Summary: Juliet is good girl but with rough family roots. She's the god daughter of the President of the Mayans. Jax is VP of the Sons Of Anarchy. What happens when these two meet and have no idea who they are, and slowly start to fall of one another? ( season 1)

Chapter 1

"Juliet! Your order is up. Haul ass, food is piling up on the counter!"

The sound of Jerry screaming my name caused me to spill drinks all over my tray.


The smell of swimming alcohol quickly stung my nostrils. The damn drinks spilled on my blouse and bare legs. I was beyond annoyed.

I looked at the table right in front of me and smiled embarrassedly. The people that I had been serving had been waiting a long time for their drinks and now I was wearing them.

"I'm so sorry. It seems I've had a bit of an accident." I pointed at my blouse and laughed like it was darndest thing. " Ill be right back with your order." One of the girls, that was half naked and sitting across a man's lap looked at me up and down. I could tell she wanted to cuss me but I quickly added, " I promise. Ill be back in two seconds." And quickly left the table.

"Juliet! Your order!" Jerry screamed once more as I made my way behind the service counter, and ditched the alcohol drenched tray and reached for the 5 orders of chicken wings n' fries, trey.

"Don't forget the cheeseburgers for table 8 too. Dammit Juliet don't make me regret hiring you." Jerry snapped as I tried to balance the big ass trey on one hand.

"Oh lay off her Big Jer. Its only her 2nd day." Maria appeared beside me.

"Stay out of this Maria. Shes making me lose money already. This was a big mistake." His voice started to rise as he pointed a dirty spatula in my direction. His cooking hat was drenched in brown sweat and his apron was covered in different colored stains. Every inch of his visible skin was covered in perspiration from the heat radiating from the stove. His hairy gut was sticking out above the sides of his pants. He was a sight for sore eyes.

I gaped at him in surprise, " How am I making you loose money?" I thought was doing fairly well for my first waitressing job.

"Is that alcohol on your tits?" Jerry asked angrily.

Maria and I looked down at my chest. My white tshirt was more than see through, thanks to the drinks that I had spilled. My red lace bra was visible to everyone. No wonder the girl from my booth had glared at me so bad. She probably had thought I had done it on purpose to get the attention of the men at her table.

I positioned the food tray in front of my chest, trying so hard to cover my exposed boobs.

"Yeah, but it was a total accident-"

" That's money lost!"

"I'm sorry but I didn't do it intentionally-"

"You've fucked up too many time already Juliet." He waved the spatula aggressively. "You know, for a college grad I would have thought this job would have been fucking easy potatoes for ya."

"Jesus Christ!" Maria snapped. " She's apologized. Move on. The kid is still learning. Lay off my cousin, Big Jer."

Big Jer narrowed his eyes at Maria but said nothing. He knew better than to talk back to her, considering who her husband was. His angry gaze shifted back to me.

"Get back on the fucking floor before I fire your ass."

I nodded and started turn when Maria held me in place by my elbow.

"Say please. And watch your tone." Maria said plainly to Big Jerry.

"Maria, stop it." I mumbled but one pinch from her made me shut up. I looked up reluctantly to Big Jer. He looked like he was shaking from anger and every part of me wanted to turn around and pretend this ever happened.

He huffed and slowly said, "Juliet, get back to the floor and serve the nice customers. Please." The 'please' he spat out in disgust.

"Okay." I said quickly and turned away from the cooking counter, Maria trailed along behind me. I could feel Big Jerry's angry eyes on my back. I looked at Maria. "What the hell?"

"What? He was being a bitch."

"You shouldn't have done that. He's our boss." I said as I went to table 8 and passed around the chicken wings n' fries. I smiled down at the customers the best I could and asked, " Is there anything else I could get you?"

"Yeah, our cheeseburgers." An older gentlemen answered from the group and I finally noticed that all the men were staring up at my chest. I annoyingly covered myself with the now empty tray.

"Oh right im so sorry. Ill be right back with your order." I turned and sighed. I cant believe I had forget the damn cheeseburgers!

"You need to be more aggressive, Juliet. You are too nice." Maria complained as she walked along side of me.

"I cant believe they were just staring at my chest like that. They weren't even trying to be discreet about it. Assholes…and you know, im really tired of you saying that. I am aggressive." I snapped. " Every since we were little you would always complain about how I wasn't tough enough or bitchy enough."

"That's because you let people walk all over you."

I gasped."Do not!"

Maria grinned. "Fine maybe that's going a little over board but-"

"Maria, drop it please. I have enough to things to worry about without you adding shit to the list."

"Okay, ill drop it but I just wanna say one more thing and I swear ill shut the fuck up for the rest of the day."


"You seriously need to change your shirt. You're flashing your tits at everyone…on second thought you might want to leave it like that. It might help you earn some tips since you suck as a waitress."

"I am not that bad!" I defended myself.

"Half your tables have complained about you." She laughed.

"Im trying, you whore, it's barely my 2nd day here. I could be doing worse." I said stupidly.

"If this is the best you could do, I would hate to see what your definition of bad looks like."

I looked around at my section of booths and half the customers were either glaring at me (the women), and the other half (the men) were checking me out.

"God, they hate me."

"That's not true. Some of them totally want to fuck you." She smiled broadly as if the fact was somehow was supposed to make me feel better. "Look, I have a spare tshirt in my locker. Go change and have a breather. Ill handle the rest of your orders until then."

"Are you sure? Cuz I don't mind-"

"Go." She handed me her keys to her locker and pushed me in the direction of the break room.

I quickly, changed into Maria's too revealing tshirt and tried to clean off as much of the alcohol from my legs as I could. In the end it was pointless. The alcohol had left me sticky and smelly. Like an old dumpster.

I made my way to the back of the bar and exited quickly. I didn't realize how badly I needed the fresh air until my lungs kept hungrily taking the air in. I leaned against the cold wall and closed my eyes. The cool night air felt heavenly against my hot skin. God I did need this.

The bar smells still remained on my skin. I smelled like, cigarette smoke, pure alcohol, and greasy food. The sudden urge to taking a long hot bath entered my mind and I couldn't help but smile imaging how amazing that would feel once I got off work and did exactly that.

I looked down at my wrist watch. 1 am. Only 3 hours to go.

It seemed like an eternity.

God, I couldn't believe I was back in this dump. Four years of college education and a degree in English Literature and I had nothing to show for it. No dream job, no boyfriend, no nothing. Just a broken down house left by my dead father and a Chihuahua who barked too much.

Yay, I was a fucking fairy tale come true…

I missed home so much. This place wasn't home. New York City is.

I had made a life there, I had big group of trusting friends, I had small cozy apartment. It hadn't been much but it had been mine. It had been all mine, it had been safe and fun. I had been blissfully stupid…that is until the money ran out and I was quickly brought back down to reality.

God, I should have sold that stupid house. It would have bought me more time in NYC until I found a job…I could still sell it. The house was in my name. But I could never sell the damn thing. I had grown up there with my mother.

Yet, that very same house was tainted by him. Emilio.

Not that I would ever call him Emilio to his face. It was always ' Padriono' or 'Tio' whenever he was present. He demanded respect. Of course he did. He was the big bad wolf. The matriarch of the god forsaken family. The king of among the Mayans, his motorcycle gang, which half my family was a part of..

My skin crawled just thinking of the fact that we share the same blood. He was my mother's older brother, he was my godfather. I hate him.

The things he put my mother through, the things he did to this family. But the family of course went along with it. Some happily did as he ordered, some had no choice.

I had gotten out. Past tense.

My family never understood my hunger for education. I always studied hard, and received straight As in every exam. I was the only one from my family to graduate from high school and go off to a university. They were all beyond proud of me, especially Emilio. He called me his little princess. They never suspected that I worked so hard in school because I wanted to desperately to get away from them.

Emilio, this family. It was like a virus, anything it touched it destroyed. Yet, they were family.

Even though I desperately tried to escape them and wished they would disappear…they were my mother's family. They were my family. I hated them yet I loved them.

So here I was. Back in the devil's arms…well not exactly. I didn't live under Emilio's roof, nor did I work for him but still. I was back in town. Under his watchful eye.

As soon as I made enough money, I was hauling ass out of town and back to NYC where I truly belonged. This wasn't my life anymore.

I didn't want to be part of the bloodshed. I didn't want to help my family stitch up gang members from whatever violence they were a part off. I didnt want to hide outlaws, and keep secrets. I wanted to be left alone.

"Long night, darlin?"

I yelped out in surprise.

It was one of the guys from one of the tables I had been waiting on. I had messed up his table's order repeatedly and it was the very same table that I had spilled drinks all over myself. Great.

"Wow, sorry. I didn't mean to scare ya." He laughed while holding an unlit cigarette between his lips.

"Oh no it's okay. I just didn't hear the door open." I laughed nervously. "Um, sorry about the um- the bad service. But another waitress should be covering your table-"

He grinned, as if what I had just said was funny. "Don't worry about it."

"Oh okay."

"I'm Jax…" He extended his hand out to me.

"Hi" I gave him a polite smile and shook his hand awkwardly. His hand was overwhelmingly bigger than mine, and rough. I quickly let go and took a step back, putting some distance between us.

"On your break?" He started to lite up his cigarette.

"Yeah, I came out here to get some fresh air. The smoke was giving me a headache." I responded without thinking. I just hated the smell.

"Ah, not a smoker." He grinned and stopped his lighter from reaching his cigarette.

"You don't have to do that. My break is almost over anyway." I said quickly. He was a customer after all. "So smoke away."

"It's alright." He shrugged and put away his cigarette behind his ear.

His long blonde hair fell over his face and he quickly ran his hand through it. He had great hair, despite it looking untidy and unwashed. He was a good looking guy actually, hot even. He had tan skin, a short blonde beard, bright blue eyes and tall. I was a midget compared to him. But despite his black hoodie and baggy jeans, it was obvious he was well built. He had strong looking hands, bruised hands actually. As if they had seen their fair share of fights. His whole persona screamed 'bad boy'. Even the way he was standing screamed it.

His face looked leathery as if being wind whiplashed… he rode a motorcycle.

It was beyond obvious. At least to me it was.

Annie's Bar n' Grill clientele didn't exactly attract doctors and lawyers. Half the parking lot was taken up by motorcycles, trucks, and less than attractive vehicles. I bet the men he was with owned half the motorcycles outside. They fit the usual description anyway. Dirt stained faces, wanna be badasses, black attire, and leather. And the skanky women they surrounded themselves with.

Growing up with gang member all my life it became easy to spot one of them a mile away. And this guy and his friends weren't any different. I hadn't paid much attention to them before but now it was more than obvious.

" Well I better head back inside." I made my way to the door.

"Hold on, darlin'." He took a step towards me. "I was hoping we could get to know each other." His voice deepened suggestively, he tilted his head to the side and looked straight into my eyes.

Was he hitting on me?

Yep, he was.

Tingles went up my spine.

"How many times has that worked?" I smiled asked boldly.


I copied his stance and said, "The whole head tilt, eyes batting innocently yet suggestively?"

He stood up straight and laughed. I was shocked how genuine his laugh sounded. Most guys like him had that an undertone of hostility. I don't know what it was about them but it was always there but not this one.

He looked right at me as if contemplating telling the truth when he finally shrugged, "It works a lot actually."

" Really?" I crossed my arms. I was surprised he was actually admitting to it. I was intrigued. "What's the percentage? Like, is it full proof 77% of the time?"

He leaned against the wall, grinning. " More like 97%. You just dropped my percentage just now…actually no. You haven't told me to fuck off so im assuming it has some effect still."

"Aw, I see." I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "So, as soon as you do your little move there. Do girl's the panties go flying off?"

"Not exactly but you have the general idea." He smiled broadly.

"Wow, finally my prince charming has come to sweep me off my feet." I put my hands together and batted my eyelashes in a flirting manner and then quickly started to giggle.

"Yep, and now all there is left to do is ride off towards the sunset."

"But there's one problem though."

He raised an eyebrow in question.

"It's 1 am. It's night time. There's no sunset."

"I guess we will have to settle for sunrise."

"That's not for a while Mr. Prince Charming." I played along.

"Then I guess we will just have to wait and entertain ourselves until then." He took a slow step towards me. Suggesting something more.

"Ah, but unfortunately this princess has work to do." I motioned for the door once more.

"Does this princess have a name?"

"Didn't Mr. Prince Charming pay attention when I introduced myself when I took your table's order?"

He took a closer step to me and placed his arm out on the wall, blocking me from going to the door. "Unfortunately, no. Your beauty made me temporarily deaf."

"Oh god, did you really just say that? That line sucked. It sucked a lot actually."

"Hey, I'm only human." He smirked and stared down at me.

"Give me a different line and ill totally forget you used that cheesy pick up line."

He touched his beard, thinking, and said, " Can I take your picture so I could show Santa Clause what I want for Christmas? "

I burst out laughing.

"You like that one huh." He grinned.

"Very. It's so smooth. I bet James Bond hasn't thought of that one."

"Yeah, well 007 has nothing on me." He gave a small laugh.


He took another step closer to me. "So, is this your first day?" He nodded to the bar.

"Second day." I sighed. "Is it obvious?"

"Uh, yeah." He smirked.

"I know, im a horrible waitress." I said embarrassed.

" I wouldn't say you are horrible." He leaned on the wall. " You are nice to look though."

I didn't know how to respond to that. So I just smiled shyly, and tucked another loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Hey" He said huskily. "Come here." He put his hand out to me.

I looked down at it confused by what he wanted.

Before I knew what was happening, he pushed himself off the wall and had his hands wrapped around my ass, and his lips around mine.

I bit down on his bottom lip and pushed him as hard I could. He staggered back.

His lip was bleeding. He touched his lip and looked surprised by what he found. He looked up at me amused.

"Dude, boundries." I glared at him, I was out of breath from the kiss and shock. " Im a waitress. Not a whore."

He took out his cigarette again and lit it this time. He blew out the smoke and just stared down at me, or should I say my body. " That's too bad, darlin."

"I'm sure, darling." I mimicked angrily. I went to the door and entered the bar.

I glared at every man who looked in my direction as I made my way to the breakroom. I've had guys hit on me all the time but no one had ever been that aggressive about it before. I was fuming. I couldn't believe that he thought it was alright to just shove his tongue into my mouth and grab my ass like. What a fucking bastard!

Even when I lived in New York, no one ever tried to pull a stunt like that. I mean, that's not entirely true but still! They never planted a solid one on me.

God, I had even been nice to him. I knew he was hitting on me but it wasn't like I acted like I was interested. I had just been teasing the guy. Making conversation.

Jesus, maybe Maria was right. Maybe I was too nice. But it wasn't in my nature to be rude to people. I was always polite. For fuck sakes I was the nicest of the family, of my friends even.

Maria had warned me that working here, guys would be hitting on me, and would get handsy but I think it wouldn't be that bad.

Seriously, how naïve could I be?

I should have punched the bastard but I don't think Big Jer would have thought kindly of me punching the customers, even if it was well deserved.

I don't know for long I stayed in the break room. I was embarrassed and beyond angry. I kept running different scenarios in my head of what I could have and should have done.

My favorite scenario was multiple karate kicks to the bastard's nuts.

When I finally emerged from the break room and onto the busy floor, Maria rushed to me with an arm full of trays. " Where were you? I said take a breather, not a 10 hour nap."

"Im sorry. I lost track of time. It wont happen again." I could have told her exactly what happened but I was too ashamed and I didn't want her causing a scene in case that asshole was still here but by the looks of it he was. His table was the loudest of the bar. They were laughing and slammin glass cups onto the table in a drunken stupor.

"It better no happen again." She put down her dirty trays under the counter and looked up at me. "A group of 7 just arrived so I need you to bus booth 10." She handed me 3 pieces of paper. "Here's your tables back. Booth 2 wants chilli cheese fries. Booth 11 wants another around of breewskis, and same goes to Booth 13"

Shit. Booth 13 was douchebag's table.

"Um, alright. Thanks Maria." I forced a smile.

I thought of asking Maria to take over Booth 13 for me but thought better of it.

I wasn't going to let some asshole run me out of my section.

I quickly dealt with the orders, purposely leaving Booth 13 for last.

Once I had all the glasses filled and settled onto the tray I made my way over to their booth. I prayed to god that I didn't spill them again.

"I bet she could suck the nail of a floor board." An older man around his late 40s said to the guys around the table. He was tan, piercing light blue eyes, receding black hair line. He looked a complete asshole.

"Tig, one way to find out." A guy in Mohawk said as I approached the table. He had a tattoo on either side of his head.

"Alright, here's your drinks." I said loudly, meaning to interrupt their little conversation. I put the tray down carefully onto the table and sighed in relief when they didn't fall.

I started to hand them each their drinks, and tried to ignore the fact that they were all staring at my rack, and the girls were glaring daggers at me. I avoided looking in Jax's direction until it was his turn to hand him his drink.

I set the glass in front of him with so much force that beer spilled onto the table, and down Jax's lap.

"Oops, im sorry about that." I tried to bite back my smile.

"Watch it!" A blonde sitting next to Jax shrieked as she wiped at her arm. Some of the beer had landed on her, just barely. She was clearly overreacting. " Seriously, how hard is it to set down a fucking drink. It's not fucking rocket science."

It took all of my will power not to cuss her out. "I'm sorry about that ma'am. I'll bring you a towel."

"Yeah you better. It's the at least you do." She turned to Jax and patted at his lap. "Oh baby, you are all wet." She turned to me and glared. "What are you still doing standing here? Bring towels!"

I nodded, I didn't trust myself enough to speak. I really wanted to tear her a new one.

"Fuck, that's a nice ass." I heard one of guys say loudly as I walked away. I stopped in mid stride in anger but quickly recovered. " The dirty things I would do to it." He made grunting noises. I could feel all their eyes on my body. I hated it.

"Hello!" One of the girls whined. "I'm sitting right here."

" I know. I see you."

All the men burst into laughter.

I was grinding my teeth in anger. I quickly grabbed a pair of towels and reluctantly headed back to the booth.

"Here you go." I handed the bitchy blonde the towels and she rudely snatched them out of my hand, scratching me with her long fake nails in the process.

"Easy, Janelle." Jax said annoyed. He grabbed one of the towels from her and looked up at me. "Thanks for the towels Juliet."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. He was thanking me for towels that he wouldn't have needed if I hadn't spilled beer…on purpose?…and knew my name? Then why had he asked for it earlier?

"Juliet?" The guy with the Mohawk laughed. " I thought your name was Julie."

" No." I answered. " Is there anything else I could get you?"

" There is one thing you could give me sweetheart." The old creeper who had said the shit about my ass answered. " But its not in the menu." His eyes slowly traveled down my body.

The table laughed and looked at me waiting for a reaction.

The girl sitting next to the creeper was glaring at me so badly i thought her eyes might explode. I didn't understand why she was mad dogging me though, it's not like I was the one hitting on her nasty ass date.

"Do you have a boyfriend sweetheart?"

I decided I had enough. I put away my writing pad into my apron pocket and started to turn away, but hand snaked around my arm and stopped me. I looked down in surprise.

"Come on. Don't be shy. Answer the question." His hands felt cold and rough against my skin. "I'm just curious. You know, just so I wont run into any surprises when we are getting down to businesses."

"Let me go." I said angrily. My whole body was shaking from anger and disgust. I couldn't believe this asshole.

"Ah c'mon baby. Don't be like that. You know you want to ride this cock-"

"Tig." Jax's voice cut in. The man turned and looked at Jax.

Jax didn't say a word. He only looked at the man holding my wrist and a few moments later Tig's smiling face fell.

"Oh c'mon." Tig whined.

I took the opportunity to snatch my hand away and quickly left the booth before my anger could get the best of me.

"What the fuck was that about?" Maria, appeared on my side as I took a deep breath in order to calm down.

"What?" I asked as I started fill up the ketchup bottles even though they were already full.

"Don't play stupid." Maria said annoyed.

I glanced at her quickly. " It was nothing."

"Jesus Christ. Are you kidding me? Juliet you cant let someone grab you like that."

"I handled it."

"The hell you did. You just walked away." Maria snapped. "You should have-"

"I should have done what? Stab him with one of the utensils, chopped off his dick?" I snapped back. "Im not about to cause a scene and loose my job over some stupid prick."

" The hell with the job. This is about standing up for yourself."

"God, lay off okay. I can handle myself. I don't need you telling me how to fight my own battles. Ive been fighting my own battles ever since I left for college. I don't need you stepping in now." I scowled. " You cant just stick your nose into my business whenever you want to."

She looked hurt and taken aback.

"Fine, whatever. Get walked all over. I don't give a fuck." She stormed off.

I stood there with a bucket full of ketchup, regretting what I had said.

I hadn't meant it, at least not really. I was just pissed and I had taken it out on the wrong person.

I was going to do a lot of groveling tomorrow just to get her to forgive me.

"Great." I leaned against the counter and sighed.

I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked up and met Big Jerry's bitter gaze.

"I didn't realize I hired you to stare at ketchup."

"I was just-" I started to explain.

"I don't care. Get back on the floor."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"Fucking dick." I mumbled.

"What was that!"

"I said 'Okay boss.'" I said happily.

He glared and watched me as I quickly walked back onto the floor.

As I made my way to a new batch of douchbag looking customers I noticed from the corner of my eye that Booth 13 was empty.

I stopped and turned. It was empty. The gang of asshole had just up and left and I hadn't even noticed. I went over to the booth and noticed a wad of bills tucked under a empty beer glass.

I quickly took the money and counted it. They had paid their bill and even left me a nice tip too.

"No way." I was shocked. After my bad service, and the Jax thing, and the creeper Tig thing, I still managed to get a tip. And a great tip at that.

I was about to take the money to the register when a small paper slipped out of the wad of bills. I quickly picked it up. It was folded into a tiny square. I curiously unfolded it and found neat writing scrawled onto the paper.

It read,


it was nice meeting you."

That was it. Nothing else.

I looked up as a rowdy group laughed by the front door. And there they were. The gang of assholes. They were all filing out the door. Jax was at the very end, he was staring right at me. He held a fresh cigarette in his hand and an amused smile on his face.

It was the same smile he had worn earlier when we had been talking, before he decided to sexually harass me.

Just recalling the event brought a fresh wave of irritation to my body.

I lifted my hand up and flipped him the bird across the bar.

He smiled and did the same.

He slowly turned his back to me and exited the bar. Before the door swung shut behind him I the heard the loud sound of multiple motorcycle engines being turned on.

I knew it.

I shook my head in annoyance and hoped to god that I never laid eyes on them again.

A/N: This is my first SOA fanfic. Please excuse any spelling or grammar errors lol i didnt really bother to proof read it. I was excited to post it up i guess. Anyway, please please review it. It really does mean a lot if you do! Till next time!