A/N: Okay, so I know a lot of you are pissed at me, and I don't blame you cause I'd be too if I waited months for another update. Sorry once again for the extreme delay, and thanks to all of you who've waited so long and the many reviews you guys have left me :). There really is no excuse for this but a butt-load of writer's block, unfortunately. I'll try to get the next chapter out for you all as soon as possible, and I will try SO hard to keep updates frequent. Here's chappie 15. Enjoy and please R&R :)
Beck's POV
I listened intently as Cat explained every detail of what that fucker did to her. She'd broken down when she reached the part about the bedroom. I pulled her against my chest as she released every single tear.
"I-I was so scared." she whimpered. Her voice cracked as she said this.
"I know Cat. He'll never lay a finger on you ever again."
"You p-promise?"
She looked up at me, tears falling from her big brown orbs.
How could that bastard? How could anyone even have the nerve to hurt someone as precious and fragile as the girl in my arms.
"I swear on my life."
There was an edge to my voice, that I didn't even existed. No one had ever angered me to a point that I wanted them dead.
She nodded and broke away from me, wiping her eyes.
"We should get to class." she began walking away from me.
"Wait." I called, although I couldn't find a reason why.
She turned around.
"Yeah?" she asked. As she stood before me I finally realized just how broken really she was. The bright glow in her eyes, gone. Her enthusiastic voice that could light up a room as soon as she stepped in, gone. Even her signature bright crimson hair was beginning to fade into a dull-ish brown color.
And the worst thing of all that he'd stripped from her, along with her innocence, her smile.
Cat never smiled anymore.
I balled my fists together in rage. That bastard would surely pay, and rot in hell for what he'd done to her. And, I'd be the one to send him.
"Beck, are you alright?" she asked, noticing my sudden mood change.
"Just fine." I said, as I began walking with her to class.
When lunch came around, I was surprised to see Cat at the table. Although our other friends seemed to be engrossed in conversation, she sat emotionless staring at her food. At least she was at the table. That was a progression.
I took a seat next to her, and listened to what Robbie was saying.
"Maybe, if I'm lucky I'll get a North-Ridge girl to come with me."
"Oh please, you can't even the girl you're grandma picked. Might as well forget about some hottie from North-Ridge." Rex added.
"Oh, shut up." Robbie stuffed Rex into his bag.
"I'm thinking maybe I'll invite Danny if I can't get a date." Tori added. I'm pretty sure I was the only one who noticed Cat flinch at the sound of his name.
"What's everyone talking about?" I asked.
"The upcoming dance before break." Andre replied. At Hollywood Arts, Winter Formal was held right before Christmas break. And, now that I thought about it, I realized I had no one to take. Jade and I had gone together since freshman year but now that simply wasn't an option.
"Who are you going with, Andre?" Tori asked. Andre thought about her question for a second before responding with,
"I'm planning on asking that new girl, Tanya. We've talked a bit, and apparently she thinks I'm pretty fly, so we'll see how that goes." he smiled as he said this.
"Great," Tori replied with a smile. "At least most of us have some idea on who we're going with."
"Um, about that." I spoke up. I didn't exactly feel comfortable with Tori going with Danny to the dance, especially after what Cat told me. She may have been a little annoying recently, but Tori was still my friend, and I didn't want her to get hurt.
"Won't Danny be back in San Fran by then?" I continued.
Tori thought about this for a moment.
"Yeah, but with a little begging, I'm sure he'll cave in time for the dance. Plus, he's a last-minute resort anyway. That's the least of my worries."
She faced Cat.
"You going with anyone?" she asked.
Cat looked up at her and shook her head.
"I'm not going." she spoke the first few words her other friends had heard from her in ages.
"Cat that's great!" Tori shouted. Cat and I both looked at her questionably.
"No, not that you're not going. You just spoke!" Tori exclaimed as if it were the greatest thing in the world.
Cat nodded.
"Yeah." she replied sticking a fork into her caesar salad. I smiled at her improvement. She was slowly, but surely coming back to life.
Maybe eventually she'd get back to who she used to be. It would take a lot of time, but it would definitely be worth it. I just wanted to see her beautiful smile again.
A/N: Thanks for reading the chapter. I'm about to start working on the next right now :), feel free to leave a review!