Hey there! :D Alright, so this is a sequel, in case you didn't know! So if you haven't read Winter's Eyes, then you should read that one first, otherwise you won't really understand this one, haha ^^ Anyways, I debated whether or not I should write a sequel, so I decided to leave it up to you guys... A lot of you said you would like a sequel, but some said they liked the way it was left off... So if you guys like this one, I'll continue writing it :) Anyways,, I hope you like it!


Hinata felt a small smile grace her lips. The sun shone high in the sky, warming her face and a breeze swam through her hair. Peace. It had been a while since she had felt this way; actually, she could barely remember a time when she had felt like this.

"Hey Hinata, don't stare into the sun! You got your eyesight back; you don't want to lose it again!" Hinata's eyes widened and she turned to see her friend, Sakura, smiling at her. Sakura was beautiful, with short, strange pink hair and sweet, shining green eyes. They had become close friends since they had met last year, after one of their friends Ino died. Hinata offered her a smile back.

"I-I was just l-looking at the b-birds… They're so happy…" Sakura smiled and came to stand beside her, looking up into the sky where, indeed, birds twittered and soared above their heads. Her smile widened.

"I wonder…" Hinata turned to her and saw the far-away look in Sakura's eyes.

"S-Sakura?" The pink haired girl's eyes turned somber.

"I wonder if Ino would have liked this… She absolutely loved the spring… She always said it was the best time for her flowers, the ones at her mom's shop." Hinata's eyes softened. After Ino's passing, Sakura had taken her job at Mrs. Yamanaka, Ino's mother's, flower shop.

"I'm s-sure she would have, S-Sakura," Hinata assured her softly. Sakura turned to her and smiled gratefully.

"Well, at least she's at peace now." Hinata's eyes still gazed at her softly, and she put a hesitant hand on her shoulder.

"I-I'm sure she would w-want us all to f-find our own peace…" Sakura smiled at her and giggled a little.

"You're starting to sound like her," she laughed, and Hinata smiled.

"Hey, Hinata! Sakura!" The two girls turned to see Naruto running towards them, and Sasuke walking calmly with his hands in his pockets behind him. Reaching them, Naruto grinned largely and caught Hinata's hand, turning her into a small twirl. She squeaked and crashed into him, and Naruto laughed.

"Hey guys," he greeted, grinning. Hinata, her face bright red, gave him a small smile back before ducking her head. Sasuke nodded to Hinata and slipped his hand into Sakura, who smiled at him.

"You guys ready to go?" Naruto asked, his smile wide, "Kiba and Shino'll be waiting for us. I haven't heard from the others, though."

The other three nodded and they started walking back the way they'd come. Hinata felt Naruto watching her and her face heated up. Finally she met his gaze questioningly.

"N-Naruto…? Is something w-wrong?" Naruto smiled at her and shook his head.

"Nothing, nothing. I was just thinking… Things have become kind of… peaceful, haven't they?" It was quiet, and the other three nodded in agreement. The trees and grass swayed in the breeze, and they were left in companionably silence that was only broken when Sasuke spoke.

"There'll be new kids today, though," he started lazily, meeting Naruto's eyes with a meaningful look, "So it may not stay like that." Naruto grinned and shrugged.

"Well then, we'll just have to help them find their own peace!"

Sooo...? :) I hope you liked it! It will get better, and longer, I promise! The others will come in later... Soon, most likely, and there will be a few new peoples... Anyhoosers ^^ Review and Stuff! BYESSSS!