A/N: Okay, new story. MCRDanime requested for me to write this story and has helped me with the characters and plot. Thanks! I don't own Shugo Chara, and thus let's commence!
"Kaa-san, why are we going to the kimono shop?" Five-year-old Nadeshiko Fujisaki was walking hand-in-hand with his mom one beautiful Spring day.
"Because we have to get you a new kimono Nadeshiko-chan. Your first performance is coming up, remember?"
Nadeshiko smiled. How could she forget? She had practiced hard for this performance and she was more excited than nervous. This was going to be her debut and she couldn't wait. However there was one thing that bugged her.
And that was the fact that she was actually a he. Naghiko's mother had explained to him why he needed to dress like a girl and most times he accepted it as one long dress-up game. Today he picked at his dress however. It was a very lovely mint green with lots of ruffles and bows, it was pretty, but itchy. And today was so nice too! He wanted to run around outside, but instead after this visit, he had to practice for his first performance next Sunday.
He smiled at his mother in spite of it all. His ponytail bounced as he nodded."I remember Kaa-san."
His mother smiled back, then looked up. "Ah, we're here Nadeshiko-chan!" Nadeshiko looked up. He was staring at a large Japanese-style store with the words 'Hanabuyo Kimonos'. Next to it was a large Japanese-style house.
They stepped into the store. Immediately an elderly woman in a yukata came forward to greet them.
"Ah, Fujisaki-san! And Naghiko! What a pleasure to see you and it's nice to finally meet you Naghiko-kun." The elderly lady bowed.
Naghiko was at a loss as to what to do. Everyone referred to him as Nadeshiko in public. He glanced at his mother, who motioned for him to bow a she did. He quickly returned the bow and his mother put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"It's nice to see you again Hanabuyo-san, but this is Nadeshiko," she replied, giving the other lady a wink.
"Oh of course." She smiled and winked at Nadeshiko who tried and failed to wink back. The old lady had black hair with white streaks, which was now arranged in a neat bun. Her yukata was impeccable and her manners were neat and poised.
"Nadeshiko, this is Hanabuyo Aki-san. She is the owner of this shop and makes all the beautiful kimonos our family uses. She also knows about our little 'dress-up' game." Nadeshiko's eyes widened as he looked at the older lady for confirmation. The old lady smiled and nodded a little.
Nadeshiko smiled and bowed again. "It's a pleasure to meet you Hanabuyo-san!"
The old woman chuckled a bit. "Watch out Fujisaki-san, he will be a charmer when he is older!" Nadeshiko blushed and then they got to work. They went into a small changing room where Hanabuyo took his measurements and put him in a sample kimono to pin and adjust. When they were done, Nadeshiko changed and they went back out front. As the adults talked, Nadeshiko began wandering around the shop curiously. There were many beautiful kimonos of all sizes and all colors. There were lots of pictures too! Just as he was about to head back to where his mom and Hanabuyo were waiting, he spotted something a lot more interesting…
…a door.
Nadeshiko paused. The door was in the far left hand corner of the store where there were only several pictures and kimonos. He was really curious, but shouldn't he get back to Kaa-san? He glanced back at his mother. She and Hanabuyo were busy talking with their backs to him and just from the way his mother stood, he could tell she would talk for at least another hour. He pulled open the door and peeked around. The door opened outside into the courtyard of the house next door. He couldn't help it, there was a fence no one was looking right?
He stepped out into the courtyard and immediately began running around, smelling the flowers, dancing around, staring at the small pond, and just enjoying himself. He was careful not to muss up his dress or hair and was about to wander back when he heard someone yell. Nadeshiko froze. It came from the house. He hadn't considered going to the house before, but now…he was really curious…
He ran around the house until he found the source of the noise. On the far side of the house, farthest away from the house, there was a sliding door open and the sound was coming from there. Nadeshiko took his shoes off and walked through the open door.
The room he was standing in was actually a large dojo, and standing in the middle of it was a girl.
Nadeshiko blinked. She was only a couple inches taller than he was, maybe a year older, and her short white hair was tied up in a ponytail. She wore a hakama and held a shinai. She was practicing her swings for kendo. She yelled a she brought down her shinai on an imaginary opponent.
Nadeshiko sat down silently and watched her for a little while until she turned to rest. She blinked as she spotted him.
"H-hey didn't you read the sign," she yelled angrily. Nadeshiko jumped as she pointed her shinai. "The sign says 'no girls allowed, so go away!"
"But you're a girl," Nadeshiko pointed out. The girl blinked.
"S-so? It's my grandfathers dojo. I'm the only girl allowed in here, so you have to leave!" She crossed her arms triumphantly.
Nadeshiko was mad now. He spoke without thinking. "Then it's a good thing I'm not a girl! So you can't make me leave!" The older girl stared surprised. Nadeshiko, realizing what he did, covered his mouth in shock.
"You're a boy? And you're dressed like that?"
"…Yeah…" Nadeshiko stared at the ground.
The girl shouldered her shinai. "That's no fun, your dress looks really scratchy. I don't even wear dresses like that!" She sat down next to Nadeshiko. "I'm Yuuki by the way. Hanabuyo Yuuki. My grandma owns the kimono shop and my grandpa runs a dojo nearby. I'm six by the way. Who are you?"
Nadeshiko looked up. "I'm Fujisaki Nadeshiko. I'm five."
Yuuki made a face. "That's a girly name, didn't you say you were a boy?"
Nadeshiko looked at the floor sadly. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that…"
"Why not?" He quickly explained about his family and their habit of 'playing dress-up'.
"Oh, so you dress-up like a girl so you can dance better. That's cool, I wish my parents did that, but all they do is travel. They're ark-ee-techs. My grandpa's teaching me kendo though!"
Nadeshiko smiled. "That's pretty neat!"
"So is your name really Nadeshiko or is that made-up?"
"My name is Nagihiko. But everyone calls me Nadeshiko when we go outside."
"So why'd you come here anyway?"
"My Kaa-san was going to buy me a new kimono. Oh no, Kaa-san! She doesn't know where I am!"
Yuuki smiled and hopped up, dropping her shinai. "I'll take you back, Baa-chan needs my help with the fabrics prolly." Yuuki held her hand out and helped Nagihiko up. They held hands as they ran to the kimono shop.
"Hey Nagihiko, can we be friends?"
"Sure Yuuki, we'll be really good friends!" They walked into the kimono shop where they heard Nagihiko's mother calling for him.
"Nadeshiko, where are you?"
"Baa-san I brought Nagihiko back!" Yuuki and Nagihiko stared at her, shocked. Then the adults rushed over.
"Nadeshiko, where have you been? We were looking all over for you," Nagihiko's mother hugged him.
"Yuuki-chan, what did you call Nadeshiko?" Yuuki's grandmother was shocked. For a second, everyone stared at Yuuki and she looked ashamed.
Suddenly she smiled and announced, "Nagihiko's a boy!" Everyone stared some more. Then Nagihiko's mother smiled. "Yes he is, will you keep it a secret Yuuki-chan?"
"Sure!" Yuuki's grandmother began to appologise when Nagihiko's mother stopped her.
"It's fine, she would have probably found out anyway, since we come here often. How did you know he was a boy?"
Yuuki glanced at Nagihiko, who looked scared that she'd tell. Without missing a beat she said "His clothes! Nobody wears frilly dresses like that, it's silly!"
"Really?" Nagihiko's mother looked very interested. "We'll have to fix that when we get home." Nagihiko smiled. They left soon after, Nagihiko promising to visit her soon.
"And I'll come to your dance pre-form-minces! Cann I Baa-chan?" Her grandmother nodded.
"Okay, I'll see you then!" They waved good-bye to each other. She was the only one around his age who knew. And she kept it a secret like she promised.
It was Fall now, class was over, and Yuuki was putting her books into her bag. She now went to Seiyo Junior High Academy, several blocks away from a Elementary school by the same name. She heard of that school (Nagihiko went there, but he was in Europe now) but she never went there. She vaguely wondered how her old friend was doing until she felt a hand on her head.
"Hello Kukai."
"How'd you know it was me," he asked with a grin.
"No one else puts their hand on my head if they want it back, what's up?" She slung her bag over her shoulder.
"You're coming with me today to visit the Guardians!"
"Because you can see charas," Daichi said, floating over to her.
"Oh hey Daichi. It's not a big deal, really."
Kukai grabbed her shoulders. "Of course it's a big deal! You nearly gave me a heart attack when you asked me why a green-haired tennis ball was following me! I have to tell Tadase about this! Plus you can meet a girl with crazy cool hair too!" He tugged on her hair for emphasis.
"Hehe funny…okay, I guess I'll come. But only for a little bit, I need to go home to help my Obaa-chan with her shop, okay?"
"Do you need to help her alter a kimono or do you have a customer?"
"I dunno yet, I guess I'll find out after I meet these 'Guardian' friends of yours."
A/N: I hope you like it. And yes, I do realize that I used the two names interchangeably. I tried to use Nadeshiko for when he was girly and Nagihiko for when he was feeling boyish…sorta. Hope that worked…