New story! ^_^ This is pretty much a melt-down and re-write of the D,Gray-Man series. This was inspired from seeing other stories where Allen was taken in by someone other than Cross, like Noah or Bookman, and I decided, "Hey! What would happen if Allen got taken in by someone who has absolutely nothing to do with the series?"

And thus, this plot bunny was born.

Because this is a re-write, I'm not going to go and re-do everything to fit the new reality. Some of the things will be re-done, but others will probably just be short snippets of flashbacks, unless it's really important. There will also be OC's, however I will try to keep them to a minimum.

Now, without further ado,

Let the song begin.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own D,Gray-Man. Maybe next time...?

Allegro's Crescendo

Allen was never found by Cross after attempting to bring Mana back. Neither did the Millennium Earl or the Noah's take him in. No, a third party found young Allen instead, and from that day on, he wasn't 'Allen' anymore. Instead, the Destroyer of Time gained a new name. That name was…

The First Movement: The Decrescendo of Allen Walker

"Allen… I love you. Please… Kill me." Those were the words that ran over and over through the now thrice-orphaned Allen Walker's head. They circled on an endless loop, tears streaming down his cheeks, the left side of his face streaming tears of blood. Everything was quiet in the graveyard, save for Allen's sniffling, until…

"Ow! God Damnit…" A circular beam of light showed up on the far side of the cemetery, growing larger as the owner came closer. "Stupid grave markers… Stupid kids on dares in the middle of the night at the grave yard…"

As the light of beam ascended closer to Allen's spot, the darkness brightened enough to show that the voice's owner was a woman of maybe twenty, with dark colored hair. She was wearing a black overcoat, and a flashlight was held in her hand. The light beam came closer, and passed over Allen's face, blinding him for a moment as spots muddled his already slightly muddied vision.

"Hey, kid, you need to get out of here." The woman's voice carried over. "I've dealt with the man who takes care of this grave yard before, and he's not the nicest person in the… Oh God…" The flashlight dropped to the ground, rolling away a little as it hit the ground.

That was the last that Allen saw though, for his vision seemed to have failed him at that point. His hearing went next, for the last he heard was the sound of rushed footsteps towards him, and then he knew nothing.

Just darkness.

~~Crescendo-ing towards an impossible sound, at a more impossible speed~~

Erika Knox prided herself on being a composed person, most of the time. But now, now she didn't know what to do. Now, she was wishing that it was currently six hours earlier, back before she had found the little boy in the grave yard.

The guest bedroom of her modest home was currently filled with screaming, and Erika was glad the window was shut and locked, though little barrier it gave the outside from the wails of the little boy curled up in the fetal position on the bed. She couldn't think of anything else to try and stop his cries. She was about ready to give in and phone her mother, or even her best friend Claire, about her situation when she noticed the item in the corner of the room.

Her guest bedroom was rarely used, for she was originally from America and not England, so her family almost never visited. She used it as mainly storage, though every once in a blue moon it was cleaned out for usage by a colleague or friend that she had made over here in England.

And, seeing as she used the room as storage, there was a [much disused] piano in the one corner of the room. The last time Erika had played was right before she graduated college, but she still remembered some songs she had taught herself. She opened the cover of the piano, and ran a hand over the keys to try and get rid of some of the film that was covering them before she placed her fingers to the keys and started playing.

It wasn't beautiful or anything, and, hell, most of the keys were out of tune, but it produced the desired effect. It was a simple lullaby, short, but she repeated it in a loop, and much to her pleasure, it calmed the boy a little. Soon, the boys' screaming was reduced to small sobbing, and shortly after Erika had managed to put him to sleep once more… Just in time for her doorbell to ring.

She ran down the stairs towards the front door, and called out softly, as to not wake her now-sleeping house guest,


She didn't bother looking out the peep hole, but she regretted it when she opened the door.

~~That is Allegro's Crescendo~~

"Erika, are you okay in there?" The man on the other side of the door asked a gun in one hand, police hat in the other.

"Yeah, I am Middlesford." Erika answered. "Why?"

"There was screaming…" Middlesford wasn't looking at her, but over her shoulder towards the interior of her house. Finally he looked at her, and nearly stumbled back in surprise. "You're covered in blood!"

Erika looked down, and realized with surprise that, yes, she was covered in blood. She said the first thing that came to mind, which, in all actuality, probably wasn't the best thing to say.

"I-It isn't mine!" However, instead of relieving Middlesford, it merely alarmed him some more.

"Whose is it then?" Erika wasn't given a chance to respond, though. "Miss Knox, I'm afraid I'm going to have to request entry, otherwise it won't be pretty." Erika scowled.

Middlesford was never a very… enthusiastic cop to begin with, and he rarely did something unless there was personal gain for him in it. Erika was willing to bet her month's paycheck that the only reason why he came running to see if everything was alright was because he wanted the glory if he 'saved' her from some faceless attacker. Now, she was willing to bet this month's and next month's paycheck that he was assuming her to be some sort of attacker or murderer now and that the screaming was some sort of 'victim' of hers [other than being a victim of bad piano playing, of course.]

"Knock yourself out," Erika stepped aside. "There's nothing incriminating in here."

"That's what they all say," Middlesford remarked haughtily, striding into the home like he owned the place while Erika practically frothed at the mouth behind him.

It was nearly two hours later when Erika and Middlesford reached the last room of the house Middlesford had yet to 'clear'- which, coincidentally, was the guest room where Erika's guest was currently sleeping. Needless to say, Middlesford noticed her guest almost immediately when he opened [slammed] the door to the guest room.

"Ah, what have we here?" Erika sighed as Middlesford approached the bed. "A soon to be murder victim? Well, looks like I came at the right time. Miss Knox you are under-"

"Can it Middlesford." Erika sighed. Making her way over to the bed, she sat on the side, and ran a hand through the light brown hair that covered the young boys' head.

"I found him at the grave yard, in front of one of the graves." Erika explained. "His face was bleeding, like somebody had tried to blind him on his left side." As if to prove a point, the young boy rolled over, showing the bandages that covered the left side of his face.

"H-How do I know you aren't lying?" Middlesford tried, but Erika rolled her eyes.

"I'm not," Erika insisted. "However, think what you like. If you wish to persecute me for being a Good Samaritan, then so be it. But, until then, I'd appreciate it if you got the hell out of my house."

"This isn't the end, Knox." Middlesford growled. "I swear it!" But he left, leaving Erika alone once more.

Sighing, she looked down at the boy on the bed.

'I need to find some clothes for him…' She thought, before looking down at herself. 'And change as well…'

She head for the door, ready to leave to go down to her own room, before she stopped at the door, looking back at the sleeping boy on the bed.

"Just what happened to you, I wonder…"

~~He decrescendos until you can't notice him any more~

Meanwhile, over in the cemetery…

"Damnit! Where is that brat?"

A man with blood red hair scowled, cigarette dangling from his lips, gun held in his hand. A golden bird-like thing was resting atop his hat, and his coat bore a golden symbol with a cross. He stared at the blood in front of the grave he was at with distaste.

"He can't be dead yet… There's no way he would've allowed it…"

~~Allen's Decrescendo~~

Can anyone guess who that was at the end?

Anyways, things are going to be slow going in the beginning. The real action won't start until around the third or fourth chapter. Like I said before this started, there will be OC's, but the only one that is going to be of real importance is going to be Erika.

If you have any questions, I will answer them to the best of my ability without revealing too much of the plot or upcoming chapters.

Until next time in Allegro's Crescendo: The Song's Ritard

...He had been searching thirty years for him. And now, the brat had just slipped out of his grasp and out of his sight at the wrong time...

Please read and review! ^_^

~~Paw-Chan Signing Out~~