This is my first attempt on a Rurouni Kenshin fanfic, so please do not slay me mercilessly (like the Battousai heehee) if it stinks. (It actually popped into my head last night, and I probably should be working another of my stories, but… :) It takes place a bit before the two last chapters of the manga, so Kenji is in existence. YAY! (I love that kid so much!) Also, I'm having Sano and Megumi here. (I could not allow my story not to have them.)

Warning: This fic will have some Christian elements in it, so I'm sorry if you get offended. I don't mean to offend.

Disclaimer: Can I?

And excuse the swearing. I can't help it with Sano. He's got a dirty mouth.

The New Rurouni

Kenshin smiled at his young wife of four years. At the moment, Kaoru was smiling brightly and was almost dragging him around the market to look at the shops. They were having a date, just the two of them. Their son, Kenji (age three), was home at the dojo, being taken care of by Megumi and Sanosuke.

Sano had been pardoned from his "attack" on one of the former Ishin Shishi, so he had stayed with them in Tokyo. Soon after, he had proposed to Megumi (He beat me to that, thought Kenshin, laughing to himself.), who had accepted, but not without giving him a whack on the head for not asking sooner. They had already had a girl, who was the same age as Kenji, named Akane, and were expecting another child soon.

He looked again at Kaoru, who was in the midst of eyeing a kimono. Her face and eyes were bright with excitement. She had never lost that childlike innocence. Not like this one, he thought sadly.

"…like this one, Kenshin?...Kenshin?"

Kenshin looked up to see Kaoru, frowning.

"You weren't listening, were you?"

"Iie. This one is sorry, Kaoru-dono," Kenshin said, flashing his famous rurouni smile. He still had never dropped the –dono. Sometimes it was almost an endearment. "Sessha was too caught up with his thoughts."

"Then, stop thinking, Kenshin," Kaoru said, knowing that smile too well. "Enjoy yourself."

She was right as always, the one who kept him from losing his sanity, who had given him happiness, and he knew he did not deserve her. It was a thought that always plagued him. How could someone like her see him as something other than besides his past?

"Hai, Kaoru-dono." He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to his side.

"Kenshin!" she whispered fiercely, her eyes darting around, and her face turning as red as his hair. "We're in public."

He smiled mischievously. "Don't worry. This one won't do anything…yet." He guided her out from the center of town to the outskirts and pulled her behind a building and proceeded to kiss her.

Suddenly, Kenshin froze.

Kaoru saw his eyes narrow. "What is it, Kenshin?"

"There is some hostile ki."

"Where?" She tensed as well, sensing it, her fighting instincts kicking in as well.

"Nearby. It's not murderous though." Kenshin grabbed his wife's hand. "But it's enough to make sure someone is not in danger, that it is. Come."

The two of hurriedly followed the ki and heard hostile voices rising in the air. They hid behind a building and peeked out. To their horror, they saw a gang of boys pelting rocks at what looked like clump of cloth, but it was a man. He seemed to have collapsed from exhaustion, and now was at the mercy of these hostile boys.

"Gaijin!" they chanted and screamed.

Kenshin could see his wife's sapphire eyes fill with anger, and before he could stop her, Kaoru jumped out of her hiding place, bokken in hand.

How she pulls that out of thin air, Kenshin thought, I will never know.

"HEY!" Kaoru cried. "Just what do you think you're doing?" She proceeded to hit each boy on the head as punishment. Kenshin winced and rubbed his head subconsciously. Too many times he had received the same treatment. She was not the master of the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu for nothing.

The boys rubbed their own heads, as one, presumably the leader, answered, "Hey, lady! What did you do that for?"

"WHAT FOR?" Kaoru's anger was now at a peak. "You ganging up on an injured man!"

"But, he's a gaijin!" one protested.

"I don't care what he is! It gives you no right to hurt someone else!" She was almost about to hit them with her bokken again, but Kenshin came out of hiding and held her back.

"All right, Kaoru-dono. Sessha thinks that is enough hitting…" he was interrupted by whack to his own head. He fell to the ground, his eyes swirling. "Orrrroooo."

"Shut up, Kenshin! They deserve it!"

Kenshin thought what people would think if they knew that the legendary Hitoriki Battousai was being beaten up by a petite woman. He woozily returned to his feet, rubbing his head. "Hai, but this one thinks there might be a better way to tell them that, that he does."

That moment, Kenshin realized the protesting boys were silent and staring at him in shock.

"Are…are you…Himura Kenshin of the Kamiya Dojo?" the lead boy stuttered.

Kenshin smiled, his violet eyes crinkling. "Hai, and this one suggests you do as Kaoru-dono says, or you might have to face this one, that you might."

"Yes...yes sirrr!" They all scrambled to their feet and ran in retreat.

Kaoru had to smile. "You can still frighten people. You know that?"

Kenshin returned the smile sadly. "Hai, but this one does not wish to."

Kaoru nodded and turned to the injured man. She knelt beside him. "Sir? Daijoubu desuka?" Her only answer was a slight fluttering of his eyes, before he went back into unconsciousness. "He's unconscious and may need medical attention."

"Sessha will carry him. Megumi-dono can look him over."

"Hai," Kaoru agreed.


"I don't like the looks of him," Sagara Sanosuke said with a scowl. The stranger was a gaijin. But, he was not European. His skin was olive-toned; his hair brown and a scraggly beard framed his face.

His wife, Megumi, rolled her eyes. Currently, she was kneeling beside the still unconscious stranger, looking over his injuries. "You'd be suspicious of a fly, rooster-head." The corner of her mouth quirked upward. "Just like you're suspicious of trains and cameras."

"They suck out your soul! They really do!" he protested, loudly.

"You'll never change, idiot," said Megumi, sighing. "Now be quiet. This man needs to rest. "

"Fine, but my position still stands." Sanosuke's frown deepened. "He had a sword with him for crying out loud! Why the hell does he have one! They're illegal."

"SHH! Quiet down, you stupid rooster! He might have one, but so does Ken-san. How is this is any different?"

"Kenshin's is a sakabato. His is a…a…speaking of which, what kind of sword is?"

"It's a double-edged broad sword. A western sword, but more ancient kind." The couple turned to see Kenshin in the doorway, holding the stranger's sword. He unsheathed and looked down at it. "And a very well-made one at that. This one is surprised a man like him has such a sword as this, that he is."

Sanosuke joined his best friend's side and stared at it. The hilt was very ornate. It gave the sense that it was very old, but it still looked new, for the blade shined like silver and had no indentations.

"Huh. Well, I'll be damned. This still makes me suspicious though."

Kenshin gave a sheepish smile up at his friend. "You'll never change."

Sanosuke gave a grin. "Why should I?"


The next day, Kaoru was watching the stranger at the moment, as Megumi was getting something for the unconscious stranger. His appearance puzzled her to no end. She had never seen someone with features that he had. He must be from some country I've never heard of. Where did he come from?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of stirring. He was waking! His eyelids fluttered open, and he looked around groggily.

"Ohayo gozaimasu. If you are wondering where you are, you are in the Kamiya Dojo. I am Himura Kaoru," Kaoru greeted gently.

"Arigato, Himura-san," the stranger said politely, turning his gaze to her. Her eyes widen at how strong it was. Light blue eyes stared at her and seemed to pierce her.

"Ano…" she fumbled over her words. "You can just call me Kaoru. If you called me Himura-san, it would get confusing with my husband." A smile lit up her face.

He simply nodded, but she could tell he was amused. "As you wish, Kaoru-san."

"Gomen, Kaoru. I didn't mean to…Oh! He's awake!" Megumi exclaimed.

"Sir, this is Sagara Megumi. She's a friend of mine and a very good doctor," Kaoru introduced. Megumi blushed at Kaoru's compliment and bowed in greeting.

Suddenly, they were interrupted by a squeal of delight, as little Kenji ran into the room into Kaoru's arms, crying, "Kaa-san! Unca Sano is 'asing me!"

"You're not going to get away, Kenji!" Sanosuke appeared, the teasing clear in his voice. "Your okaa-san can't help you!"

Immediately, two hands slapped him, causing him to topple over. "Hey! What was that for!" Sano protested, rubbing his head.

Kaoru frowned, holding Kenji close to her. "You're bullying my child, Sanosuke!"

"I'm just teasing him! Geez! Wo- OW! Kitsune!" With a begging look, he looked up at his wife, who had slapped him again.

Megumi smirked. "That'll get you nowhere, rooster-head."

That moment, the sound of chuckling filled the air. The group turned to the stranger to see him laughing hysterically!

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to laugh at you. But I enjoy seeing people who have fun with one another…and…love each other."

Megumi scoffed. "Hah! Me love this idiot?"

"You don't really mean that. Ne, kitsune?" Sanosuke was now on his feet and pulled his wife toward him. "It's my child you're carrying."

"Excuse them," Kaoru told the stranger, a smile on her face. "They've always been like this, and I doubt they'll ever stop."

"Is he you and Tou-san bwought home?" asked Kenji, curiously.


Kenji took himself from his mother's hold and knelt beside the stranger. "You 'kay now?"

The stranger smiled at the little red-haired boy. "Aa, there's no need to worry about me."

Kenji cocked his head slightly and asked, "What's your name?"

Kaoru, Sanosuke, and Megumi looked at each other. Having been distracted by all the racket, they had forgotten to ask. Curious, they listened in.

"I've been called many things, little one," the stranger said. "But I suppose you can call me Yousha."

I am not writing down all the translations, because I'm going to be lazy, and most people who read anime/manga fics probably know what they mean. But, I will say one. Yousha means forgiveness. Hmm.