst into hysterics as Wes' gavel sounded the official end of the meeting.

"Oh God, I thought you were about to cry," Kurt said breathlessly between fits of laughter. Jeff began to chuckle next to Blaine and Blaine hit him in the back of the head.

"Hey, no abusing the boyfriend!" Nick called across the room. Kurt calmed himself down and glanced at Wes who was eyeing Blaine with amusement. Another giggle bubbled from Kurt's throat and he buried his face in his hands.

"I'm sorry," Kurt panted. "It's just you guys are so serious and you looked so scared."

"I did not," Blaine pouted.

"If you were five, I'm pretty sure you would have wet yourself," Kurt stated completely seriously. Blaine huffed and crossed his arms defensively. "Honestly though, you guys need to lighten up." Kurt had learned his lesson pretty early about suggesting the Warblers do something outside of the box but on this matter he was certain something needed to be done.

"Hey, we're not always serious," Trent chipped in.

"Maybe not always," Kurt agreed, "but it takes most of you at least 3 hours to wind down from a meeting and get out of the Warbler mindset."

"I think that's a bit of an exaggeration," Thad said as he got up from his place behind the council table. Kurt gave him his 'bitch, please' look and Thad raised his arms defensively before pointing to Wes. "I blame him." Wes looked like the dictionary definition of offended and Thad shrugged. "I speak only the truth." Wes turned to David on his other side and was even more put out as David cocked his head with a rueful smile.

"Kurt, I understand that the New Directions were a little, or a lot, more lax then we are, but for all of our strictness, we have an equal amount of light heartedness."

"Prove it," Kurt said without a moment's pause.

"What?" Wes appeared completely lost.

"What are you suggesting, junior member Kurt?" David asked. By this point, the room was almost silent as the rest of the Warblers watched with curiosity.

"Oh no, this is not happening while you're in full council mode," Kurt clarified. "I want to see some real Warbler fun." David looked apprehensive and Kurt waved a hand around in a vague shooing motion. "But if that's really not possible then forget it..." Kurt trailed off.

"Kurt, we know how to have fun. We're not that stuck up," David sighed.

"Then show me," Kurt pressed. David opened his mouth to protest again but was lost for a counter argument.

"You've walked yourself right into this one," Blaine chuckled. Most of the Warblers nodded in agreement and few piped up telling David that if Kurt wanted to see fun, they could do fun.

"Fine," David growled, silencing the room once more. "We good to do this, Wes?" Wes grinned mischievously at Kurt and nodded.

"Bring it on."

Bring on the reviews :)