Author: Yep, this is the last chapter of Extra Cheese, I think. It's a bit rushed. Don't blame me; my schedule is packed with a lot of activities here in school. It's not easy being a high school student, you know? R&R. Thank you for reading this crappy writing of a 13 year old me. Please enjoy! :D

Pairing: I know you know now.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. I will never own anything. Promise.

Warning: Slight OOC-ness.


Chapter 2

The people were staring at the two, namely Mikan and Natsume, who were sitting side by side under the shade of their Sakura tree. Amused stares were thrown at them since usually they would bicker instead of talking to each other normally. You know what I mean.

Some fan girls that stalked passed by them threw Mikan looks of deepest loathing and jealousy.

Mikan had no chance but to ignore them instead and turn her attention back at Natsume who was gazing at her auburn eyes with his stunning crimson ones.

"W-what?" Mikan stuttered.

No answer came from our crimson eyed lad. He just continued to gaze, more like stare, at her eyes. His eyes were blank, emotionless.

Mikan shifted uncomfortably and waved a hand in front of his face.

Still no answer.

"Natsume!" the loud call jerked him back to reality from his deep thoughts. A slight frown marred his handsome face then he tucked his hands behind his head and tore his gaze away from Mikan.


"What what?" Mikan asked slightly irritated.

"Stupid girl."


"Idiot Polkadots."

"Nasty fox!"

"Little girl." Natsume said, nonchalantly.

"Whatever!" Mikan crossed her arms and fought the urge to punch Natsume.

Natsume and his ever familiar smirk were teasing Mikan to no end. Mikan threw Natsume a death glare, and failed miserably. She was not a person of glares.

So after that, she stood up and dusted her skirt rather angrily.

But Natsume was a fast person. He stood up first and he found himself in front of her. He moved closer to her, taking steps quietly one by one, never tearing his gaze away from Mikan.

"What're you doing?" Mikan felt herself tremble as she backed away from him until she felt the cold trunk of the Sakura Tree behind her back.

Natsume pinned her to the tree.

"I'm not letting you go." Natsume said darkly at which Mikan's eyes widened.

Mikan tried to struggle, pushing him away with her hands and giving him punches. Natsume didn't seem to mind her weak punches. Instead, he snaked both of his arms behind her waist and moved her body closer to his.

Natsume kissed Mikan urging her to respond. Mikan felt her defense weakening and she found herself responding to his kiss.

Natsume lifted his lips from hers, but continued to hold her in a tight embrace. Mikan opened and widened her eyes to the realization of what she had done. Her hands that were previously on Natsume's chest were now found snaked around our crimson eyed lad's neck.

Natsume trailed kisses from her cheeks to her earlobe and said, "Am I that good at kissing?"

Her entire world stopped.

Mikan's face was red. And because of that, she pushed Natsume away from her successfully.

She stomped her way back to the entrance of the hallway, her face still red, and shouted, "I HATE YOU NATSUME!"

Natsume let out a light laugh and sat under the Sakura tree once again.

"I love you too, Polka."



Author: YAY! I finished it! Was Natsume OOC here? Well, damn if he is. I'm really not that good. Care to review? Thank you! :D
