Disclaimer: I don't own Suits or any of the characters. If I did, I would be too busy doing other stuff to write any fics. ^_~

Warning: This is slash (Harvey x Mike). Don't like, don't read.

WARNING! This chapter contains adult situations. And if you have delicate sensibilities, don't read. But I wanted to keep the T rating, so the chapter posted here is a censored version. So like before, I posted the original version on my LJ account, link at the end and on my profile...

Chapter 30

Mike stood in front of Harvey's door breathing heavily. He had never ridden his bike so quickly. And it probably wasn't the best thing for his health. He takes several deep breaths trying to compose himself. He lifts a hand about to knock when he remembers that the key he had was for the very door he was standing in front of. Should he knock or use the key? Would Harvey be upset if he used the key? Mike decided that no, he wouldn't, after all, had Mike not left, Harvey would have already given him the key.

Mike takes out the key and smiles thinking that he still can't believe Harvey would do something so...un-Harvey. He puts the key in the lock and feels the smooth motion as the bolt slides open. He turns the door knob and pushes it open.

Harvey was sitting on the sofa with a drink in his hand when he heard the click of the bolt unlocking and stands and turns toward the door just in time to see Mike walk in. Harvey can't believe his eyes and he draws in a shaky breath, carefully putting the glass down before saying, "How did you get in?"

Mike holds up his hand with the key, "Technically, this is my key right?"

"I told Donna to throw it away," Harvey said.

"Well, technically she did when she sort of threw it at me," Mike replies with a small smile.

"What are you doing here?" Harvey asks.

Mike shrugs, "I came to talk. Isn't that what you wanted?" He walks around the sofa to stand in front of Harvey.

Harvey feels hopeful, "Talk?" He takes a step forward so that they're just inches apart, "Does that mean you're not leaving?"

"Well, see my Grammy really likes you and she's been hounding me to work things out with you," Mike tries for some levity.

Harvey smiles at that, "Glad I have her support."

Mike continues, "Besides, how could I leave when I love you so much?"

Harvey lets out relieved laugh and takes the key from Mike holding up the key chain in front of him and saying back, "I love you too."

With that Harvey and Mike take each other in a familiar warm embrace. Just standing there holding one another. When they release each other, Harvey takes Mike's hand and pulls him to sit on the sofa.

Harvey apologizes again, "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I lied to you and canceled. If I hadn't –"

Mike interrupts him, "Harvey, stop. It wasn't your fault ok? The only person to blame was that guy that shot me."

"Well I still shouldn't have taken out that woman instead," Harvey adds.

Mike nods, "Yeah, that was a pretty shitty thing to do. But like you said before, we weren't obligated to each other."

Harvey is silent, but his eyes were so expressive that it takes Mike aback.

Mike continues, "You were going to give me a key. A key to your place. And I just wanted to know why?"

Harvey answers, "I just figured it was time that you had your own and stopped using the spare. And I was going to do more than give you the key."

Mike's breath hitches and he shakily asks, "What do you mean?"

Harvey replies, "I'll admit that at first when I had your apartment remodeled and then had you stay with me, I did feel guilty. I –"

"But it wasn't your fault. How many times do I have to tell you?" Mike interrupts again.

"Mike, remember all our talks about you interrupting me," Harvey says shaking his head. "Let me finish, please. I did feel guilty, but I never felt like I was compelled to do anything. I wanted to take care of you, be with you."

Mike felt himself tearing up. "Really? Because that's what I was so upset about, the thought that you were with me over guilt and you felt like you owed me something. You really don't think of me as an obligation?"

Taking Mike's hands in his, Harvey replies, "If that was all I felt, I would have left you at your apartment and hired someone to take care of you instead of asking you to stay with me until you were well."

"That's what she said," Mike murmurs.

"What?" Harvey looked at him confused.

"Nothing," Mike waves it off then asks, "So...is there anything else you want to tell me? Anything you want to get off your chest?"

Harvey opens his mouth, closes it and looks thoughtful then says, "Remember the morning of your first day back to work? And remember how I told you I didn't want you riding your bike because I was worried it would tax you too much?"

Mike nods, "Yeah, but it didn't matter since someone stole it because you wouldn't let me keep it inside."

Harvey puts on a grim face and admits, "No one stole the bike Mike. I unlocked it and hung a paper that said 'free bike' on it. It was gone by the time I walked back to the building doors."

Mike fake glares at Harvey, "I can't believe you got rid of my bike?" Then he admits, "I kinda figured you might have had something to do with its disappearance. I mean, you went downstairs to get the mail? Really?"

Harvey laughs, "I didn't think you bought that story either. But it had to be done. It would've really been troublesome to me if you hurt yourself." He was joking but Mike knew he did it because he cared.

Mike sighs, "Oh well, I like my new bike better." And at the lull in conversation he tentatively asks, "So the key...it's like a commitment then? I won't ever have to knock when I come over." He smiles to himself as he looks at the key.

"Yes, the key is a commitment," Harvey answers. "And actually, when I was going to give you the key, I was also going to ask you to stay."

"Stay?" Mike drew in a shaky breath.

Harvey continues, "You're almost completely healed and originally you were only going to stay until you were well, but now I want you to stay. Always. I can't imagine not waking up without you next to me each morning.

"You want me to live with you?" Mike asks, not quite believing his ears.

Grinning, Harvey nods. "I must need to get my head examined, but yes, I want you to live with me. This is your official invitation to move into Wayne Manor. What do you say?"

Mike launches himself at Harvey, kissing him passionately with all the pent up emotions of the last week washing over them.

Harvey's tongue runs between Mike's lips and Mike opens to let him in. As Harvey explores the familiar territory, he stands, bringing Mike up with him and slowly moves them to his – no, their bedroom. Each article of clothing is removed with as little contact breaking as possible.

They fall on the bed with Harvey rolling Mike under him. Even though they had only been apart for a week, it felt like an eternity.

"I am so screwed," Harvey sighs dramatically.

"I thought you always liked to do the screwing," Mike says suggestively.

Harvey laughs, "You bet I do," settling himself between Mike's legs.

They both gasp for breath as they're pressed together skin to skin. Everywhere where they're touching seems to burn.

Harvey turns Mike on his side and settles in behind him, propping himself up on an elbow.

And they proceeded to set a new bar for what make up sex should be.

When it was over, Harvey gathered a limp and pliable Mike into his arms, Mike's head lolling onto the pillow. "That was the best sex I've ever had," Harvey says as he kisses the top of Mike's head.

Mike mumbles, "Mmmm...me too." He turns and smiles contentedly at Harvey stretching his arms above his head.

Harvey grins, "How are we going to top that?"

Mike yawns, "No idea."

"So…" Harvey prods, "I'll take that as a yes?"

"How many amendments to the terms of our arrangement would this make?" Mike teases.

"Forget the terms; I'm throwing them out the window." Harvey looks deep into Mike's eyes.

"Of course it's a yes," Mike grins as Harvey leans down to kiss him again. Then suddenly as if he got a second wind, Mike props himself up to face Harvey, "Hey...how come I only get one key?"

Harvey asks, puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Mike clarifies, "You told me you have a few places...so how come I only get one key?"

Harvey grins lasciviously; he was completely himself again with no trace of the past week's emotional turmoil about him. "Well that's because we've only had sex at this place. But I suppose we could stay at the other condo next week and take a long weekend in the Hamptons sometime before summer's over," he says suggestively.

Mike laughs, "Harvey! I was only kidding. This place is perfect. I love you."

"I love you, too," Harvey replies.

"I can't believe you were the same guy who said that he didn't believe in emotions," Mike says, intertwining their fingers.

Harvey replies, "What can I say? I guess you changed my mind."


And we've come to an end (the end of this fic anyway). Hope you've enjoyed it!

As I said before, the original version is on my LJ account: yuki-gackt1[dot]livejournal[dot]com.

Kindly review =)